Creating Sprites

There are different ways to create Sprites depending upon what you need to accomplish. You can create a Sprite from an image with various graphic formats including: PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and others. Let's go through some create methods and talk about each one.

Creating a Sprite

A Sprite can be created by specifying an image file to use.

auto mySprite = Sprite::create("mysprite.png");

The statement above creates a Sprite using the mysprite.png image. The result is that the created Sprite uses the whole image. Sprite has the same dimensions of mysprite.png. If the image file is 200 x 200 the resulting Sprite is 200 x 200.

Creating a Sprite with a Rect

In the previous example, the created Sprite has the same size as the original image file. If you want to create a Sprite with only a certain portion of the image file, you can do it by specifying a Rect.

Rect has 4 values: origin x, origin y, width and height.

auto mySprite = Sprite::create("mysprite.png", Rect(0,0,40,40));

Rect starts at the top left corner. This is the opposite of what you might be used to when laying out screen position as it starts from the lower left corner. Thus the resulting Sprite is only a portion of the image file. In this case the Sprite dimension is 40 x 40 starting at the top left corner.

If you don't specify a Rect, Cocos2d-x will automatically use the full width and height of the image file you specify. Take a look at the example below. If we use an image with dimensions 200 x 200 the following 2 statements would have the same result.

auto mySprite = Sprite::create("mysprite.png");

auto mySprite = Sprite::create("mysprite.png", Rect(0,0,200,200));

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