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UISwitch Class Reference

#include <UISwitch.h>

Inheritance diagram for UISwitch:
UIWidget CCObject CCCopying

Public Member Functions

 UISwitch ()
virtual ~UISwitch ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from UIWidget
 UIWidget (void)
virtual ~UIWidget ()
 Default destructor. More...
virtual void setEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether the widget is enabled. More...
bool isEnabled () const
 Determines if the widget is enabled. More...
void setVisible (bool visible)
 Sets whether the widget is visible. More...
bool isVisible () const
 Determines if the widget is visible. More...
void setBright (bool bright)
 Sets whether the widget is bright. More...
bool isBright () const
 Determines if the widget is bright. More...
virtual void setTouchEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether the widget is touch enabled. More...
void setBrightStyle (BrightStyle style)
 To set the bright style of widget. More...
bool isTouchEnabled () const
 Determines if the widget is touch enabled. More...
bool isFocused () const
 Determines if the widget is on focused. More...
void setFocused (bool fucosed)
 Sets whether the widget is on focused. More...
void setZOrder (int z)
 Sets the Z order which stands for the drawing order, and reorder this widget in its parent's children array. More...
int getZOrder ()
 Gets the Z order of this widget. More...
float getLeftInParent ()
 Gets the left boundary position of this widget. More...
float getBottomInParent ()
 Gets the bottom boundary position of this widget. More...
var getBottomInParent ()
 Gets the bottom boundary position of this widget. More...
float getRightInParent ()
 Gets the right boundary position of this widget. More...
float getTopInParent ()
 Gets the top boundary position of this widget. More...
virtual bool addChild (UIWidget *child)
 Adds a child to the container. More...
virtual bool removeChild (UIWidget *child)
 Removes a child from the container with a cleanup. More...
virtual void removeFromParent ()
 Removes this widget itself from its parent widget. More...
virtual void removeAllChildren ()
 Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter. More...
virtual void reorderChild (UIWidget *child)
 Reorders a child according to a new z value. More...
UIWidgetgetChildByName (const char *name)
 Gets a child from the container with its name. More...
UIWidgetgetChildByTag (int tag)
 Gets a child from the container with its tag. More...
virtual CCArraygetChildren ()
 Return an array of children. More...
CCNodegetRenderer ()
 Gets the renderer of widget. More...
void addRenderer (CCNode *renderer, int zOrder)
 Add a CCNode for rendering. More...
void removeRenderer (CCNode *renderer, bool cleanup)
 Remove a CCNode from widget. More...
void setParent (UIWidget *parent)
 Sets the parent widget. More...
UIWidgetgetParent ()
 Returns a pointer to the parent widget. More...
void addTouchEventListener (CCObject *target, SEL_TouchEvent selector)
 Sets the touch event target/selector of the menu item. More...
var addTouchEventListener ( var target, var selector)
 Sets the touch event target/selector of the menu item. More...
void setPosition (const CCPoint &pos)
 Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
void setPositionPercent (const CCPoint &percent)
 Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
var setPositionPercent ( var percent)
 Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
const CCPointgetPosition ()
 Gets the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
const CCPointgetPositionPercent ()
 Gets the percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
void setPositionType (PositionType type)
 Changes the position type of the widget. More...
PositionType getPositionType () const
 Gets the position type of the widget. More...
virtual void setAnchorPoint (const CCPoint &pt)
 Sets the anchor point in percent. More...
const CCPointgetAnchorPoint ()
 Returns the anchor point in percent. More...
virtual void setScale (float fScale)
 Changes both X and Y scale factor of the widget. More...
float getScale ()
 Gets the scale factor of the widget, when X and Y have the same scale factor. More...
virtual void setScaleX (float fScaleX)
 Changes the scale factor on X axis of this widget. More...
float getScaleX ()
 Returns the scale factor on X axis of this widget. More...
virtual void setScaleY (float fScaleY)
 Changes the scale factor on Y axis of this widget. More...
float getScaleY ()
 Returns the scale factor on Y axis of this widget. More...
void setRotation (float rotation)
 Sets the rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees. More...
float getRotation ()
 Returns the rotation of the widget in degrees. More...
void setRotationX (float rotationX)
 Sets the X rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew. More...
float getRotationX ()
 Gets the X rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a horizontal rotation skew. More...
void setRotationY (float rotationY)
 Sets the Y rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More...
float getRotationY ()
 Gets the Y rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More...
virtual void setFlipX (bool flipX)
 Sets whether the widget should be flipped horizontally or not. More...
virtual bool isFlipX ()
 Returns the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped horizontally or not. More...
virtual void setFlipY (bool flipY)
 Sets whether the widget should be flipped vertically or not. More...
virtual bool isFlipY ()
 Return the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped vertically or not. More...
virtual void setColor (const ccColor3B &color)
 Sets color to widget. More...
virtual const ccColor3BgetColor ()
 Gets color of widget. More...
virtual void setOpacity (int opacity)
 Sets opacity to widget. More...
virtual int getOpacity ()
 Gets opacity of widget. More...
virtual bool isCascadeOpacityEnabled ()
virtual void setCascadeOpacityEnabled (bool cascadeOpacityEnabled)
virtual bool isCascadeColorEnabled ()
virtual void setCascadeColorEnabled (bool cascadeColorEnabled)
void setBlendFunc (ccBlendFunc blendFunc)
virtual void setActionManager (CCActionManager *actionManager)
virtual CCActionManagergetActionManager ()
CCActionrunAction (CCAction *action)
void stopAllActions (void)
void stopAction (CCAction *action)
void stopActionByTag (int tag)
CCActiongetActionByTag (int tag)
void didNotSelectSelf ()
 A call back function when widget lost of focus. More...
var didNotSelectSelf ()
 A call back function when widget lost of focus. More...
bool clippingParentAreaContainPoint (const CCPoint &pt)
virtual void checkChildInfo (int handleState, UIWidget *sender, const CCPoint &touchPoint)
const CCPointgetTouchStartPos ()
const CCPointgetTouchMovePos ()
const CCPointgetTouchEndPos ()
void setTag (int tag)
 Changes the tag that is used to identify the widget easily. More...
int getTag () const
 Returns a tag that is used to identify the widget easily. More...
void setName (const char *name)
 Changes the name that is used to identify the widget easily. More...
const char * getName () const
 Returns a name that is used to identify the widget easily. More...
var getName ()
 Returns a name that is used to identify the widget easily. More...
WidgetType getWidgetType () const
 Returns a type that is widget's type. More...
virtual void setSize (const CCSize &size)
 Changes the size that is widget's size. More...
virtual void setSizePercent (const CCPoint &percent)
 Changes the percent that is widget's percent size. More...
void setSizeType (SizeType type)
 Changes the size type of widget. More...
SizeType getSizeType () const
 Gets the size type of widget. More...
const CCSizegetSize () const
 Returns size of widget. More...
const CCPointgetSizePercent () const
 Returns size percent of widget. More...
virtual bool hitTest (const CCPoint &pt)
 Checks a point if is in widget's space. More...
virtual bool onTouchBegan (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch began. More...
virtual void onTouchMoved (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch moved. More...
virtual void onTouchEnded (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch ended. More...
virtual void onTouchCancelled (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch canceled. More...
virtual void onTouchLongClicked (const CCPoint &touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch long clicked. More...
var onTouchLongClicked ( var touchPoint)
 A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch long clicked. More...
void setLayoutParameter (UILayoutParameter *parameter)
 Sets a LayoutParameter to widget. More...
UILayoutParametergetLayoutParameter (LayoutParameterType type)
 Gets LayoutParameter of widget. More...
virtual void ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (bool ignore)
 Ignore the widget size. More...
bool isIgnoreContentAdaptWithSize () const
 Gets the widget if is ignore it's size. More...
CCPoint getWorldPosition ()
 Gets world position of widget. More...
CCPoint convertToWorldSpace (const CCPoint &pt)
 Converts a Point to world space coordinates. More...
virtual CCNodegetVirtualRenderer ()
 Gets the Virtual Renderer of widget. More...
void setUpdateEnabled (bool enable)
 Schedules the "update" method. More...
bool isUpdateEnabled ()
 is the "update" method scheduled. More...
virtual const CCSizegetContentSize () const
 Gets the content size of widget. More...
virtual const char * getDescription () const
 Returns the "class name" of widget. More...
UIWidgetclone ()
virtual void onEnter ()
virtual void onExit ()
virtual CCObjectgetUserObject ()
 Returns a user assigned CCObject. More...
virtual void setUserObject (CCObject *pUserObject)
 Returns a user assigned CCObject. More...
void setTouchEnable (bool enabled, bool containChildren=false)
 These methods will be removed. More...
void disable (bool containChildren=false)
void active (bool containChildren=false)
bool isActive ()
var isActive ()
void setBright (bool bright, bool containChild)
CCRect getRect ()
CCNodegetValidNode ()
void setWidgetZOrder (int z)
int getWidgetZOrder ()
float getRelativeLeftPos ()
var getRelativeLeftPos ()
float getRelativeBottomPos ()
float getRelativeRightPos ()
float getRelativeTopPos ()
CCNodegetContainerNode ()
void setWidgetParent (UIWidget *parent)
UIWidgetgetWidgetParent ()
void setWidgetTag (int tag)
int getWidgetTag ()
void addCCNode (CCNode *node)
void addPushDownEvent (CCObject *target, SEL_PushEvent selector)
var addPushDownEvent ( var target, var selector)
void addMoveEvent (CCObject *target, SEL_MoveEvent selector)
void addReleaseEvent (CCObject *target, SEL_ReleaseEvent selector)
void addCancelEvent (CCObject *target, SEL_CancelEvent selector)
bool removeChild (UIWidget *child, bool cleanup)
void removeFromParentAndCleanup (bool cleanup)
void removeAllChildrenAndCleanUp (bool cleanup)
void setActionTag (int tag)
int getActionTag ()
void updateSizeAndPosition ()
var updateSizeAndPosition ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CCObject
 CCObject (void)
virtual ~CCObject (void)
void release (void)
void retain (void)
CCObjectautorelease (void)
CCObjectcopy (void)
bool isSingleReference (void) const
unsigned int retainCount (void) const
virtual bool isEqual (const CCObject *pObject)
virtual void acceptVisitor (CCDataVisitor &visitor)
virtual void update (float dt)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CCCopying
virtual CCObjectcopyWithZone (CCZone *pZone)

Static Public Member Functions

static UISwitchcreate ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UIWidget
static UIWidgetcreate ()
 Allocates and initializes a widget. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from CCObject
unsigned int m_uID
int m_nLuaID
- Protected Member Functions inherited from UIWidget
virtual void onSizeChanged ()
virtual bool init ()
virtual void initRenderer ()
virtual void onPressStateChangedToNormal ()
virtual void onPressStateChangedToPressed ()
virtual void onPressStateChangedToDisabled ()
void pushDownEvent ()
void moveEvent ()
void releaseUpEvent ()
void cancelUpEvent ()
void longClickEvent ()
void updateAnchorPoint ()
var updateAnchorPoint ()
void copyProperties (UIWidget *model)
virtual UIWidgetcreateCloneInstance ()
virtual void copySpecialProperties (UIWidget *model)
virtual void copyClonedWidgetChildren (UIWidget *model)
- Protected Attributes inherited from UIWidget
bool m_bEnabled
 Highest control of widget. More...
bool m_bVisible
 is this widget visible More...
bool m_bBright
 is this widget bright More...
bool m_bTouchEnabled
 is this widget touch endabled More...
var m_bTouchEnabled
 is this widget touch endabled More...
bool m_bTouchPassedEnabled
 is the touch event should be passed More...
bool m_bFocus
 is the widget on focus More...
int m_nWidgetZOrder
 z-order value that affects the draw order and touch order More...
CCPoint m_anchorPoint
 anchor point normalized More...
 parent of widget More...
var m_pWidgetParent
 parent of widget More...
BrightStyle m_eBrightStyle
 bright style More...
bool m_bUpdateEnabled
 is "update" method scheduled More...
var m_bUpdateEnabled
 is "update" method scheduled More...
 base renderer More...
CCPoint m_touchStartPos
 touch began point More...
var m_touchStartPos
 touch began point More...
CCPoint m_touchMovePos
 touch moved point More...
CCPoint m_touchEndPos
 touch ended point More...
var m_touchEndPos
 touch ended point More...
SEL_TouchEvent m_pfnTouchEventSelector
var m_pfnTouchEventSelector
int m_nWidgetTag
std::string m_strName
var m_strName
WidgetType m_WidgetType
var m_WidgetType
int m_nActionTag
var m_nActionTag
CCSize m_size
var m_size
CCSize m_customSize
var m_customSize
var m_pLayoutParameterDictionary
bool m_bIgnoreSize
var m_bIgnoreSize
var m_children
bool m_bAffectByClipping
var m_bAffectByClipping
SizeType m_eSizeType
var m_eSizeType
CCPoint m_sizePercent
var m_sizePercent
PositionType m_ePositionType
var m_ePositionType
CCPoint m_positionPercent
var m_positionPercent
bool m_bIsRunning
var m_pUserObject
var m_pPushListener
SEL_PushEvent m_pfnPushSelector
var m_pfnPushSelector
SEL_MoveEvent m_pfnMoveSelector
var m_pfnMoveSelector
SEL_ReleaseEvent m_pfnReleaseSelector
var m_pfnReleaseSelector
var m_pCancelListener
SEL_ReleaseEvent m_pfnCancelSelector
var m_pfnCancelSelector

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UISwitch ( )
virtual ~UISwitch ( )

Member Function Documentation

static UISwitch* create ( )

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