Cocos Creator API


Cocos Creator is a highly customizable game development tool that utilizes the power of cocos2d-x.


: cc

cc.Scene is a subclass of cc.Node that is used only as an abstract concept.
cc.Scene and cc.Node are almost identical with the difference that users can not modify cc.Scene manually.

autoReleaseAssets Boolean

Indicates whether all (directly or indirectly) static referenced assets of this scene are releasable by default after scene unloading.

name String

Name of node.

: = "New Node";
cc.log("Node Name: " +;

parent Node

The parent of the node.


node.parent = newNode;

uuid String readOnly

The uuid for editor, will be stripped before building project.


cc.log("Node Uuid: " + node.uuid);

skewX Number

Skew x


node.skewX = 0;
cc.log("Node SkewX: " + node.skewX);

skewY Number

Skew y


node.skewY = 0;
cc.log("Node SkewY: " + node.skewY);

zIndex Number

Z order in depth which stands for the drawing order.


node.zIndex = 1;
cc.log("Node zIndex: " + node.zIndex);

rotation Number

Rotation of node.


node.rotation = 90;
cc.log("Node Rotation: " + node.rotation);

rotationX Number

Rotation on x axis.


node.rotationX = 45;
cc.log("Node Rotation X: " + node.rotationX);

rotationY Number

Rotation on y axis.


node.rotationY = 45;
cc.log("Node Rotation Y: " + node.rotationY);

scaleX Number

Scale on x axis.


node.scaleX = 0.5;
cc.log("Node Scale X: " + node.scaleX);

scaleY Number

Scale on y axis.


node.scaleY = 0.5;
cc.log("Node Scale Y: " + node.scaleY);

x Number

x axis position of node.


node.x = 100;
cc.log("Node Position X: " + node.x);

y Number

y axis position of node.


node.y = 100;
cc.log("Node Position Y: " + node.y);

children Node[] readOnly

All children nodes.


var children = node.children;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
    cc.log("Node: " + children[i]);

childrenCount Number readOnly

All children nodes.


var count = node.childrenCount;
cc.log("Node Children Count: " + count);

anchorX Number

Anchor point's position on x axis.


node.anchorX = 0;

anchorY Number

Anchor point's position on y axis.


node.anchorY = 0;

width Number

Width of node.


node.width = 100;

height Number

Height of node.


node.height = 100;

_ignoreAnchor Boolean private

Indicate whether ignore the anchor point property for positioning.

tag Number

Tag of node.


node.tag = 1001;

opacity Number

Opacity of node, default value is 255.


node.opacity = 255;

cascadeOpacity Boolean

Indicate whether node's opacity value affect its child nodes, default value is true.


cc.log("CascadeOpacity: " + node.cascadeOpacity);

color Color

Color of node, default value is white: (255, 255, 255).


node.color = new cc.Color(255, 255, 255);

_sgNode _ccsg.Node private

Current scene graph node for this node.

_sizeProvider _ccsg.Node private

Current active size provider for this node. Size provider can equals to this._sgNode.

__eventTargets EventTarget[] private

Register all related EventTargets, all event callbacks will be removed in _onPreDestroy

scale Number

The local scale relative to the parent.


node.scale = 1;

_name String private

_objFlags Number private

isValid Boolean readOnly

Indicates whether the object is not yet destroyed.



There are no properties that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index

  • attrs

Properties configuration function
All properties in attrs will be set to the node,
when the setter of the node is available,
the property will be set via setter function.

attrs Object

Properties to be set to node


var attrs = { key: 0, num: 100 };

getScale ( ) Number

Returns the scale factor of the node. Assertion will fail when _scaleX != _scaleY.


: Number

The scale factor


cc.log("Node Scale: " + node.getScale());

  • scaleX
  • [scaleY =scale]

Sets the scale factor of the node. 1.0 is the default scale factor. This function can modify the X and Y scale at the same time.

scaleX Number | Vec2

scaleX or scale

scaleY optional Number scale


node.setScale(cc.v2(1, 1));
node.setScale(1, 1);

getPosition ( ) Vec2

Returns a copy of the position (x,y) of the node in cocos2d coordinates. (0,0) is the left-bottom corner.


: Vec2

The position (x,y) of the node in OpenGL coordinates


cc.log("Node Position: " + node.getPosition());

  • newPosOrxValue
  • [yValue ]

Changes the position (x,y) of the node in cocos2d coordinates.
The original point (0,0) is at the left-bottom corner of screen.
Usually we use cc.v2(x,y) to compose CCVec2 object.
and Passing two numbers (x,y) is more efficient than passing CCPoint object.

newPosOrxValue Vec2 | Number

The position (x,y) of the node in coordinates or the X coordinate for position

yValue optional Number

Y coordinate for position


node.setPosition(cc.v2(0, 0));
node.setPosition(0, 0);

getAnchorPoint ( ) Vec2

Returns a copy of the anchor point.
Anchor point is the point around which all transformations and positioning manipulations take place.
It's like a pin in the node where it is "attached" to its parent.
The anchorPoint is normalized, like a percentage. (0,0) means the bottom-left corner and (1,1) means the top-right corner.
But you can use values higher than (1,1) and lower than (0,0) too.
The default anchor point is (0.5,0.5), so it starts at the center of the node.


: Vec2

The anchor point of node.


cc.log("Node AnchorPoint: " + node.getAnchorPoint());

  • point
  • [y ]

Sets the anchor point in percent.
anchor point is the point around which all transformations and positioning manipulations take place.
It's like a pin in the node where it is "attached" to its parent.
The anchorPoint is normalized, like a percentage. (0,0) means the bottom-left corner and (1,1) means the top-right corner.
But you can use values higher than (1,1) and lower than (0,0) too.
The default anchor point is (0.5,0.5), so it starts at the center of the node.

point Vec2 | Number

The anchor point of node or The x axis anchor of node.

y optional Number

The y axis anchor of node.


node.setAnchorPoint(cc.v2(1, 1));
node.setAnchorPoint(1, 1);

getAnchorPointInPoints ( ) Vec2

Returns a copy of the anchor point in absolute pixels.
you can only read it. If you wish to modify it, use setAnchorPoint.


: Vec2

The anchor point in absolute pixels.


cc.log("AnchorPointInPoints: " + node.getAnchorPointInPoints());

  • [ignoreSizeProvider =false]

Returns a copy the untransformed size of the node.
The contentSize remains the same no matter the node is scaled or rotated.
All nodes has a size. Layer and Scene has the same size of the screen by default.

ignoreSizeProvider optional Boolean false

true if you need to get the original size of the node


: Size

The untransformed size of the node.


cc.log("Content Size: " + node.getContentSize());

  • size
  • [height ]

Sets the untransformed size of the node.
The contentSize remains the same no matter the node is scaled or rotated.
All nodes has a size. Layer and Scene has the same size of the screen.

size Size | Number

The untransformed size of the node or The untransformed size's width of the node.

height optional Number

The untransformed size's height of the node.


node.setContentSize(cc.size(100, 100));
node.setContentSize(100, 100);

getBoundingBox ( ) Rect

Returns a "local" axis aligned bounding box of the node.
The returned box is relative only to its parent.


: Rect

The calculated bounding box of the node


var boundingBox = node.getBoundingBox();

cleanup ( )

Stops all running actions and schedulers.



  • aTag

Returns a child from the container given its tag.

aTag Number

An identifier to find the child node.


: Node

a CCNode object whose tag equals to the input parameter


var child = node.getChildByTag(1001);

  • uuid

Returns a child from the container given its uuid.

uuid String

The uuid to find the child node.


: Node

a Node whose uuid equals to the input parameter


var child = node.getChildByUuid(uuid);

  • name

Returns a child from the container given its name.

name String

A name to find the child node.


: Node

a CCNode object whose name equals to the input parameter


var child = node.getChildByName("Test Node");

  • child
  • [localZOrder ]
  • [tag ]

"add" logic MUST only be in this method

child Node

A child node

localZOrder optional Number

Z order for drawing priority. Please refer to setZOrder(int)

tag optional Number | String

An integer or a name to identify the node easily. Please refer to setTag(int) and setName(string)


node.addChild(newNode, 1, 1001);

  • [cleanup =true]

Remove itself from its parent node. If cleanup is true, then also remove all actions and callbacks.
If the cleanup parameter is not passed, it will force a cleanup.
If the node orphan, then nothing happens.

cleanup optional Boolean true

true if all actions and callbacks on this node should be removed, false otherwise.



  • child
  • [cleanup =true]

Removes a child from the container. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.

If the cleanup parameter is not passed, it will force a cleanup.
"remove" logic MUST only be on this method
If a class wants to extend the 'removeChild' behavior it only needs
to override this method.

child Node

The child node which will be removed.

cleanup optional Boolean true

true if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise.


node.removeChild(newNode, false);

  • tag
  • [cleanup =true]

Removes a child from the container by tag value. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter. If the cleanup parameter is not passed, it will force a cleanup.

tag Number

An integer number that identifies a child node

cleanup optional Boolean true

true if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise.


node.removeChildByTag(1001, false);

  • [cleanup =true]

Removes all children from the container and do a cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.
If the cleanup parameter is not passed, it will force a cleanup.

cleanup optional Boolean true

true if all running actions on all children nodes should be cleanup, false otherwise.



getParentToNodeTransform ( ) AffineTransform

Returns the matrix that transform parent's space coordinates to the node's (local) space coordinates.
The matrix is in Pixels. The returned transform is readonly and cannot be changed.


var affineTransform = node.getParentToNodeTransform();

getNodeToWorldTransform ( ) AffineTransform

Returns the world affine transform matrix. The matrix is in Pixels.


var affineTransform = node.getNodeToWorldTransform();

getNodeToWorldTransformAR ( ) AffineTransform

Returns the world affine transform matrix. The matrix is in Pixels.
This method is AR (Anchor Relative).


var mat = node.getNodeToWorldTransformAR();

getWorldToNodeTransform ( ) AffineTransform

Returns the inverse world affine transform matrix. The matrix is in Pixels. 返回世界坐标系到节点坐标系的逆矩阵。


var affineTransform = node.getWorldToNodeTransform();

  • worldPoint

Converts a Point to node (local) space coordinates. The result is in Vec2.

worldPoint Vec2


: Vec2


var newVec2 = node.convertToNodeSpace(cc.v2(100, 100));

  • nodePoint

Converts a Point to world space coordinates. The result is in Points.

nodePoint Vec2


: Vec2


var newVec2 = node.convertToWorldSpace(cc.v2(100, 100));

  • worldPoint

Converts a Point to node (local) space coordinates. The result is in Points.
treating the returned/received node point as anchor relative.

worldPoint Vec2


: Vec2


var newVec2 = node.convertToNodeSpaceAR(cc.v2(100, 100));

  • nodePoint

Converts a local Point to world space coordinates.The result is in Points.
treating the returned/received node point as anchor relative.

nodePoint Vec2


: Vec2


var newVec2 = node.convertToWorldSpaceAR(cc.v2(100, 100));

  • touch

convenience methods which take a cc.Touch instead of cc.Vec2.

touch Touch

The touch object


: Vec2


var newVec2 = node.convertTouchToNodeSpace(touch);

  • touch