Cocos Creator API


Cocos Creator is a highly customizable game development tool that utilizes the power of cocos2d-x.


Module: cc

ATTENTION: USE cc.director INSTEAD OF cc.Director.
cc.director is a singleton object which manage your game's logic flow.
Since the cc.director is a singleton, you don't need to call any constructor or create functions,
the standard way to use it is by calling:
- cc.director.methodName();

It creates and handle the main Window and manages how and when to execute the Scenes.

The cc.director is also responsible for:
- initializing the OpenGL context
- setting the OpenGL pixel format (default on is RGB565)
- setting the OpenGL pixel format (default on is RGB565)
- setting the OpenGL buffer depth (default one is 0-bit)

  • setting the color for clear screen (default one is BLACK)
    • setting the projection (default one is 3D)
    • setting the orientation (default one is Portrait)

      The cc.director also sets the default OpenGL context:
    • GL_TEXTURE_2D is enabled
    • GL_VERTEX_ARRAY is enabled
    • GL_COLOR_ARRAY is enabled
    • GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY is enabled

      cc.director also synchronizes timers with the refresh rate of the display.
      Features and Limitations:

    • Scheduled timers & drawing are synchronizes with the refresh rate of the display
    • Only supports animation intervals of 1/60 1/30 & 1/15


  • uiPoint

Converts a view coordinate to an WebGL coordinate
Useful to convert (multi) touches coordinates to the current layout (portrait or landscape)
Implementation can be found in CCDirectorWebGL.

name type description
uiPoint Vec2


type: Vec2

  • glPoint

Converts an WebGL coordinate to a view coordinate
Useful to convert node points to window points for calls such as glScissor
Implementation can be found in CCDirectorWebGL.

name type description
glPoint Vec2


type: Vec2

getContentScaleFactor ( ) Number

Returns the size in pixels of the surface. It could be different than the screen size.
High-res devices might have a higher surface size than the screen size.


type: Number

getNotificationNode ( ) Node

This object will be visited after the main scene is visited.
This object MUST implement the "visit" selector.
Useful to hook a notification object.


type: Node

getWinSize ( ) Size

Returns the size of the WebGL view in points.
It takes into account any possible rotation (device orientation) of the window.


type: Size

getWinSizeInPixels ( ) Size

Returns the size of the OpenGL view in pixels.
It takes into account any possible rotation (device orientation) of the window.
On Mac winSize and winSizeInPixels return the same value.


type: Size

getVisibleSize ( ) Size

Returns the visible size of the running scene.


type: Size

getVisibleOrigin ( ) Vec2

Returns the visible origin of the running scene.


type: Vec2

getZEye ( ) Number

Returns the z eye, only available in WebGL mode.


type: Number

pause ( )

Pause the director's ticker

  • scene

Suspends the execution of the running scene, pushing it on the stack of suspended scenes.
The new scene will be executed.
Try to avoid big stacks of pushed scenes to reduce memory allocation.
ONLY call it if there is a running scene.

name type description
scene Scene

  • scene
  • [onBeforeLoadScene ]
  • [onLaunched ]

Run a scene. Replaces the running scene with a new one or enter the first scene. The new scene will be launched immediately.

name type description
scene Scene

The need run scene.

onBeforeLoadScene optional Function

The function invoked at the scene before loading.

onLaunched optional Function

The function invoked at the scene after launch.

  • scene
  • [onBeforeLoadScene ]
  • [onLaunched ]

Run a scene. Replaces the running scene with a new one or enter the first scene. The new scene will be launched at the end of the current frame.

name type description
scene Scene

The need run scene.

onBeforeLoadScene optional Function

The function invoked at the scene before loading.

onLaunched optional Function

The function invoked at the scene after launch.

  • sceneName
  • [onLaunched ]

Loads the scene by its name.

name type description
sceneName String

The name of the scene to load.

onLaunched optional Function

callback, will be called after scene launched.


type: Boolean

if error, return false

  • uuid
  • [onLaunched ]
  • [onUnloaded ]

Loads the scene by its uuid.

name type description
uuid String

the uuid of the scene asset to load

onLaunched optional Function
onUnloaded optional Function

resume ( )

Resume director after pause, if the current scene is not paused, nothing will happen.

  • on

Enables or disables WebGL depth test.
Implementation can be found in CCDirectorCanvas.js/CCDirectorWebGL.js

name type description
on Boolean

  • clearColor

set color for clear screen.
Implementation can be found in CCDirectorCanvas.js/CCDirectorWebGL.js

name type description
clearColor Color

  • openGLView

Sets the view, where everything is rendered, do not call this function.
Implementation can be found in CCDirectorCanvas.js/CCDirectorWebGL.js.

name type description
openGLView View

  • projection

Sets an OpenGL projection.
Implementation can be found in CCDirectorCanvas.js/CCDirectorWebGL.js.

name type description
projection Number

setViewport ( )

Update the view port.
Implementation can be found in CCDirectorCanvas.js/CCDirectorWebGL.js.

getOpenGLView ( ) View

Get the View, where everything is rendered.
Implementation can be found in CCDirectorCanvas.js/CCDirectorWebGL.js.


type: View

getProjection ( ) Number

Sets an OpenGL projection.
Implementation can be found in CCDirectorCanvas.js/CCDirectorWebGL.js.


type: Number

  • on

Enables/disables OpenGL alpha blending.
Implementation can be found in CCDirectorCanvas.js/CCDirectorWebGL.js.

name type description
on Boolean

isSendCleanupToScene ( ) Boolean

Returns whether or not the replaced scene will receive the cleanup message.
If the new scene is pushed, then the old scene won't receive the "cleanup" message.
If the new scene replaces the old one, the it will receive the "cleanup" message.


type: Boolean

getRunningScene ( ) Scene private

Returns current render Scene, normally you will never need to use this API. In most case, you probably want to use getScene instead.


type: Scene

getScene ( ) Scene

Returns current logic Scene.


type: Scene


// This will help you to get the Canvas node in scene

getAnimationInterval ( ) Number

Returns the FPS value.


type: Number

isDisplayStats ( ) Boolean

Returns whether or not to display the FPS informations.


type: Boolean

  • displayStats

Sets whether display the FPS on the bottom-left corner.

name type description
displayStats Boolean

getSecondsPerFrame ( ) Number

Returns seconds per frame.


type: Number

isNextDeltaTimeZero ( ) Boolean

Returns whether next delta time equals to zero


type: Boolean

isPaused ( ) Boolean

Returns whether or not the Director is paused


type: Boolean

getTotalFrames ( ) Number

Returns how many frames were called since the director started


type: Number

getScheduler ( ) Scheduler

Returns the cc.Scheduler associated with this director.


type: Scheduler

  • scheduler

Sets the cc.Scheduler associated with this director.

name type description
scheduler Scheduler

getActionManager ( ) ActionManager

Returns the cc.ActionManager associated with this director.


  • actionManager

Sets the cc.ActionManager associated with this director.

name type description
actionManager ActionManager

getAnimationManager ( ) AnimationManager

Returns the cc.AnimationManager associated with this director.


type: AnimationManager

getDeltaTime ( ) Number

Returns the delta time since last frame.


type: Number

There are no methods that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index



The event projection changed of cc.Director

Event Payload:


cc.director.on(cc.Director.EVENT_PROJECTION_CHANGED, function(event) {
          cc.log("Projection changed.");


The event which will be triggered before loading a new scene

Event Payload:

  • event Event
    • detail Vec2
      The loading scene name


The event which will be triggered after launching a new scene

Event Payload:

  • event Event
    • detail Vec2
      New scene which is launched


The event which will be triggered at the beginning of every frame

Event Payload:


The event which will be triggered after components update

Event Payload:

  • event Event
    • detail Vec2
      The delta time from last frame


The event which will be triggered after components late update

Event Payload:

  • event Event
    • detail Vec2
      The delta time from last frame


The event which will be triggered after engine and components update logic

Event Payload:


The event which will be triggered before visiting the rendering scene graph

Event Payload:


The event which will be triggered after visiting the rendering scene graph, the render queue is ready but not rendered at this point

Event Payload:


The event which will be triggered after the rendering process

Event Payload:

There are no events that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index