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UIDragPanel Class Reference

#include <CompatibleClasses.h>

Inheritance diagram for UIDragPanel:
UIScrollView UILayout UIScrollInterface UIWidget CCObject CCCopying

Static Public Member Functions

static UIDragPanelcreate ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UIScrollView
static UIScrollViewcreate ()
 Allocates and initializes. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UILayout
static UILayoutcreate ()
 Allocates and initializes a layout. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UIWidget
static UIWidgetcreate ()
 Allocates and initializes a widget. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool init ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from UIScrollView
virtual void initRenderer ()
var initRenderer ()
void moveChildren (float offsetX, float offsetY)
var moveChildren ( var offsetX, var offsetY)
void autoScrollChildren (float dt)
void bounceChildren (float dt)
var bounceChildren ( var dt)
void checkBounceBoundary ()
bool checkNeedBounce ()
var checkNeedBounce ()
void startAutoScrollChildrenWithOriginalSpeed (const CCPoint &dir, float v, bool attenuated, float acceleration)
var startAutoScrollChildrenWithOriginalSpeed ( var dir, var v, var attenuated, var acceleration)
void startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination (const CCPoint &des, float time, bool attenuated)
var startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination ( var des, var time, var attenuated)
void jumpToDestination (const CCPoint &des)
void stopAutoScrollChildren ()
void startBounceChildren (float v)
var startBounceChildren ( var v)
void stopBounceChildren ()
bool checkCustomScrollDestination (float *touchOffsetX, float *touchOffsetY)
virtual bool scrollChildren (float touchOffsetX, float touchOffsetY)
bool bounceScrollChildren (float touchOffsetX, float touchOffsetY)
var bounceScrollChildren ( var touchOffsetX, var touchOffsetY)
void startRecordSlidAction ()
virtual void endRecordSlidAction ()
var endRecordSlidAction ()
virtual void handlePressLogic (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
var handlePressLogic ( var touchPoint)
virtual void handleMoveLogic (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
virtual void handleReleaseLogic (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
virtual void interceptTouchEvent (int handleState, UIWidget *sender, const CCPoint &touchPoint)
var interceptTouchEvent ( var handleState, var sender, var touchPoint)
virtual void checkChildInfo (int handleState, UIWidget *sender, const CCPoint &touchPoint)
void recordSlidTime (float dt)
void scrollToTopEvent ()
void scrollToBottomEvent ()
var scrollToBottomEvent ()
void scrollToLeftEvent ()
var scrollToLeftEvent ()
void scrollToRightEvent ()
var scrollToRightEvent ()
void scrollingEvent ()
var scrollingEvent ()
void bounceTopEvent ()
var bounceTopEvent ()
void bounceBottomEvent ()
var bounceBottomEvent ()
void bounceLeftEvent ()
void bounceRightEvent ()
var bounceRightEvent ()
virtual void onSizeChanged ()
virtual UIWidgetcreateCloneInstance ()
virtual void copySpecialProperties (UIWidget *model)
virtual void copyClonedWidgetChildren (UIWidget *model)
virtual void setClippingEnable (bool is)
 These methods will be removed. More...
var setClippingEnable ( var is)
 These methods will be removed. More...
virtual void setClippingEnabled (bool able)
 Changes if layout can clip it's content and child. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from UILayout
void addBackGroundImage ()
void supplyTheLayoutParameterLackToChild (UIWidget *child)
var supplyTheLayoutParameterLackToChild ( var child)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from UIWidget
virtual void onPressStateChangedToNormal ()
virtual void onPressStateChangedToPressed ()
virtual void onPressStateChangedToDisabled ()
void pushDownEvent ()
void moveEvent ()
void releaseUpEvent ()
void cancelUpEvent ()
void longClickEvent ()
void updateAnchorPoint ()
var updateAnchorPoint ()
void copyProperties (UIWidget *model)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from UIScrollView
 UIScrollView ()
virtual ~UIScrollView ()
 Default destructor. More...
virtual void setDirection (SCROLLVIEW_DIR dir)
 Changes scroll direction of scrollview. More...
var setDirection ( var dir)
 Changes scroll direction of scrollview. More...
SCROLLVIEW_DIR getDirection ()
 Gets scroll direction of scrollview. More...
UILayoutgetInnerContainer ()
 Gets inner container of scrollview. More...
void scrollToBottom (float time, bool attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to bottom boundary of scrollview. More...
void scrollToTop (float time, bool attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to top boundary of scrollview. More...
var scrollToTop ( var time, var attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to top boundary of scrollview. More...
void scrollToLeft (float time, bool attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to left boundary of scrollview. More...
var scrollToLeft ( var time, var attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to left boundary of scrollview. More...
void scrollToRight (float time, bool attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to right boundary of scrollview. More...
var scrollToRight ( var time, var attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to right boundary of scrollview. More...
void scrollToTopLeft (float time, bool attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to top and left boundary of scrollview. More...
var scrollToTopLeft ( var time, var attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to top and left boundary of scrollview. More...
void scrollToTopRight (float time, bool attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to top and right boundary of scrollview. More...
void scrollToBottomLeft (float time, bool attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to bottom and left boundary of scrollview. More...
void scrollToBottomRight (float time, bool attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to bottom and right boundary of scrollview. More...
void scrollToPercentVertical (float percent, float time, bool attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to vertical percent position of scrollview. More...
void scrollToPercentHorizontal (float percent, float time, bool attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to horizontal percent position of scrollview. More...
void scrollToPercentBothDirection (const CCPoint &percent, float time, bool attenuated)
 Scroll inner container to both direction percent position of scrollview. More...
void jumpToBottom ()
 Move inner container to bottom boundary of scrollview. More...
void jumpToTop ()
 Move inner container to top boundary of scrollview. More...
var jumpToTop ()
 Move inner container to top boundary of scrollview. More...
void jumpToLeft ()
 Move inner container to left boundary of scrollview. More...
var jumpToLeft ()
 Move inner container to left boundary of scrollview. More...
void jumpToRight ()
 Move inner container to right boundary of scrollview. More...
var jumpToRight ()
 Move inner container to right boundary of scrollview. More...
void jumpToTopLeft ()
 Move inner container to top and left boundary of scrollview. More...
var jumpToTopLeft ()
 Move inner container to top and left boundary of scrollview. More...
void jumpToTopRight ()
 Move inner container to top and right boundary of scrollview. More...
var jumpToTopRight ()
 Move inner container to top and right boundary of scrollview. More...
void jumpToBottomLeft ()
 Move inner container to bottom and left boundary of scrollview. More...
var jumpToBottomLeft ()
 Move inner container to bottom and left boundary of scrollview. More...
void jumpToBottomRight ()
 Move inner container to bottom and right boundary of scrollview. More...
void jumpToPercentVertical (float percent)
 Move inner container to vertical percent position of scrollview. More...
void jumpToPercentHorizontal (float percent)
 Move inner container to horizontal percent position of scrollview. More...
void jumpToPercentBothDirection (const CCPoint &percent)
 Move inner container to both direction percent position of scrollview. More...
void setInnerContainerSize (const CCSize &size)
 Changes inner container size of scrollview. More...
const CCSizegetInnerContainerSize () const
 Gets inner container size of scrollview. More...
void addEventListenerScrollView (CCObject *target, SEL_ScrollViewEvent selector)
 Add call back function called scrollview event triggered. More...
void addScrollToTopEvent (CCObject *target, SEL_ScrollToTopEvent selector)
 Add call back function called when scrollview scrolled to top. More...
var addScrollToTopEvent ( var target, var selector)
 Add call back function called when scrollview scrolled to top. More...
void addScrollToBottomEvent (CCObject *target, SEL_ScrollToBottomEvent selector)
 Add call back function called when scrollview scrolled to bottom. More...
void addScrollToLeftEvent (CCObject *target, SEL_ScrollToLeftEvent selector)
 Add call back function called when scrollview scrolled to left. More...
var addScrollToLeftEvent ( var target, var selector)
 Add call back function called when scrollview scrolled to left. More...
void addScrollToRightEvent (CCObject *target, SEL_ScrollToRightEvent selector)
 Add call back function called when scrollview scrolled to right. More...
var addScrollToRightEvent ( var target, var selector)
 Add call back function called when scrollview scrolled to right. More...
virtual bool addChild (UIWidget *widget)
 Adds a child to the container. More...
virtual void removeAllChildren ()
 Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter. More...
virtual bool removeChild (UIWidget *child)
 Removes a child from the container with a cleanup. More...
var removeChild ( var child)
 Removes a child from the container with a cleanup. More...
virtual CCArraygetChildren ()
 Return an array of children. More...
virtual bool onTouchBegan (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch began. More...
var onTouchBegan ( var touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch began. More...
virtual void onTouchMoved (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch moved. More...
virtual void onTouchEnded (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch ended. More...
var onTouchEnded ( var touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch ended. More...
virtual void onTouchCancelled (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch canceled. More...
virtual void onTouchLongClicked (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch long clicked. More...
virtual void update (float dt)
var update ( var dt)
void setBounceEnabled (bool enabled)
var setBounceEnabled ( var enabled)
bool isBounceEnabled () const
var isBounceEnabled ()
void setInertiaScrollEnabled (bool enabled)
var setInertiaScrollEnabled ( var enabled)
bool isInertiaScrollEnabled () const
virtual void setLayoutType (LayoutType type)
 Sets LayoutType. More...
virtual LayoutType getLayoutType () const
 Gets LayoutType. More...
virtual void doLayout ()
virtual const char * getDescription () const
 Returns the "class name" of widget. More...
var getDescription ()
 Returns the "class name" of widget. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from CCObject
unsigned int m_uID
int m_nLuaID
- Protected Attributes inherited from UIScrollView
var m_eDirection
CCPoint m_touchBeganPoint
var m_touchBeganPoint
CCPoint m_touchMovedPoint
var m_touchMovedPoint
CCPoint m_touchEndedPoint
var m_touchEndedPoint
CCPoint m_touchMovingPoint
var m_touchMovingPoint
CCPoint m_autoScrollDir
var m_autoScrollDir
float m_fTopBoundary
var m_fTopBoundary
float m_fBottomBoundary
var m_fBottomBoundary
float m_fLeftBoundary
var m_fLeftBoundary
float m_fRightBoundary
var m_fRightBoundary
float m_fBounceTopBoundary
var m_fBounceTopBoundary
float m_fBounceBottomBoundary
var m_fBounceBottomBoundary
float m_fBounceLeftBoundary
var m_fBounceLeftBoundary
float m_fBounceRightBoundary
var m_fBounceRightBoundary
bool m_bAutoScroll
var m_bAutoScroll
float m_fAutoScrollAddUpTime
var m_fAutoScrollAddUpTime
float m_fAutoScrollOriginalSpeed
var m_fAutoScrollOriginalSpeed
float m_fAutoScrollAcceleration
var m_fAutoScrollAcceleration
bool m_bIsAutoScrollSpeedAttenuated
var m_bIsAutoScrollSpeedAttenuated
bool m_bNeedCheckAutoScrollDestination
var m_bNeedCheckAutoScrollDestination
CCPoint m_autoScrollDestination
bool m_bBePressed
float m_fSlidTime
var m_fSlidTime
CCPoint moveChildPoint
var moveChildPoint
float m_fChildFocusCancelOffset
var m_fChildFocusCancelOffset
bool m_bLeftBounceNeeded
var m_bLeftBounceNeeded
bool m_bTopBounceNeeded
var m_bTopBounceNeeded
bool m_bRightBounceNeeded
var m_bRightBounceNeeded
bool m_bBottomBounceNeeded
var m_bBottomBounceNeeded
bool m_bBounceEnabled
var m_bBounceEnabled
bool m_bBouncing
var m_bBouncing
CCPoint m_bounceDir
var m_bounceDir
float m_fBounceOriginalSpeed
var m_fBounceOriginalSpeed
bool m_bInertiaScrollEnabled
var m_bInertiaScrollEnabled
var m_pScrollViewEventListener
SEL_ScrollViewEvent m_pfnScrollViewEventSelector
var m_pfnScrollViewEventSelector
var m_pScrollToTopListener
SEL_ScrollToTopEvent m_pfnScrollToTopSelector
var m_pfnScrollToTopSelector
var m_pScrollToBottomListener
SEL_ScrollToBottomEvent m_pfnScrollToBottomSelector
SEL_ScrollToLeftEvent m_pfnScrollToLeftSelector
var m_pfnScrollToLeftSelector
var m_pScrollToRightListener
SEL_ScrollToRightEvent m_pfnScrollToRightSelector

Member Function Documentation

static UIDragPanel* create ( void  )
virtual bool init ( void  )

Reimplemented from UIScrollView.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: