Cocos Creator API


Cocos Creator is a highly customizable game development tool that utilizes the power of cocos2d-x.

Enum KEY

Module: cc

Key map for keyboard event

none Number readOnly


back Number readOnly

The back key

menu Number readOnly

The menu key

backspace Number readOnly

The backspace key

tab Number readOnly

The tab key

enter Number readOnly

The enter key

shift Number readOnly

The shift key

ctrl Number readOnly

The ctrl key

alt Number readOnly

The alt key

pause Number readOnly

The pause key

capslock Number readOnly

The caps lock key

escape Number readOnly

The esc key

space Number readOnly

The space key

pageup Number readOnly

The page up key

pagedown Number readOnly

The page down key

end Number readOnly

The end key

home Number readOnly

The home key

left Number readOnly

The left key

up Number readOnly

The up key

right Number readOnly

The right key

down Number readOnly

The down key

select Number readOnly

The select key

insert Number readOnly

The insert key

Delete Number readOnly

The Delete key

0 Number readOnly

The '0' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.

1 Number readOnly

The '1' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.

2 Number readOnly

The '2' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.

3 Number readOnly

The '3' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.

4 Number readOnly

The '4' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.

5 Number readOnly

The '5' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.

6 Number readOnly

The '6' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.

7 Number readOnly

The '7' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.

8 Number readOnly

The '8' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.

9 Number readOnly

The '9' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.

a Number readOnly

The a key

b Number readOnly

The b key

c Number readOnly

The c key

d Number readOnly

The d key

e Number readOnly

The e key

f Number readOnly

The f key

g Number readOnly

The g key

h Number readOnly

The h key

i Number readOnly

The i key

j Number readOnly

The j key

k Number readOnly

The k key

l Number readOnly

The l key

m Number readOnly

The m key

n Number readOnly

The n key

o Number readOnly

The o key

p Number readOnly

The p key

q Number readOnly

The q key

r Number readOnly

The r key

s Number readOnly

The s key

t Number readOnly

The t key

u Number readOnly

The u key

v Number readOnly

The v key

w Number readOnly

The w key

x Number readOnly

The x key

y Number readOnly

The y key

z Number readOnly

The z key

num0 Number readOnly

The numeric keypad 0

num1 Number readOnly

The numeric keypad 1

num2 Number readOnly

The numeric keypad 2

num3 Number readOnly

The numeric keypad 3

num4 Number readOnly

The numeric keypad 4

num5 Number readOnly

The numeric keypad 5

num6 Number readOnly

The numeric keypad 6

num7 Number readOnly

The numeric keypad 7

num8 Number readOnly

The numeric keypad 8

num9 Number readOnly

The numeric keypad 9

* Number readOnly

The numeric keypad '*'

+ Number readOnly

The numeric keypad '+'

- Number readOnly

The numeric keypad '-'

numdel Number readOnly

The numeric keypad 'delete'

/ Number readOnly

The numeric keypad '/'

f1 Number readOnly

The F1 function key

f2 Number readOnly

The F2 function key

f3 Number readOnly

The F3 function key

f4 Number readOnly

The F4 function key

f5 Number readOnly

The F5 function key

f6 Number readOnly

The F6 function key

f7 Number readOnly

The F7 function key

f8 Number readOnly

The F8 function key

f9 Number readOnly

The F9 function key

f10 Number readOnly

The F10 function key

f11 Number readOnly

The F11 function key

f12 Number readOnly

The F12 function key

numlock Number readOnly

The numlock key

scrolllock Number readOnly

The scroll lock key

; Number readOnly

The ';' key.

semicolon Number readOnly

The ';' key.

equal Number readOnly

The '=' key.

= Number readOnly

The '=' key.

, Number readOnly

The ',' key.

comma Number readOnly

The ',' key.

dash Number readOnly

The dash '-' key.

. Number readOnly

The '.' key.

period Number readOnly

The '.' key

forwardslash Number readOnly

The forward slash key

grave Number readOnly

The grave key

[ Number readOnly

The '[' key

openbracket Number readOnly

The '[' key

backslash Number readOnly

The '' key

] Number readOnly

The ']' key

closebracket Number readOnly

The ']' key

quote Number readOnly

The quote key

dpadLeft Number readOnly

The dpad left key

dpadRight Number readOnly

The dpad right key

dpadUp Number readOnly

The dpad up key

dpadDown Number readOnly

The dpad down key

dpadCenter Number readOnly

The dpad center key

There are no properties that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index