Cocos Creator API


Cocos Creator is a highly customizable game development tool that utilizes the power of cocos2d-x.


Module: cc

cc.ActionManager is a class that can manage actions.
Normally you won't need to use this class directly. 99% of the cases you will use the CCNode interface, which uses this class's singleton object. But there are some cases where you might need to use this class.

  • When you want to run an action where the target is different from a CCNode.
  • When you want to pause / resume the actions


var mng = new cc.ActionManager();


  • action
  • target
  • paused

Adds an action with a target.
If the target is already present, then the action will be added to the existing target. If the target is not present, a new instance of this target will be created either paused or not, and the action will be added to the newly created target. When the target is paused, the queued actions won't be 'ticked'.

name type description
action Action
target Node
paused Boolean

removeAllActions ( )

Removes all actions from all the targets.

  • target
  • forceDelete

Removes all actions from a certain target.
All the actions that belongs to the target will be removed.

name type description
target Object
forceDelete Boolean

  • action

Removes an action given an action reference.

name type description
action Action

  • tag
  • target

Removes an action given its tag and the target.

name type description
tag Number
target Object

  • tag
  • target
Action | Null

Gets an action given its tag an a target.

name type description
tag Number
target Object


type: Action | Null

return the Action with the given tag on success

  • target

Returns the numbers of actions that are running in a certain target.
Composable actions are counted as 1 action.

  • If you are running 1 Sequence of 7 actions, it will return 1.
  • If you are running 7 Sequences of 2 actions, it will return 7.
name type description
target Object


type: Number

  • target

Pauses the target: all running actions and newly added actions will be paused.

name type description
target Object

  • target

Resumes the target. All queued actions will be resumed.

name type description
target Object

pauseAllRunningActions ( ) Array

Pauses all running actions, returning a list of targets whose actions were paused.


type: Array

a list of targets whose actions were paused.

  • targetsToResume

Resume a set of targets (convenience function to reverse a pauseAllRunningActions or pauseTargets call).

name type description
targetsToResume Array

  • targetsToPause

Pause a set of targets.

name type description
targetsToPause Array

purgeSharedManager ( )

purges the shared action manager. It releases the retained instance.
because it uses this, so it can not be static.

  • dt

The ActionManager update。

name type description
dt Number

delta time in seconds

There are no methods that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index