Cocos Creator API


Cocos Creator is a highly customizable game development tool that utilizes the power of cocos2d-x.


The PageView control

direction PageView.Direction

The page view direction

scrollThreshold Number

The scroll threshold value, when drag exceeds this value, release the next page will automatically scroll, less than the restore

indicator PageViewIndicator

The Page View Indicator

pageEvents Component.EventHandler[]

PageView events callback

content Node

This is a reference to the UI element to be scrolled.

horizontal Boolean

Enable horizontal scroll.

vertical Boolean

Enable vertical scroll.

inertia Boolean

When inertia is set, the content will continue to move when touch ended.

brake Number

It determines how quickly the content stop moving. A value of 1 will stop the movement immediately. A value of 0 will never stop the movement until it reaches to the boundary of scrollview.

elastic Boolean

When elastic is set, the content will be bounce back when move out of boundary.

bounceDuration Number

The elapse time of bouncing back. A value of 0 will bounce back immediately.

horizontalScrollBar Scrollbar

The horizontal scrollbar reference.

verticalScrollBar Scrollbar

The vertical scrollbar reference.

scrollEvents Component.EventHandler[]

Scrollview events callback

cancelInnerEvents Boolean

If cancelInnerEvents is set to true, the scroll behavior will cancel touch events on inner content nodes It's set to true by default.

node Node

The node this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a node.



uuid String readOnly

The uuid for editor.



_enabled Boolean private

enabled Boolean

indicates whether this component is enabled or not.


comp.enabled = true;

enabledInHierarchy Boolean readOnly

indicates whether this component is enabled and its node is also active in the hierarchy.



_isOnLoadCalled Boolean readOnly




__eventTargets Array private

Register all related EventTargets, all event callbacks will be removed in _onPreDestroy

_name String private

_objFlags Number private

name String

The name of the object.

: = "New Obj";

isValid Boolean readOnly

Indicates whether the object is not yet destroyed.



There are no properties that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index

getCurrentPageIndex ( ) Number

Returns current page index


: Number

  • index

Set current page index

index Number

getPages ( ) Node[]

Returns all pages of pageview


: Node[]

  • page

At the end of the current page view to insert a new view

page Node

  • page
  • index

Inserts a page in the specified location

page Node
index Number

  • page

Removes a page from PageView.

page Node

  • index

Removes a page at index of PageView.

index Number

removeAllPages ( )

Removes all pages from PageView

  • idx
  • immediately

Scroll PageView to index.

idx Number

index of page.

immediately Boolean

immediately jumps

  • [timeInSecond =0]
  • [attenuated =true]

Scroll the content to the bottom boundary of ScrollView.

timeInSecond optional Number 0

Scroll time in second, if you don't pass timeInSecond, the content will jump to the bottom boundary immediately.

attenuated optional Boolean true

Whether the scroll acceleration attenuated, default is true.


// Scroll to the bottom of the view.

  • [timeInSecond =0]
  • [attenuated =true]

Scroll the content to the top boundary of ScrollView.

timeInSecond optional Number 0

Scroll time in second, if you don't pass timeInSecond, the content will jump to the top boundary immediately.

attenuated optional Boolean true

Whether the scroll acceleration attenuated, default is true.


// Scroll to the top of the view.

  • [timeInSecond =0]
  • [attenuated =true]

Scroll the content to the left boundary of ScrollView.

timeInSecond optional Number 0

Scroll time in second, if you don't pass timeInSecond, the content will jump to the left boundary immediately.

attenuated optional Boolean true

Whether the scroll acceleration attenuated, default is true.


// Scroll to the left of the view.

  • [timeInSecond =0]
  • [attenuated =true]

Scroll the content to the right boundary of ScrollView.

timeInSecond optional Number 0

Scroll time in second, if you don't pass timeInSecond, the content will jump to the right boundary immediately.

attenuated optional Boolean true

Whether the scroll acceleration attenuated, default is true.


// Scroll to the right of the view.

  • [timeInSecond =0]
  • [attenuated =true]

Scroll the content to the top left boundary of ScrollView.

timeInSecond optional Number 0

Scroll time in second, if you don't pass timeInSecond, the content will jump to the top left boundary immediately.

attenuated optional Boolean true

Whether the scroll acceleration attenuated, default is true.


// Scroll to the upper left corner of the view.

  • [timeInSecond =0]
  • [attenuated =true]

Scroll the content to the top right boundary of ScrollView.

timeInSecond optional Number 0

Scroll time in second, if you don't pass timeInSecond, the content will jump to the top right boundary immediately.

attenuated optional Boolean true

Whether the scroll acceleration attenuated, default is true.


// Scroll to the top right corner of the view.

  • [timeInSecond =0]
  • [attenuated =true]

Scroll the content to the bottom left boundary of ScrollView.

timeInSecond optional Number 0

Scroll time in second, if you don't pass timeInSecond, the content will jump to the bottom left boundary immediately.

attenuated optional Boolean true

Whether the scroll acceleration attenuated, default is true.


// Scroll to the lower left corner of the view.

  • [timeInSecond =0]
  • [attenuated =true]

Scroll the content to the bottom right boundary of ScrollView.

timeInSecond optional Number 0

Scroll time in second, if you don't pass timeInSecond, the content will jump to the bottom right boundary immediately.

attenuated optional Boolean true

Whether the scroll acceleration attenuated, default is true.


// Scroll to the lower right corner of the view.

  • offset
  • [timeInSecond =0]
  • [attenuated =true]

Scroll with an offset related to the ScrollView's top left origin, if timeInSecond is omitted, then it will jump to the specific offset immediately.

offset Vec2

A Vec2, the value of which each axis between 0 and maxScrollOffset

timeInSecond optional Number 0

Scroll time in second, if you don't pass timeInSecond, the content will jump to the specific offset of ScrollView immediately.

attenuated optional Boolean true

Whether the scroll acceleration attenuated, default is true.


// Scroll to middle position in 0.1 second in x-axis
var maxScrollOffset = this.getMaxScrollOffset();
scrollView.scrollToOffset(cc.p(maxScrollOffset.x / 2, 0), 0.1);

getScrollOffset ( ) Vec2

Get the positive offset value corresponds to the content's top left boundary.


: Vec2

A Vec2 value indicate the current scroll offset.

getMaxScrollOffset ( ) Vec2

Get the maximize available scroll offset


: Vec2

A Vec2 value indicate the maximize scroll offset in x and y axis.

  • percent
  • [timeInSecond =0]
  • [attenuated =true]

Scroll the content to the horizontal percent position of ScrollView.

percent Number

A value between 0 and 1.

timeInSecond optional Number 0

Scroll time in second, if you don't pass timeInSecond, the content will jump to the horizontal percent position of ScrollView immediately.

attenuated optional Boolean true

Whether the scroll acceleration attenuated, default is true.


// Scroll to middle position.
scrollView.scrollToBottomRight(0.5, 0.1);

  • anchor
  • [timeInSecond =0]
  • [attenuated =true]

Scroll the content to the percent position of ScrollView in any direction.

anchor Vec2

A point which will be clamp between cc.p(0,0) and cc.p(1,1).

timeInSecond optional Number 0

Scroll time in second, if you don't pass timeInSecond, the content will jump to the percent position of ScrollView immediately.

attenuated optional Boolean true

Whether the scroll acceleration attenuated, default is true.


// Vertical scroll to the bottom of the view.
scrollView.scrollTo(cc.p(0, 1), 0.1);

// Horizontal scroll to view right.
scrollView.scrollTo(cc.p(1, 0), 0.1);

  • percent
  • [timeInSecond =0]
  • [attenuated =true]

Scroll the content to the vertical percent position of ScrollView.

percent Number

A value between 0 and 1.

timeInSecond optional Number 0

Scroll time in second, if you don't pass timeInSecond, the content will jump to the vertical percent position of ScrollView immediately.

attenuated optional Boolean true

Whether the scroll acceleration attenuated, default is true. // Scroll to middle position. scrollView.scrollToPercentVertical(0.5, 0.1);

stopAutoScroll ( )

Stop auto scroll immediately

  • position

Modify the content position.

position Vec2

The position in content's parent space.

getContentPosition ( ) Position

Query the content's position in its parent space.


: Position

The content's position in its parent space.

update ( )

Update is called every frame, if the Component is enabled.

lateUpdate ( )

LateUpdate is called every frame, if the Component is enabled.

__preload ( ) private

__preload is called before every onLoad. It is used to initialize the builtin components internally, to avoid checking whether onLoad is called before every public method calls. This method should be removed if script priority is supported.

onLoad ( )

When attaching to an active node or its node first activated.

start ( )

Called before all scripts' update if the Component is enabled the first time.

onEnable ( )

Called when this component becomes enabled and its node is active.

onDisable ( )

Called when this component becomes disabled or its node becomes inactive.

onDestroy ( )

Called when this component will be destroyed.

onFocusInEditor ( )

onLostFocusInEditor ( )

  • typeOrTypename