Cocos2d-x  v4


class  Action
 Base class for Action objects. More...
class  FiniteTimeAction
 Base class actions that do have a finite time duration. Possible actions: More...
class  Speed
 Changes the speed of an action, making it take longer (speed>1) or shorter (speed<1) time. Useful to simulate 'slow motion' or 'fast forward' effect. More...
class  Follow
 Follow is an action that "follows" a node. Eg: More...
class  ActionCamera
 Base class for Camera actions. More...
class  OrbitCamera
 OrbitCamera action. Orbits the camera around the center of the screen using spherical coordinates. More...
class  PointArray
 An Array that contain control points. More...
class  CardinalSplineTo
class  CardinalSplineBy
class  CatmullRomTo
class  CatmullRomBy
class  ActionEase
 Base class for Easing actions. More...
class  EaseRateAction
 Base class for Easing actions with rate parameters. More...
class  EaseExponentialIn
 Ease Exponential In action. More...
class  EaseExponentialOut
 Ease Exponential Out. More...
class  EaseExponentialInOut
 Ease Exponential InOut. More...
class  EaseSineIn
 Ease Sine In. More...
class  EaseSineOut
 Ease Sine Out. More...
class  EaseSineInOut
 Ease Sine InOut. More...
class  EaseBounce
 EaseBounce abstract class. More...
class  EaseBounceIn
 EaseBounceIn action. More...
class  EaseBounceOut
 EaseBounceOut action. More...
class  EaseBounceInOut
 EaseBounceInOut action. More...
class  EaseBackIn
 EaseBackIn action. More...
class  EaseBackOut
 EaseBackOut action. More...
class  EaseBackInOut
 EaseBackInOut action. More...
class  EaseQuadraticActionIn
 Ease Quadratic In. More...
class  EaseQuadraticActionOut
 Ease Quadratic Out. More...
class  EaseQuadraticActionInOut
 Ease Quadratic InOut. More...
class  EaseQuarticActionIn
 Ease Quartic In. More...
class  EaseQuarticActionOut
 Ease Quartic Out. More...
class  EaseQuarticActionInOut
 Ease Quartic InOut. More...
class  EaseQuinticActionIn
 Ease Quintic In. More...
class  EaseQuinticActionOut
 Ease Quintic Out. More...
class  EaseQuinticActionInOut
 Ease Quintic InOut. More...
class  EaseCircleActionIn
 Ease Circle In. More...
class  EaseCircleActionOut
 Ease Circle Out. More...
class  EaseCircleActionInOut
 Ease Circle InOut. More...
class  EaseCubicActionIn
 Ease Cubic In. More...
class  EaseCubicActionOut
 Ease Cubic Out. More...
class  EaseCubicActionInOut
 Ease Cubic InOut. More...
class  EaseIn
 EaseIn action with a rate. More...
class  EaseOut
 EaseOut action with a rate. More...
class  EaseInOut
 EaseInOut action with a rate. More...
class  EaseElastic
 Ease Elastic abstract class. More...
class  EaseElasticIn
 Ease Elastic In action. More...
class  EaseElasticOut
 Ease Elastic Out action. More...
class  EaseElasticInOut
 Ease Elastic InOut action. More...
class  EaseBezierAction
 Ease Bezier. More...
class  GridAction
 Base class for Grid actions. More...
class  Grid3DAction
 Base class for Grid3D actions. More...
class  TiledGrid3DAction
 Base class for TiledGrid3D actions. More...
class  AccelDeccelAmplitude
 AccelDeccelAmplitude action. More...
class  AccelAmplitude
 AccelAmplitude action. More...
class  DeccelAmplitude
 DeccelAmplitude action. More...
class  StopGrid
 StopGrid action. More...
class  ReuseGrid
 ReuseGrid action. More...
class  Waves3D
 Waves3D action. More...
class  FlipX3D
 FlipX3D action. More...
class  FlipY3D
 FlipY3D action. More...
class  Lens3D
 Lens3D action. More...
class  Ripple3D
 Ripple3D action. More...
class  Shaky3D
 Shaky3D action. More...
class  Liquid
 Liquid action. More...
class  Waves
 Waves action. More...
class  Twirl
 Twirl action. More...
class  ActionInstant
 Instant actions are immediate actions. They don't have a duration like the IntervalAction actions. More...
class  Show
 Show the node. More...
class  Hide
 Hide the node. More...
class  ToggleVisibility
 Toggles the visibility of a node. More...
class  RemoveSelf
 Remove the node. More...
class  FlipX
 Flips the sprite horizontally. More...
class  FlipY
 Flips the sprite vertically. More...
class  Place
 Places the node in a certain position. More...
class  CallFunc
 Calls a 'callback'. More...
class  CallFuncN
 Calls a 'callback' with the node as the first argument. N means Node. @js NA. More...
class  ActionInterval
 An interval action is an action that takes place within a certain period of time. It has an start time, and a finish time. The finish time is the parameter duration plus the start time. More...
class  Sequence
 Runs actions sequentially, one after another. More...
class  Repeat
 Repeats an action a number of times. To repeat an action forever use the RepeatForever action. More...
class  RepeatForever
 Repeats an action for ever. To repeat the an action for a limited number of times use the Repeat action. More...
class  Spawn
 Spawn a new action immediately. More...
class  RotateTo
 Rotates a Node object to a certain angle by modifying it's rotation attribute. The direction will be decided by the shortest angle. More...
class  RotateBy
 Rotates a Node object clockwise a number of degrees by modifying it's rotation attribute. More...
class  MoveBy
 Moves a Node object x,y pixels by modifying it's position attribute. x and y are relative to the position of the object. Several MoveBy actions can be concurrently called, and the resulting movement will be the sum of individual movements. More...
class  MoveTo
 Moves a Node object to the position x,y. x and y are absolute coordinates by modifying it's position attribute. Several MoveTo actions can be concurrently called, and the resulting movement will be the sum of individual movements. More...
class  SkewTo
 Skews a Node object to given angles by modifying it's skewX and skewY attributes. More...
class  SkewBy
 Skews a Node object by skewX and skewY degrees. More...
class  ResizeTo
 Resize a Node object to the final size by modifying it's Size attribute. More...
class  ResizeBy
 Resize a Node object by a Size. Works on all nodes where setContentSize is effective. But it's mostly useful for nodes where 9-slice is enabled. More...
class  JumpBy
 Moves a Node object simulating a parabolic jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class  JumpTo
 Moves a Node object to a parabolic position simulating a jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class  BezierBy
 An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve by a certain distance. More...
class  BezierTo
 An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve to a destination point. More...
class  ScaleTo
 Scales a Node object to a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More...
class  ScaleBy
 Scales a Node object a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More...
class  Blink
 Blinks a Node object by modifying it's visible attribute. More...
class  FadeTo
 Fades an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. It modifies the opacity from the current value to a custom one. More...
class  FadeIn
 Fades In an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. It modifies the opacity from 0 to 255. The "reverse" of this action is FadeOut. More...
class  FadeOut
 Fades Out an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. It modifies the opacity from 255 to 0. The "reverse" of this action is FadeIn. More...
class  TintTo
 Tints a Node that implements the NodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More...
class  TintBy
 Tints a Node that implements the NodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More...
class  DelayTime
 Delays the action a certain amount of seconds. More...
class  ReverseTime
 Executes an action in reverse order, from time=duration to time=0. More...
class  Animate
 Animates a sprite given the name of an Animation. More...
class  TargetedAction
 Overrides the target of an action so that it always runs on the target specified at action creation rather than the one specified by runAction. More...
class  ActionFloat
 Action used to animate any value in range [from,to] over specified time interval. More...
class  ActionManager
 ActionManager is a singleton that manages all the actions. Normally you won't need to use this singleton directly. 99% of the cases you will use the Node interface, which uses this singleton. But there are some cases where you might need to use this singleton. Examples: More...
class  PageTurn3D
 This action simulates a page turn from the bottom right hand corner of the screen. More...
class  ProgressTo
 Progress to percentage. More...
class  ProgressFromTo
 Progress from a percentage to another percentage. More...
class  ShakyTiles3D
 ShakyTiles3D action. More...
class  ShatteredTiles3D
 ShatteredTiles3D action. More...
class  ShuffleTiles
 ShuffleTiles action. More...
class  FadeOutTRTiles
 FadeOutTRTiles action. More...
class  FadeOutBLTiles
 FadeOutBLTiles action. More...
class  FadeOutUpTiles
 FadeOutUpTiles action. More...
class  FadeOutDownTiles
 FadeOutDownTiles action. More...
class  TurnOffTiles
 TurnOffTiles action. More...
class  WavesTiles3D
 WavesTiles3D action. More...
class  JumpTiles3D
 JumpTiles3D action. More...
class  SplitRows
 SplitRows action. More...
class  SplitCols
 SplitCols action. More...
class  ActionTweenDelegate
 The delegate class for ActionTween. More...
class  ActionTween
 ActionTween. More...


Vec2 ccCardinalSplineAt (const Vec2 &p0, const Vec2 &p1, const Vec2 &p2, const Vec2 &p3, float tension, float t)
 Returns the Cardinal Spline position for a given set of control points, tension and time.

Detailed Description