Cocos Creator API


Cocos Creator is a highly customizable game development tool that utilizes the power of cocos2d-x.


: cc

cc.EditBox is a component for inputing text, you can use it to gather small amounts of text from users.

string String

Input string of EditBox.

backGroundImage SpriteFrame

The background image of EditBox.

returnType EditBox.KeyboardReturnType

The return key type of EditBox. Note: it is meaningless for web platforms and desktop platforms.

inputFlag EditBox.InputFlag

Set the input flags that are to be applied to the EditBox.

inputMode EditBox.InputMode

Set the input mode of the edit box. If you pass ANY, it will create a multiline EditBox.

fontSize Number

Font size of the input text.

lineHeight Number

Change the lineHeight of displayed text.

fontColor Color

Font color of the input text.

placeholder String

The display text of placeholder.

placeholderFontSize Number

The font size of placeholder.

placeholderFontColor Color

The font color of placeholder.

maxLength Number

The maximize input length of EditBox.

stayOnTop Boolean

The input is always visible and be on top of the game view. !zh 输入框总是可见,并且永远在游戏视图的上面 Note: only available on Web at the moment.

tabIndex Number

Set the tabIndex of the DOM input element, only useful on Web.

editingDidBegin Component.EventHandler

The event handler to be called when EditBox began to edit text.

textChanged Component.EventHandler

The event handler to be called when EditBox text changes.

editingDidEnded Component.EventHandler

The event handler to be called when EditBox edit ends.

editingReturn Component.EventHandler

The event handler to be called when return key is pressed. Windows is not supported.

_sgNode _ccsg.Node private

Reference to the instance of _ccsg.Node If it is possible to return null from your overloaded _createSgNode, then you should always check for null before using this property and reimplement __preload.

node Node

The node this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a node.



uuid String readOnly

The uuid for editor.



_enabled Boolean private

enabled Boolean

indicates whether this component is enabled or not.


comp.enabled = true;

enabledInHierarchy Boolean readOnly

indicates whether this component is enabled and its node is also active in the hierarchy.



_isOnLoadCalled Boolean readOnly




__eventTargets Array private

Register all related EventTargets, all event callbacks will be removed in _onPreDestroy

_name String private

_objFlags Number private

name String

The name of the object.

: = "New Obj";

isValid Boolean readOnly

Indicates whether the object is not yet destroyed.



There are no properties that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index

setFocus ( )

Let the EditBox get focus, only valid when stayOnTop is true.

isFocused ( )

Determine whether EditBox is getting focus or not.

_createSgNode ( ) _ccsg.Node private

Create and returns your new scene graph node (SGNode) to add to scene graph. You should call the setContentSize of the SGNode if its size should be the same with the node's.


: _ccsg.Node

_initSgNode ( ) private

_removeSgNode ( ) private

update ( )

Update is called every frame, if the Component is enabled.

lateUpdate ( )

LateUpdate is called every frame, if the Component is enabled.

__preload ( ) private

__preload is called before every onLoad. It is used to initialize the builtin components internally, to avoid checking whether onLoad is called before every public method calls. This method should be removed if script priority is supported.

onLoad ( )

When attaching to an active node or its node first activated.

start ( )

Called before all scripts' update if the Component is enabled the first time.

onEnable ( )

Called when this component becomes enabled and its node is active.

onDisable ( )

Called when this component becomes disabled or its node becomes inactive.

onDestroy ( )

Called when this component will be destroyed.

onFocusInEditor ( )

onLostFocusInEditor ( )

  • typeOrTypename

Adds a component class to the node. You can also add component to node by passing in the name of the script.

typeOrTypename Function | String

the constructor or the class name of the component to add


: Component

the newly added component


var sprite = node.addComponent(cc.Sprite);
var test = node.addComponent("Test");

  • typeOrClassName

Returns the component of supplied type if the node has one attached, null if it doesn't.
You can also get component in the node by passing in the name of the script.

typeOrClassName Function | String



// get sprite component.
var sprite = node.getComponent(cc.Sprite);
// get custom test calss.
var test = node.getComponent("Test");

  • typeOrClassName

Returns all components of supplied Type in the node.

typeOrClassName Function | String


var sprites = node.getComponents(cc.Sprite);
var tests = node.getComponents("Test");

  • typeOrClassName

Returns the component of supplied type in any of its children using depth first search.

typeOrClassName Function | String



var sprite = node.getComponentInChildren(cc.Sprite);
var Test = node.getComponentInChildren("Test");

  • typeOrClassName

Returns the components of supplied type in self or any of its children using depth first search.

typeOrClassName Function | String


var sprites = node.getComponentsInChildren(cc.Sprite);
var tests = node.getComponentsInChildren("Test");

  • out_rect

If the component's bounding box is different from the node's, you can implement this method to supply a custom axis aligned bounding box (AABB), so the editor's scene view can perform hit test properly.

out_rect Rect

the Rect to receive the bounding box

onRestore ( )

onRestore is called after the user clicks the Reset item in the Inspector's context menu or performs an undo operation on this component.

If the component contains the "internal state", short for "temporary member variables which not included
in its CCClass properties", then you may need to implement this function.

The editor will call the getset accessors of your component to record/restore the component's state
for undo/redo operation. However, in extreme cases, it may not works well. Then you should implement
this function to manually synchronize your component's "internal states" with its public properties.
Once you implement this function, all the getset accessors of your component will not be called when
the user performs an undo/redo operation. Which means that only the properties with default value
will be recorded or restored by editor.

Similarly, the editor may failed to reset your component correctly in extreme cases. Then if you need
to support the reset menu, you should manually synchronize your component's "internal states" with its
properties in this function. Once you implement this function, all the getset accessors of your component
will not be called during reset operation. Which means that only the properties with default value
will be reset by editor.

This function is only called in editor mode.

  • callback
  • [interval =0]
  • [repeat =cc.macro.REPEAT_FOREVER]
  • [delay =0]

Schedules a custom selector.
If the selector is already scheduled, then the interval parameter will be updated without scheduling it again.

callback function

The callback function

interval optional Number 0

Tick interval in seconds. 0 means tick every frame. If interval = 0, it's recommended to use scheduleUpdate() instead.

repeat optional Number cc.macro.REPEAT_FOREVER

The selector will be executed (repeat + 1) times, you can use kCCRepeatForever for tick infinitely.

delay optional Number 0

The amount of time that the first tick will wait before execution.


var timeCallback = function (dt) {
  cc.log("time: " + dt);
this.schedule(timeCallback, 1);

  • callback
  • [delay =0]

Schedules a callback function that runs only once, with a delay of 0 or larger.

callback function

A function wrapped as a selector

delay optional Number 0

The amount of time that the first tick will wait before execution.


var timeCallback = function (dt) {
  cc.log("time: " + dt);
this.scheduleOnce(timeCallback, 2);

  • callback_fn

Unschedules a custom callback function.

callback_fn function

A function wrapped as a selector



unscheduleAllCallbacks ( )

unschedule all scheduled callback functions: custom callback functions, and the 'update' callback function.
Actions are not affected by this method.



destroy ( ) Boolean

Destroy this Object, and release all its own references to other objects.
Actual object destruction will delayed until before rendering.
After destroy, this CCObject is not usable any more. You can use cc.isValid(obj) to check whether the object is destroyed before accessing it.


: Boolean

whether it is the first time the destroy being called



_destruct ( ) private

Clear all references in the instance.

NOTE: this method will not clear the getter or setter functions which defined in the INSTANCE of CCObject. You can override the _destruct method if you need.

_onPreDestroy ( ) private

Called before the object being destroyed.

  • exporting
object private

The customized serialization for this object. (Editor Only)

exporting Boolean


: object

the serialized json data object

  • data
  • ctx

Init this object from the custom serialized data.

data Object

the serialized json data

ctx _Deserializer

There are no methods that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index