Class ccs.Bone
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
The Bone of Armature, it has bone data, display manager and transform data for armature.
Method Summary
Class Detail
The Bone of Armature, it has bone data, display manager and transform data for armature.
var bone = new ccs.Bone("head");
- Parameters:
- {String} name Optional
- The name of the bone
Field Detail
- The armature
- Indicate whether the blend is dirty
- The bone data
- The child armature
- <@readonly> All children bones
- The collider filter
- The displayManager
- Indicate whether force the bone to show When CCArmature play a animation and there isn't a CCMovementBoneData of this bone in this CCMovementData.
- The name of the bone
- The parent bone
- <@readonly> Tween
- <@readonly> The tween data
Method Detail
addChildBone(child)Adds a child to this bone, and it will let this child call setParent(ccs.Bone) function to set self to it's parent
- Parameters:
- {ccs.Bone} child
addDisplay(displayData, index)Add display and use _displayData init the display. If index already have a display, then replace it. If index is current display index, then also change display to _index
- Parameters:
- {ccs.DisplayData} displayData
- it include the display information, like DisplayType. If you want to create a sprite display, then create a CCSpriteDisplayData param
- {Number} index
- the index of the display you want to replace or add to -1 : append display from back
changeDisplayByIndex(index, force)Changes display by index
- Parameters:
- {Number} index
- {Boolean} force
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use changeDisplayWithIndex instead.
changeDisplayByName(name, force)Changes display by name
- Parameters:
- {String} name
- {Boolean} force
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use changeDisplayWithName instead.
changeDisplayWithIndex(index, force)Changes display with index
- Parameters:
- {Number} index
- {Boolean} force
changeDisplayWithName(name, force)Changes display with name
- Parameters:
- {String} name
- {Boolean} force
Allocates and initializes a bone.
- Parameters:
- name
- Deprecated:
- since v3.1, please use new construction instead
- Returns:
- {ccs.Bone}
{ccs.Armature} getArmature()Returns the armature reference of ccs.Bone.
- Returns:
- {ccs.Armature}
{cc.BlendFunc} getBlendFunc()Returns the blendFunc of ccs.Bone.
- Returns:
- {cc.BlendFunc}
{ccs.BoneData} getBoneData()Returns boneData of ccs.Bone.
- Returns:
- {ccs.BoneData}
{ccs.Armature} getChildArmature()Returns ccs.Bone's child armature.
- Returns:
- {ccs.Armature}
{Array} getChildrenBone()Returns the children of ccs.Bone
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use getChildren instead.
- Returns:
- {Array}
{Array|null} getColliderBodyList()Returns the collider body list in this bone.
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use getColliderDetector to get a delector, and calls its getColliderBodyList instead.
- Returns:
- {Array|null}
{*} getColliderDetector()Returns the collide detector of ccs.Bone.
- Returns:
- {*}
{cc.ColliderFilter} getColliderFilter()Returns collider filter of ccs.Bone.
- Returns:
- {cc.ColliderFilter}
{ccs.DisplayManager} getDisplayManager()displayManager dirty getter
- Returns:
- {ccs.DisplayManager}
{cc.Node} getDisplayRenderNode()Returns the display render node.
- Returns:
- {cc.Node}
{Number} getDisplayRenderNodeType()Returns the type of display render node
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Boolean} getIgnoreMovementBoneData()Returns whether is ignore movement bone data.
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please isIgnoreMovementBoneData instead.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{cc.AffineTransform} getNodeToArmatureTransform()Return the worldTransform of ccs.Bone.
- Returns:
- {cc.AffineTransform}
{cc.AffineTransform} getNodeToWorldTransform()Returns the world transform of ccs.Bone.
- Returns:
- {cc.AffineTransform}
{ccs.Bone} getParentBone()Returns the parent bone of ccs.Bone.
- Returns:
- {ccs.Bone}
{ccs.Tween} getTween()Return the tween of ccs.Bone
- Returns:
- {ccs.Tween}
{ccs.FrameData} getTweenData()Returns the tweenData of ccs.Bone.
- Returns:
- {ccs.FrameData}
{ccs.BaseData} getWorldInfo()Returns the world information of ccs.Bone.
- Returns:
- {ccs.BaseData}
{Boolean} init(name)Initializes a ccs.Bone with the specified name
- Parameters:
- {String} name
- bone name
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean|*|ccs.Bone._blendDirty} isBlendDirty()Returns the blend dirty flag whether is dirty.
- Returns:
- {Boolean|*|ccs.Bone._blendDirty}
{Boolean} isIgnoreMovementBoneData()Returns whether is ignore movement bone data.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} isTransformDirty()Returns ccs.Bone's transform dirty flag whether is dirty.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{cc.AffineTransform} nodeToArmatureTransform()Returns the worldTransform of ccs.Bone.
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use getNodeToArmatureTransform instead.
- Returns:
- {cc.AffineTransform}
{cc.AffineTransform} nodeToWorldTransform()
- Deprecated:
- Returns the world affine transform matrix. The matrix is in Pixels.
- Returns:
- {cc.AffineTransform}
removeChildBone(bone, recursion)Removes a child bone
- Parameters:
- {ccs.Bone} bone
- {Boolean} recursion
removeDisplay(index)Removes display by index.
- Parameters:
- {Number} index
- display renderer's index
removeFromParent(recursion)Removes itself from its parent ccs.Bone.
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} recursion
setArmature(armature)Sets the armature reference to ccs.Bone.
- Parameters:
- {ccs.Armature} armature
setBlendDirty(dirty)Sets blend dirty flag
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} dirty
setBlendFunc(blendFunc, dst)Sets BlendFunc to ccs.Bone.
- Parameters:
- {cc.BlendFunc|Number} blendFunc
- blendFunc or src of blendFunc
- {Number} dst Optional
- dst of blendFunc
setBoneData(boneData)Sets the boneData to ccs.Bone.
- Parameters:
- {ccs.BoneData} boneData
setChildArmature(armature)Sets ccs.Bone's child armature
- Parameters:
- {ccs.Armature} armature
setColliderFilter(filter)Sets collider filter to ccs.Bone.
- Parameters:
- {ccs.ColliderFilter} filter
setIgnoreMovementBoneData(bool)When CCArmature play a animation, if there is not a CCMovementBoneData of this bone in this CCMovementData, this bone will hide.
Set IgnoreMovementBoneData to true, then this bone will also show.- Parameters:
- {Boolean} bool
setLocalZOrder(zOrder)Sets the local zOrder to ccs.Bone.
- Parameters:
- {Number} zOrder
setParentBone(parent)Sets parent bone to ccs.Bone. If _parent is NUll, then also remove this bone from armature. It will not set the ccs.Armature, if you want to add the bone to a ccs.Armature, you should use ccs.Armature.addBone(bone, parentName).
- Parameters:
- {ccs.Bone} parent
- the parent bone.
setTransformDirty(dirty)Sets ccs.Bone's transform dirty flag.
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} dirty
update(delta)Updates worldTransform by tween data and updates display state
- Parameters:
- {Number} delta
updateColor()Updates display color
updateZOrder()Updates display zOrder