Cocos Creator API


Cocos Creator is a highly customizable game development tool that utilizes the power of cocos2d-x.


: anysdk

The callback of REC system

kRECInitSuccess Number

The callback of succeeding in initing sdk

kRECInitFail Number

The callback of failing to init sdk.

kRECStartRecording Number

The callback of starting to record.

kRECStopRecording Number

The callback of stoping to record.

kRECPauseRecording Number

The callback of pausing to record.

kRECResumeRecording Number

The callback of resuming to record.

kRECEnterSDKPage Number

The callback of entering SDK`s page.

kRECQuitSDKPage Number

The callback of quiting SDK`s page.

kRECShareSuccess Number

The callback of succeeding in initing sdk

kRECShareFail Number

The callback of failing to share.

kRECExtension Number

The extension code of REC system

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