Class ccui.Layout

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
ccui.Layout is the base class of ccui.PageView and ccui.ScrollView, it does layout by layout manager and clips area by its _clippingStencil when clippingEnabled is true.

Method Summary

Class Detail

ccui.Layout is the base class of ccui.PageView and ccui.ScrollView, it does layout by layout manager and clips area by its _clippingStencil when clippingEnabled is true.

Field Detail

<static> <constant> ccui.Layout.ABSOLUTE
The absolute of ccui.Layout's layout type.
<static> <constant> ccui.Layout.BACKGROUND_IMAGE_ZORDER
The zOrder value of ccui.Layout's image background.
<static> <constant> ccui.Layout.BACKGROUND_RENDERER_ZORDER
The zOrder value of ccui.Layout's color background.
<static> <constant> ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_GRADIENT
The gradient of ccui.Layout's background color type, it will use a LayerGradient to draw the background.
<static> <constant> ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_NONE
The None of ccui.Layout's background color type
<static> <constant> ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_SOLID
The solid of ccui.Layout's background color type, it will use a LayerColor to draw the background.
<static> <constant> ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_SCISSOR
The scissor of ccui.Layout's clipping type.
<static> <constant> ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_STENCIL
The stencil of ccui.Layout's clipping type.
{Boolean} clippingEnabled
- Indicate whether clipping is enabled
<static> <constant> ccui.Layout.LINEAR_HORIZONTAL
The horizontal of ccui.Layout's layout type.
<static> <constant> ccui.Layout.LINEAR_VERTICAL
The vertical of ccui.Layout's layout type.
<static> <constant> ccui.Layout.RELATIVE
The relative of ccui.Layout's layout type.

Method Detail

  • addChild(widget, zOrder, tag)
    Adds a widget to the container.
    {ccui.Widget} widget
    {Number} zOrder Optional
    {Number|string} tag Optional
    tag or name
  • <static> {ccui.Layout} ccui.Layout.create()
    allocates and initializes a UILayout.
    since v3.0, please use new ccui.Layout() instead.
  • ctor()
    Allocates and initializes an UILayout. Constructor of ccui.Layout
    // example
    var uiLayout = new ccui.Layout();
  • {ccui.Widget} findNextFocusedWidget(direction, current)
    When a widget is in a layout, you could call this method to get the next focused widget within a specified direction. If the widget is not in a layout, it will return itself
    {Number} direction
    the direction to look for the next focused widget in a layout
    {ccui.Widget} current
    the current focused widget
    {ccui.Widget} return the index of widget in the layout
  • forceDoLayout()
    force refresh widget layout
  • {cc.Color} getBackGroundColor()
    Gets background color of ccui.Layout, if color type is Layout.COLOR_SOLID.
  • {Number} getBackGroundColorOpacity()
    Get background opacity value of ccui.Layout.
  • Get background color type of ccui.Layout.
  • {cc.Point} getBackGroundColorVector()
    Gets background color vector of ccui.Layout, if color type is Layout.COLOR_GRADIENT
  • {cc.Color} getBackGroundEndColor()
    Gets background end color of ccui.Layout
  • {cc.Rect} getBackGroundImageCapInsets()
    Gets background image capinsets of ccui.Layout.
  • {cc.Color} getBackGroundImageColor()
    Gets backGround image color
  • {Number} getBackGroundImageOpacity()
    Gets backGround image opacity
  • {cc.Size} getBackGroundImageTextureSize()
    Gets background image texture size.
  • {cc.Color} getBackGroundStartColor()
    Gets background start color of ccui.Layout
  • Gets clipping type of ccui.Layout
  • {string} getDescription()
    Returns the "class name" of widget.
  • {null} getLayoutType()
    Gets LayoutType of ccui.Layout.
  • {Boolean} isBackGroundImageScale9Enabled()
    Get whether background image is use scale9 renderer.
  • {Boolean} isClippingEnabled()
    Gets if layout is clipping enabled.
    {Boolean} if layout is clipping enabled.
  • {boolean} isLoopFocus()
    Gets whether enable focus loop
    {boolean} If focus loop is enabled, then it will return true, otherwise it returns false. The default value is false.
  • {boolean} isPassFocusToChild()
    Returns whether the layout will pass the focus to its children or not. The default value is true
    {boolean} To query whether the layout will pass the focus to its children or not. The default value is true
  • onEnter()
    Calls its parent's onEnter, and calls its clippingStencil's onEnter if clippingStencil isn't null.
  • onExit()
    Calls its parent's onExit, and calls its clippingStencil's onExit if clippingStencil isn't null.
  • onPassFocusToChild(direction, current)
    To specify a user-defined functor to decide which child widget of the layout should get focused
    {Number} direction
    {ccui.Widget} current
  • removeAllChildren(cleanup)
    Removes all children from the container with a cleanup, and sets the layout dirty flag to true.
    {Boolean} cleanup
  • removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(cleanup)
    Removes all children from the container, do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter, and sets the layout dirty flag to true.
    {Boolean} cleanup
    true if all running actions on all children nodes should be cleanup, false otherwise.
  • removeBackGroundImage()
    Remove the background image of ccui.Layout.
  • removeChild(widget, cleanup)
    Removes child widget from ccui.Layout, and sets the layout dirty flag to true.
    {ccui.Widget} widget
    {Boolean} cleanup Optional, Default: true
  • requestDoLayout()
    request to refresh widget layout, it will do layout at visit calls
  • setBackGroundColor(color, endColor)
    Sets background color for layout, if color type is Layout.COLOR_SOLID
    {cc.Color} color
    {cc.Color} endColor Optional
  • setBackGroundColorOpacity(opacity)
    Sets background opacity to ccui.Layout.
    {number} opacity
  • setBackGroundColorType(type)
    Sets Color Type for ccui.Layout.
    {ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_NONE|ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_SOLID|ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_GRADIENT} type
  • setBackGroundColorVector(vector)
    Sets background color vector for layout, if color type is Layout.COLOR_GRADIENT
    {cc.Point} vector
  • setBackGroundImage(fileName, texType)
    Sets a background image for layout
    {String} fileName
    {ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE|ccui.Widget.PLIST_TEXTURE} texType
  • setBackGroundImageCapInsets(capInsets)
    Sets a background image CapInsets for layout, if the background image is a scale9 render.
    {cc.Rect} capInsets
    capinsets of background image.
  • setBackGroundImageColor(color)
    Sets backGround image color
    {cc.Color} color
  • setBackGroundImageOpacity(opacity)
    Sets backGround image Opacity
    {Number} opacity
  • setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled(able)
    Sets background image use scale9 renderer.
    {Boolean} able
    true that use scale9 renderer, false otherwise.
  • setClippingEnabled(able)
    Changes if layout can clip it's content and locChild. If you really need this, please enable it. But it would reduce the rendering efficiency.
    {Boolean} able
    clipping enabled.
  • setClippingType(type)
    Sets clipping type to ccui.Layout
    {ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_STENCIL|ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_SCISSOR} type
  • setLayoutType(type)
    Sets LayoutType to ccui.Layout, LayoutManager will do layout by layout type..
    {ccui.Layout.ABSOLUTE|ccui.Layout.LINEAR_VERTICAL|ccui.Layout.LINEAR_HORIZONTAL|ccui.Layout.RELATIVE} type
  • setLoopFocus(loop)
    If a layout is loop focused which means that the focus movement will be inside the layout
    {Boolean} loop
    pass true to let the focus movement loop inside the layout
  • setPassFocusToChild(pass)
    Specifies whether the layout pass its focus to its child
    To specify whether the layout pass its focus to its child
  • visit(parentCmd)

    Calls adaptRenderers (its subclass will override it.) and do layout. If clippingEnabled is true, it will clip/scissor area.

    {cc.Node.RenderCmd} parentCmd Optional