Cocos Creator API


Cocos Creator is a highly customizable game development tool that utilizes the power of cocos2d-x.


: anysdk

The callback of requesting reStringge

kPaySuccess Number

The callback of succeeding in paying

kPayFail Number

The callback of failing to pay

kPayCancel Number

The callback of canceling to pay

kPayNetworkError Number

The callback of network error

kPayProductionInforIncomplete Number

The callback of incompleting info

kPayInitSuccess Number

callback of succeeding in initing sdk .

kPayInitFail Number

The callback of failing to init sdk

kPayNowPaying Number

The callback of paying now

kPayReStringgeSuccess Number

The callback of succeeding in reStringging

kPayExtension Number

extension code of user type

kPayNeedLoginAgain Number

The callback of re-logining .

kRequestSuccess Number

The callback of succeeding in requesting .

kRequestFail Number

The callback of failing to requesting .

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