Cocos Creator API


Cocos Creator is a highly customizable game development tool that utilizes the power of cocos2d-x.


Base class actions that do have a finite time duration.
Possible actions:

  • An action with a duration of 0 seconds.
  • An action with a duration of 35.5 seconds.

Infinite time actions are valid

getDuration ( ) Number

get duration of the action. (seconds).


: Number

  • duration

set duration of the action. (seconds).

duration Number

reverse ( ) Null

Returns a reversed action.
For example:

  • The action will be x coordinates of 0 move to 100.
  • The reversed action will be x of 100 move to 0.
  • Will be rewritten


: Null

clone ( ) FiniteTimeAction

to copy object with deep copy. returns a clone of action.

isDone ( ) Boolean

return true if the action has finished.


getTarget ( ) Node

get the target.


: Node

  • target

The action will modify the target properties.

target Node

getOriginalTarget ( ) Node

get the original target.


: Node

getTag ( ) Number

get tag number.


: Number

  • tag

set tag number.

tag Number

There are no methods that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index