1 /****************************************************************************
  2  Copyright (c) 2011-2012 cocos2d-x.org
  3  Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc.
  5  http://www.cocos2d-x.org
  7  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  8  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  9  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 10  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 11  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 12  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 14  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 15  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 24  ****************************************************************************/
 26 /**
 27  * ccui.Layout is the base class of  ccui.PageView and ccui.ScrollView, it does layout by layout manager
 28  *  and clips area by its _clippingStencil when clippingEnabled is true.
 29  * @class
 30  * @extends ccui.Widget
 31  *
 32  * @property {Boolean}                  clippingEnabled - Indicate whether clipping is enabled
 33  * @property {ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_STENCIL|ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_SCISSOR}   clippingType
 34  * @property {ccui.Layout.ABSOLUTE|ccui.Layout.LINEAR_VERTICAL|ccui.Layout.LINEAR_HORIZONTAL|ccui.Layout.RELATIVE}  layoutType
 35  *
 36  */
 37 ccui.Layout = ccui.Widget.extend(/** @lends ccui.Layout# */{
 38     _clippingEnabled: false,
 39     _backGroundScale9Enabled: null,
 40     _backGroundImage: null,
 41     _backGroundImageFileName: null,
 42     _backGroundImageCapInsets: null,
 43     _colorType: null,
 44     _bgImageTexType: ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE,
 45     _colorRender: null,
 46     _gradientRender: null,
 47     _color: null,
 48     _startColor: null,
 49     _endColor: null,
 50     _alongVector: null,
 51     _opacity: 255,
 52     _backGroundImageTextureSize: null,
 53     _layoutType: null,
 54     _doLayoutDirty: true,
 55     _clippingRectDirty: true,
 56     _clippingType: null,
 57     _clippingStencil: null,
 58     _scissorRectDirty: false,
 59     _clippingRect: null,
 60     _clippingParent: null,
 61     _className: "Layout",
 62     _backGroundImageColor: null,
 63     _finalPositionX: 0,
 64     _finalPositionY: 0,
 66     _backGroundImageOpacity:0,
 68     _loopFocus: false,                                                          //whether enable loop focus or not
 69     __passFocusToChild: true,                                                  //on default, it will pass the focus to the next nearest widget
 70     _isFocusPassing:false,                                                      //when finding the next focused widget, use this variable to pass focus between layout & widget
 71     _isInterceptTouch: false,
 73     /**
 74      * Allocates and initializes an UILayout.
 75      * Constructor of ccui.Layout
 76      * @function
 77      * @example
 78      * // example
 79      * var uiLayout = new ccui.Layout();
 80      */
 81     ctor: function () {
 82         this._layoutType = ccui.Layout.ABSOLUTE;
 83         this._widgetType = ccui.Widget.TYPE_CONTAINER;
 84         this._clippingType = ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_SCISSOR;
 85         this._colorType = ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_NONE;
 87         ccui.Widget.prototype.ctor.call(this);
 89         this.ignoreContentAdaptWithSize(false);
 90         this.setContentSize(cc.size(0, 0));
 91         this.setAnchorPoint(0, 0);
 92         this.onPassFocusToChild  = this._findNearestChildWidgetIndex.bind(this);
 94         this._backGroundImageCapInsets = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
 96         this._color = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
 97         this._startColor = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
 98         this._endColor = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
 99         this._alongVector = cc.p(0, -1);
100         this._backGroundImageTextureSize = cc.size(0, 0);
102         this._clippingRect = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
103         this._backGroundImageColor = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
104     },
106     /**
107      * Calls its parent's onEnter, and calls its clippingStencil's onEnter if clippingStencil isn't null.
108      * @override
109      */
110     onEnter: function(){
111         ccui.Widget.prototype.onEnter.call(this);
112         if (this._clippingStencil)
113             this._clippingStencil.onEnter();
114         this._doLayoutDirty = true;
115         this._clippingRectDirty = true;
116     },
118     /**
119      *  Calls its parent's onExit, and calls its clippingStencil's onExit if clippingStencil isn't null.
120      *  @override
121      */
122     onExit: function(){
123         ccui.Widget.prototype.onExit.call(this);
124         if (this._clippingStencil)
125             this._clippingStencil.onExit();
126     },
128     /**
129      * If a layout is loop focused which means that the focus movement will be inside the layout
130      * @param {Boolean} loop pass true to let the focus movement loop inside the layout
131      */
132     setLoopFocus: function(loop){
133         this._loopFocus = loop;
134     },
136     /**
137      * Gets whether enable focus loop
138      * @returns {boolean}  If focus loop is enabled, then it will return true, otherwise it returns false. The default value is false.
139      */
140     isLoopFocus: function(){
141         return this._loopFocus;
142     },
144     /**
145      * Specifies whether the layout pass its focus to its child
146      * @param pass To specify whether the layout pass its focus to its child
147      */
148     setPassFocusToChild: function(pass){
149         this.__passFocusToChild = pass;
150     },
152     /**
153      * Returns whether the layout will pass the focus to its children or not. The default value is true
154      * @returns {boolean} To query whether the layout will pass the focus to its children or not. The default value is true
155      */
156     isPassFocusToChild: function(){
157         return this.__passFocusToChild;
158     },
160     /**
161      * When a widget is in a layout, you could call this method to get the next focused widget within a specified direction.
162      * If the widget is not in a layout, it will return itself
163      * @param {Number} direction the direction to look for the next focused widget in a layout
164      * @param {ccui.Widget} current the current focused widget
165      * @returns {ccui.Widget} return the index of widget in the layout
166      */
167     findNextFocusedWidget: function(direction, current){
168         if (this._isFocusPassing || this.isFocused()) {
169             var parent = this.getParent();
170             this._isFocusPassing = false;
171             if (this.__passFocusToChild) {
172                 var w = this._passFocusToChild(direction, current);
173                 if (w instanceof ccui.Layout && parent) {
174                     parent._isFocusPassing = true;
175                     return parent.findNextFocusedWidget(direction, this);
176                 }
177                 return w;
178             }
180             if (null == parent || !(parent instanceof ccui.Layout))
181                 return this;
182             parent._isFocusPassing = true;
183             return parent.findNextFocusedWidget(direction, this);
184         } else if(current.isFocused() || current instanceof ccui.Layout) {
185             if (this._layoutType === ccui.Layout.LINEAR_HORIZONTAL) {
186                 switch (direction){
187                     case ccui.Widget.LEFT:
188                         return this._getPreviousFocusedWidget(direction, current);
189                     break;
190                     case ccui.Widget.RIGHT:
191                         return this._getNextFocusedWidget(direction, current);
192                     break;
193                     case ccui.Widget.DOWN:
194                     case ccui.Widget.UP:
195                         if (this._isLastWidgetInContainer(this, direction)){
196                             if (this._isWidgetAncestorSupportLoopFocus(current, direction))
197                                 return ccui.Widget.prototype.findNextFocusedWidget.call(this, direction, this);
198                             return current;
199                         } else {
200                             return ccui.Widget.prototype.findNextFocusedWidget.call(this, direction, this);
201                         }
202                     break;
203                     default:
204                         cc.assert(0, "Invalid Focus Direction");
205                         return current;
206                 }
207             } else if (this._layoutType === ccui.Layout.LINEAR_VERTICAL) {
208                 switch (direction){
209                     case ccui.Widget.LEFT:
210                     case ccui.Widget.RIGHT:
211                         if (this._isLastWidgetInContainer(this, direction)) {
212                             if (this._isWidgetAncestorSupportLoopFocus(current, direction))
213                                 return ccui.Widget.prototype.findNextFocusedWidget.call(this, direction, this);
214                             return current;
215                         }
216                         else
217                             return ccui.Widget.prototype.findNextFocusedWidget.call(this, direction, this);
218                      break;
219                     case ccui.Widget.DOWN:
220                         return this._getNextFocusedWidget(direction, current);
221                         break;
222                     case ccui.Widget.UP:
223                         return this._getPreviousFocusedWidget(direction, current);
224                         break;
225                     default:
226                         cc.assert(0, "Invalid Focus Direction");
227                         return current;
228                 }
229             } else {
230                 cc.assert(0, "Un Supported Layout type, please use VBox and HBox instead!!!");
231                 return current;
232             }
233         } else
234             return current;
235     },
237     /**
238      * To specify a user-defined functor to decide which child widget of the layout should get focused
239      * @function
240      * @param {Number} direction
241      * @param {ccui.Widget} current
242      */
243     onPassFocusToChild: null,
245     /**
246      * Adds a widget to the container.
247      * @param {ccui.Widget} widget
248      * @param {Number} [zOrder]
249      * @param {Number|string} [tag] tag or name
250      * @override
251      */
252     addChild: function (widget, zOrder, tag) {
253         if ((widget instanceof ccui.Widget)) {
254             this._supplyTheLayoutParameterLackToChild(widget);
255         }
256         ccui.Widget.prototype.addChild.call(this, widget, zOrder, tag);
257         this._doLayoutDirty = true;
258     },
260     /**
261      * Removes child widget from ccui.Layout, and sets the layout dirty flag to true.
262      * @param {ccui.Widget} widget
263      * @param {Boolean} [cleanup=true]
264      * @override
265      */
266     removeChild: function (widget, cleanup) {
267         ccui.Widget.prototype.removeChild.call(this, widget, cleanup);
268         this._doLayoutDirty = true;
269     },
271     /**
272      * Removes all children from the container with a cleanup, and sets the layout dirty flag to true.
273      * @param {Boolean} cleanup
274      */
275     removeAllChildren: function (cleanup) {
276         ccui.Widget.prototype.removeAllChildren.call(this, cleanup);
277         this._doLayoutDirty = true;
278     },
280     /**
281      * Removes all children from the container, do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter,
282      * and sets the layout dirty flag to true.
283      * @param {Boolean} cleanup true if all running actions on all children nodes should be cleanup, false otherwise.
284      */
285     removeAllChildrenWithCleanup: function(cleanup){
286         ccui.Widget.prototype.removeAllChildrenWithCleanup.call(this, cleanup);
287         this._doLayoutDirty = true;
288     },
290     /**
291      * Gets if layout is clipping enabled.
292      * @returns {Boolean} if layout is clipping enabled.
293      */
294     isClippingEnabled: function () {
295         return this._clippingEnabled;
296     },
298     /**
299      * <p>
300      *     Calls adaptRenderers (its subclass will override it.) and do layout.
301      *     If clippingEnabled is true, it will clip/scissor area.
302      * </p>
303      * @override
304      * @param {cc.Node.RenderCmd} [parentCmd]
305      */
306     visit: function (parentCmd) {
307         if (!this._visible)
308             return;
309         this._adaptRenderers();
310         this._doLayout();
312         if (this._clippingEnabled) {
313             switch (this._clippingType) {
314                 case ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_STENCIL:
315                     this._renderCmd.stencilClippingVisit(parentCmd);
316                     break;
317                 case ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_SCISSOR:
318                     this._renderCmd.scissorClippingVisit(parentCmd);
319                     break;
320                 default:
321                     break;
322             }
323         } else {
324             ccui.Widget.prototype.visit.call(this, parentCmd);
325         }
326     },
328     /**
329      * Changes if layout can clip it's content and locChild.
330      * If you really need this, please enable it. But it would reduce the rendering efficiency.
331      * @param {Boolean} able clipping enabled.
332      */
333     setClippingEnabled: function (able) {
334         if (able === this._clippingEnabled)
335             return;
336         this._clippingEnabled = able;
337         switch (this._clippingType) {
338             case ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_SCISSOR:
339             case ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_STENCIL:
340                 if (able){
341                     this._clippingStencil = new cc.DrawNode();
342                     this._renderCmd.rebindStencilRendering(this._clippingStencil);
343                     if (this._running)
344                         this._clippingStencil.onEnter();
345                     this._setStencilClippingSize(this._contentSize);
346                 } else {
347                     if (this._running && this._clippingStencil)
348                         this._clippingStencil.onExit();
349                     this._clippingStencil = null;
350                 }
351                 break;
352             default:
353                 break;
354         }
355     },
357     /**
358      * Sets clipping type to ccui.Layout
359      * @param {ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_STENCIL|ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_SCISSOR} type
360      */
361     setClippingType: function (type) {
362         if (type === this._clippingType)
363             return;
364         var clippingEnabled = this.isClippingEnabled();
365         this.setClippingEnabled(false);
366         this._clippingType = type;
367         this.setClippingEnabled(clippingEnabled);
368     },
370     /**
371      * Gets clipping type of ccui.Layout
372      * @returns {ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_STENCIL|ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_SCISSOR}
373      */
374     getClippingType: function () {
375         return this._clippingType;
376     },
378     _setStencilClippingSize: function (size) {
379         if (this._clippingEnabled) {
380             var rect = [];
381             rect[0] = cc.p(0, 0);
382             rect[1] = cc.p(size.width, 0);
383             rect[2] = cc.p(size.width, size.height);
384             rect[3] = cc.p(0, size.height);
385             var green = cc.color.GREEN;
386             this._clippingStencil.clear();
387             this._clippingStencil.drawPoly(rect, 4, green, 0, green);
388         }
389     },
391     _getClippingRect: function () {
392         if (this._clippingRectDirty) {
393             var worldPos = this.convertToWorldSpace(cc.p(0, 0));
394             var t = this.getNodeToWorldTransform();
395             var scissorWidth = this._contentSize.width * t.a;
396             var scissorHeight = this._contentSize.height * t.d;
397             var parentClippingRect;
398             var parent = this;
400             while (parent) {
401                 parent = parent.getParent();
402                 if (parent && parent instanceof ccui.Layout && parent.isClippingEnabled()) {
403                     this._clippingParent = parent;
404                     break;
405                 }
406             }
408             if (this._clippingParent) {
409                 parentClippingRect = this._clippingParent._getClippingRect();
411                 this._clippingRect.x = Math.max(worldPos.x, parentClippingRect.x);
412                 this._clippingRect.y = Math.max(worldPos.y, parentClippingRect.y);
414                 var right = Math.min(worldPos.x + scissorWidth, parentClippingRect.x + parentClippingRect.width);
415                 var top = Math.min(worldPos.y + scissorHeight, parentClippingRect.y + parentClippingRect.height);
417                 this._clippingRect.width = Math.max(0.0, right -  this._clippingRect.x);
418                 this._clippingRect.height = Math.max(0.0, top -  this._clippingRect.y);
419             } else {
420                 this._clippingRect.x = worldPos.x;
421                 this._clippingRect.y = worldPos.y;
422                 this._clippingRect.width = scissorWidth;
423                 this._clippingRect.height = scissorHeight;
424             }
425             this._clippingRectDirty = false;
426         }
427         return this._clippingRect;
428     },
430     _onSizeChanged: function () {
431         ccui.Widget.prototype._onSizeChanged.call(this);
432         var locContentSize = this._contentSize;
433         this._setStencilClippingSize(locContentSize);
434         this._doLayoutDirty = true;
435         this._clippingRectDirty = true;
436         if (this._backGroundImage) {
437             this._backGroundImage.setPosition(locContentSize.width * 0.5, locContentSize.height * 0.5);
438             if (this._backGroundScale9Enabled && this._backGroundImage instanceof ccui.Scale9Sprite)
439                 this._backGroundImage.setPreferredSize(locContentSize);
440         }
441         if (this._colorRender)
442             this._colorRender.setContentSize(locContentSize);
443         if (this._gradientRender)
444             this._gradientRender.setContentSize(locContentSize);
445     },
447     /**
448      * Sets background image use scale9 renderer.
449      * @param {Boolean} able  true that use scale9 renderer, false otherwise.
450      */
451     setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled: function (able) {
452         if (this._backGroundScale9Enabled === able)
453             return;
454         this.removeProtectedChild(this._backGroundImage);
455         this._backGroundImage = null;
456         this._backGroundScale9Enabled = able;
457         this._addBackGroundImage();
458         this.setBackGroundImage(this._backGroundImageFileName, this._bgImageTexType);
459         this.setBackGroundImageCapInsets(this._backGroundImageCapInsets);
460     },
462     /**
463      * Get whether background image is use scale9 renderer.
464      * @returns {Boolean}
465      */
466     isBackGroundImageScale9Enabled: function () {
467         return this._backGroundScale9Enabled;
468     },
470     /**
471      * Sets a background image for layout
472      * @param {String} fileName
473      * @param {ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE|ccui.Widget.PLIST_TEXTURE} texType
474      */
475     setBackGroundImage: function (fileName, texType) {
476         if (!fileName)
477             return;
478         texType = texType || ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE;
479         if (this._backGroundImage === null){
480             this._addBackGroundImage();
481             this.setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled(this._backGroundScale9Enabled);
482         }
483         this._backGroundImageFileName = fileName;
484         this._bgImageTexType = texType;
485         var locBackgroundImage = this._backGroundImage;
486         switch (this._bgImageTexType) {
487             case ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE:
488                 locBackgroundImage.initWithFile(fileName);
489                 break;
490             case ccui.Widget.PLIST_TEXTURE:
491                 locBackgroundImage.initWithSpriteFrameName(fileName);
492                 break;
493             default:
494                 break;
495         }
496         if (this._backGroundScale9Enabled)
497             locBackgroundImage.setPreferredSize(this._contentSize);
499         this._backGroundImageTextureSize = locBackgroundImage.getContentSize();
500         locBackgroundImage.setPosition(this._contentSize.width * 0.5, this._contentSize.height * 0.5);
501         this._updateBackGroundImageColor();
502     },
504     /**
505      * Sets a background image CapInsets for layout, if the background image is a scale9 render.
506      * @param {cc.Rect} capInsets capinsets of background image.
507      */
508     setBackGroundImageCapInsets: function (capInsets) {
509         if(!capInsets)
510             return;
511         var locInsets = this._backGroundImageCapInsets;
512         locInsets.x = capInsets.x;
513         locInsets.y = capInsets.y;
514         locInsets.width = capInsets.width;
515         locInsets.height = capInsets.height;
516         if (this._backGroundScale9Enabled)
517             this._backGroundImage.setCapInsets(capInsets);
518     },
520     /**
521      * Gets background image capinsets of ccui.Layout.
522      * @returns {cc.Rect}
523      */
524     getBackGroundImageCapInsets: function () {
525         return cc.rect(this._backGroundImageCapInsets);
526     },
528     _supplyTheLayoutParameterLackToChild: function (locChild) {
529         if (!locChild) {
530             return;
531         }
532         switch (this._layoutType) {
533             case ccui.Layout.ABSOLUTE:
534                 break;
535             case ccui.Layout.LINEAR_HORIZONTAL:
536             case ccui.Layout.LINEAR_VERTICAL:
537                 var layoutParameter = locChild.getLayoutParameter(ccui.LayoutParameter.LINEAR);
538                 if (!layoutParameter)
539                     locChild.setLayoutParameter(new ccui.LinearLayoutParameter());
540                 break;
541             case ccui.Layout.RELATIVE:
542                 var layoutParameter = locChild.getLayoutParameter(ccui.LayoutParameter.RELATIVE);
543                 if (!layoutParameter)
544                     locChild.setLayoutParameter(new ccui.RelativeLayoutParameter());
545                 break;
546             default:
547                 break;
548         }
549     },
551     _addBackGroundImage: function () {
552         var contentSize = this._contentSize;
553         if (this._backGroundScale9Enabled) {
554             this._backGroundImage = new ccui.Scale9Sprite();
555             this._backGroundImage.setPreferredSize(contentSize);
556         } else
557             this._backGroundImage = new cc.Sprite();
558         this.addProtectedChild(this._backGroundImage, ccui.Layout.BACKGROUND_IMAGE_ZORDER, -1);
559         this._backGroundImage.setPosition(contentSize.width * 0.5, contentSize.height * 0.5);
560     },
562     /**
563      * Remove the background image of ccui.Layout.
564      */
565     removeBackGroundImage: function () {
566         if (!this._backGroundImage)
567             return;
568         this.removeProtectedChild(this._backGroundImage);
569         this._backGroundImage = null;
570         this._backGroundImageFileName = "";
571         this._backGroundImageTextureSize.width = 0;
572         this._backGroundImageTextureSize.height = 0;
573     },
575     /**
576      * Sets Color Type for ccui.Layout.
577      * @param {ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_NONE|ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_SOLID|ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_GRADIENT} type
578      */
579     setBackGroundColorType: function (type) {
580         if (this._colorType === type)
581             return;
582         switch (this._colorType) {
583             case ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_NONE:
584                 if (this._colorRender) {
585                     this.removeProtectedChild(this._colorRender);
586                     this._colorRender = null;
587                 }
588                 if (this._gradientRender) {
589                     this.removeProtectedChild(this._gradientRender);
590                     this._gradientRender = null;
591                 }
592                 break;
593             case ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_SOLID:
594                 if (this._colorRender) {
595                     this.removeProtectedChild(this._colorRender);
596                     this._colorRender = null;
597                 }
598                 break;
599             case ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_GRADIENT:
600                 if (this._gradientRender) {
601                     this.removeProtectedChild(this._gradientRender);
602                     this._gradientRender = null;
603                 }
604                 break;
605             default:
606                 break;
607         }
608         this._colorType = type;
609         switch (this._colorType) {
610             case ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_NONE:
611                 break;
612             case ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_SOLID:
613                 this._colorRender = new cc.LayerColor();
614                 this._colorRender.setContentSize(this._contentSize);
615                 this._colorRender.setOpacity(this._opacity);
616                 this._colorRender.setColor(this._color);
617                 this.addProtectedChild(this._colorRender, ccui.Layout.BACKGROUND_RENDERER_ZORDER, -1);
618                 break;
619             case ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_GRADIENT:
620                 this._gradientRender = new cc.LayerGradient(cc.color(255, 0, 0, 255), cc.color(0, 255, 0, 255));
621                 this._gradientRender.setContentSize(this._contentSize);
622                 this._gradientRender.setOpacity(this._opacity);
623                 this._gradientRender.setStartColor(this._startColor);
624                 this._gradientRender.setEndColor(this._endColor);
625                 this._gradientRender.setVector(this._alongVector);
626                 this.addProtectedChild(this._gradientRender, ccui.Layout.BACKGROUND_RENDERER_ZORDER, -1);
627                 break;
628             default:
629                 break;
630         }
631     },
633     /**
634      * Get background color type of ccui.Layout.
635      * @returns {ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_NONE|ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_SOLID|ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_GRADIENT}
636      */
637     getBackGroundColorType: function () {
638         return this._colorType;
639     },
641     /**
642      * Sets background color for layout, if color type is Layout.COLOR_SOLID
643      * @param {cc.Color} color
644      * @param {cc.Color} [endColor]
645      */
646     setBackGroundColor: function (color, endColor) {
647         if (!endColor) {
648             this._color.r = color.r;
649             this._color.g = color.g;
650             this._color.b = color.b;
651             if (this._colorRender)
652                 this._colorRender.setColor(color);
653         } else {
654             this._startColor.r = color.r;
655             this._startColor.g = color.g;
656             this._startColor.b = color.b;
657             if (this._gradientRender)
658                 this._gradientRender.setStartColor(color);
660             this._endColor.r = endColor.r;
661             this._endColor.g = endColor.g;
662             this._endColor.b = endColor.b;
663             if (this._gradientRender)
664                 this._gradientRender.setEndColor(endColor);
665         }
666     },
668     /**
669      * Gets background color of ccui.Layout, if color type is Layout.COLOR_SOLID.
670      * @returns {cc.Color}
671      */
672     getBackGroundColor: function () {
673         var tmpColor = this._color;
674         return cc.color(tmpColor.r, tmpColor.g, tmpColor.b, tmpColor.a);
675     },
677     /**
678      * Gets background start color of ccui.Layout
679      * @returns {cc.Color}
680      */
681     getBackGroundStartColor: function () {
682         var tmpColor = this._startColor;
683         return cc.color(tmpColor.r, tmpColor.g, tmpColor.b, tmpColor.a);
684     },
686     /**
687      * Gets background end color of ccui.Layout
688      * @returns {cc.Color}
689      */
690     getBackGroundEndColor: function () {
691         var tmpColor = this._endColor;
692         return cc.color(tmpColor.r, tmpColor.g, tmpColor.b, tmpColor.a);
693     },
695     /**
696      * Sets background opacity to ccui.Layout.
697      * @param {number} opacity
698      */
699     setBackGroundColorOpacity: function (opacity) {
700         this._opacity = opacity;
701         switch (this._colorType) {
702             case ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_NONE:
703                 break;
704             case ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_SOLID:
705                 this._colorRender.setOpacity(opacity);
706                 break;
707             case ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_GRADIENT:
708                 this._gradientRender.setOpacity(opacity);
709                 break;
710             default:
711                 break;
712         }
713     },
715     /**
716      * Get background opacity value of ccui.Layout.
717      * @returns {Number}
718      */
719     getBackGroundColorOpacity: function () {
720         return this._opacity;
721     },
723     /**
724      * Sets background color vector for layout, if color type is Layout.COLOR_GRADIENT
725      * @param {cc.Point} vector
726      */
727     setBackGroundColorVector: function (vector) {
728         this._alongVector.x = vector.x;
729         this._alongVector.y = vector.y;
730         if (this._gradientRender) {
731             this._gradientRender.setVector(vector);
732         }
733     },
735     /**
736      *  Gets background color vector of ccui.Layout, if color type is Layout.COLOR_GRADIENT
737      * @returns {cc.Point}
738      */
739     getBackGroundColorVector: function () {
740         return this._alongVector;
741     },
743     /**
744      * Sets backGround image color
745      * @param {cc.Color} color
746      */
747     setBackGroundImageColor: function (color) {
748         this._backGroundImageColor.r = color.r;
749         this._backGroundImageColor.g = color.g;
750         this._backGroundImageColor.b = color.b;
752         this._updateBackGroundImageColor();
753     },
755     /**
756      * Sets backGround image Opacity
757      * @param {Number} opacity
758      */
759     setBackGroundImageOpacity: function (opacity) {
760         this._backGroundImageColor.a = opacity;
761         this.getBackGroundImageColor();
762     },
764     /**
765      * Gets backGround image color
766      * @returns {cc.Color}
767      */
768     getBackGroundImageColor: function () {
769         var color = this._backGroundImageColor;
770         return cc.color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
771     },
773     /**
774      * Gets backGround image opacity
775      * @returns {Number}
776      */
777     getBackGroundImageOpacity: function () {
778         return this._backGroundImageColor.a;
779     },
781     _updateBackGroundImageColor: function () {
782         if(this._backGroundImage)
783             this._backGroundImage.setColor(this._backGroundImageColor);
784     },
786     /**
787      * Gets background image texture size.
788      * @returns {cc.Size}
789      */
790     getBackGroundImageTextureSize: function () {
791         return this._backGroundImageTextureSize;
792     },
794     /**
795      * Sets LayoutType to ccui.Layout, LayoutManager will do layout by layout type..
796      * @param {ccui.Layout.ABSOLUTE|ccui.Layout.LINEAR_VERTICAL|ccui.Layout.LINEAR_HORIZONTAL|ccui.Layout.RELATIVE} type
797      */
798     setLayoutType: function (type) {
799         this._layoutType = type;
800         var layoutChildrenArray = this._children;
801         var locChild = null;
802         for (var i = 0; i < layoutChildrenArray.length; i++) {
803             locChild = layoutChildrenArray[i];
804             if(locChild instanceof ccui.Widget)
805                 this._supplyTheLayoutParameterLackToChild(locChild);
806         }
807         this._doLayoutDirty = true;
808     },
810     /**
811      * Gets LayoutType of ccui.Layout.
812      * @returns {null}
813      */
814     getLayoutType: function () {
815         return this._layoutType;
816     },
818     /**
819      * request to refresh widget layout, it will do layout at visit calls
820      */
821     requestDoLayout: function () {
822         this._doLayoutDirty = true;
823     },
825     _doLayout: function () {
826         if (!this._doLayoutDirty)
827             return;
829         this.sortAllChildren();
831         var executant = ccui.getLayoutManager(this._layoutType);
832         if (executant)
833             executant._doLayout(this);
834         this._doLayoutDirty = false;
835     },
837     _getLayoutContentSize: function(){
838         return this.getContentSize();
839     },
841     _getLayoutElements: function(){
842         return this.getChildren();
843     },
845     _updateBackGroundImageOpacity: function(){
846         if (this._backGroundImage)
847             this._backGroundImage.setOpacity(this._backGroundImageOpacity);
848     },
850     _updateBackGroundImageRGBA: function(){
851         if (this._backGroundImage) {
852             this._backGroundImage.setColor(this._backGroundImageColor);
853             this._backGroundImage.setOpacity(this._backGroundImageOpacity);
854         }
855     },
857     /**
858      * Gets the content size of the layout, it will accumulate all its children's content size
859      * @returns {cc.Size}
860      * @private
861      */
862     _getLayoutAccumulatedSize: function(){
863         var children = this.getChildren();
864         var  layoutSize = cc.size(0, 0);
865         var widgetCount = 0, locSize;
866         for(var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
867             var layout = children[i];
868             if (null !== layout && layout instanceof ccui.Layout){
869                 locSize = layout._getLayoutAccumulatedSize();
870                 layoutSize.width += locSize.width;
871                 layoutSize.height += locSize.height;
872             } else {
873                 if (layout instanceof ccui.Widget) {
874                     widgetCount++;
875                     var m = layout.getLayoutParameter().getMargin();
876                     locSize = layout.getContentSize();
877                     layoutSize.width += locSize.width +  (m.right + m.left) * 0.5;
878                     layoutSize.height += locSize.height +  (m.top + m.bottom) * 0.5;
879                 }
880             }
881         }
883         //substract extra size
884         var type = this.getLayoutType();
885         if (type === ccui.Layout.LINEAR_HORIZONTAL)
886             layoutSize.height = layoutSize.height - layoutSize.height/widgetCount * (widgetCount-1);
888         if (type === ccui.Layout.LINEAR_VERTICAL)
889             layoutSize.width = layoutSize.width - layoutSize.width/widgetCount * (widgetCount-1);
890         return layoutSize;
891     },
893     /**
894      * When the layout get focused, it the layout pass the focus to its child, it will use this method to determine which child      <br/>
895      * will get the focus.  The current algorithm to determine which child will get focus is nearest-distance-priority algorithm
896      * @param {Number} direction next focused widget direction
897      * @param {ccui.Widget} baseWidget
898      * @returns {Number}
899      * @private
900      */
901     _findNearestChildWidgetIndex: function(direction, baseWidget){
902         if (baseWidget == null || baseWidget === this)
903             return this._findFirstFocusEnabledWidgetIndex();
905         var index = 0, locChildren = this.getChildren();
906         var count = locChildren.length, widgetPosition;
908         var distance = cc.FLT_MAX, found = 0;
909         if (direction === ccui.Widget.LEFT || direction === ccui.Widget.RIGHT || direction === ccui.Widget.DOWN || direction === ccui.Widget.UP) {
910             widgetPosition = this._getWorldCenterPoint(baseWidget);
911             while (index < count) {
912                 var w = locChildren[index];
913                 if (w && w instanceof ccui.Widget && w.isFocusEnabled()) {
914                     var length = (w instanceof ccui.Layout)? w._calculateNearestDistance(baseWidget)
915                         : cc.pLength(cc.pSub(this._getWorldCenterPoint(w), widgetPosition));
916                     if (length < distance){
917                         found = index;
918                         distance = length;
919                     }
920                 }
921                 index++;
922             }
923             return found;
924         }
925         cc.log("invalid focus direction!");
926         return 0;
927     },
929     /**
930      * When the layout get focused, it the layout pass the focus to its child, it will use this method to determine which child
931      * will get the focus.  The current algorithm to determine which child will get focus is farthest-distance-priority algorithm
932      * @param {Number} direction next focused widget direction
933      * @param {ccui.Widget} baseWidget
934      * @returns {Number} The index of child widget in the container
935      * @private
936      */
937     _findFarthestChildWidgetIndex: function(direction, baseWidget){
938         if (baseWidget == null || baseWidget === this)
939             return this._findFirstFocusEnabledWidgetIndex();
941         var index = 0, locChildren = this.getChildren();
942         var count = locChildren.length;
944         var distance = -cc.FLT_MAX, found = 0;
945         if (direction === ccui.Widget.LEFT || direction === ccui.Widget.RIGHT || direction === ccui.Widget.DOWN || direction === ccui.Widget.UP) {
946             var widgetPosition =  this._getWorldCenterPoint(baseWidget);
947             while (index <  count) {
948                 var w = locChildren[index];
949                 if (w && w instanceof ccui.Widget && w.isFocusEnabled()) {
950                     var length = (w instanceof ccui.Layout)?w._calculateFarthestDistance(baseWidget)
951                         : cc.pLength(cc.pSub(this._getWorldCenterPoint(w), widgetPosition));
952                     if (length > distance){
953                         found = index;
954                         distance = length;
955                     }
956                 }
957                 index++;
958             }
959             return  found;
960         }
961         cc.log("invalid focus direction!!!");
962         return 0;
963     },
965     /**
966      * calculate the nearest distance between the baseWidget and the children of the layout
967      * @param {ccui.Widget} baseWidget the base widget which will be used to calculate the distance between the layout's children and itself
968      * @returns {Number} return the nearest distance between the baseWidget and the layout's children
969      * @private
970      */
971     _calculateNearestDistance: function(baseWidget){
972         var distance = cc.FLT_MAX;
973         var widgetPosition =  this._getWorldCenterPoint(baseWidget);
974         var locChildren = this._children;
976         for (var i = 0, len = locChildren.length; i < len; i++) {
977             var widget = locChildren[i], length;
978             if (widget instanceof ccui.Layout)
979                 length = widget._calculateNearestDistance(baseWidget);
980             else {
981                 if (widget instanceof ccui.Widget && widget.isFocusEnabled())
982                     length = cc.pLength(cc.pSub(this._getWorldCenterPoint(widget), widgetPosition));
983                 else
984                     continue;
985             }
986             if (length < distance)
987                 distance = length;
988         }
989         return distance;
990     },
992     /**
993      * calculate the farthest distance between the baseWidget and the children of the layout
994      * @param baseWidget
995      * @returns {number}
996      * @private
997      */
998     _calculateFarthestDistance:function(baseWidget){
999         var distance = -cc.FLT_MAX;
1000         var widgetPosition =  this._getWorldCenterPoint(baseWidget);
1001         var locChildren = this._children;
1003         for (var i = 0, len = locChildren.length; i < len; i++) {
1004             var layout = locChildren[i];
1005             var length;
1006             if (layout instanceof ccui.Layout)
1007                 length = layout._calculateFarthestDistance(baseWidget);
1008             else {
1009                 if (layout instanceof ccui.Widget && layout.isFocusEnabled()) {
1010                     var wPosition = this._getWorldCenterPoint(layout);
1011                     length = cc.pLength(cc.pSub(wPosition, widgetPosition));
1012                 } else
1013                     continue;
1014             }
1016             if (length > distance)
1017                 distance = length;
1018         }
1019         return distance;
1020     },
1022     /**
1023      * when a layout pass the focus to it's child, use this method to determine which algorithm to use, nearest or farthest distance algorithm or not
1024      * @param direction
1025      * @param baseWidget
1026      * @private
1027      */
1028     _findProperSearchingFunctor: function(direction, baseWidget){
1029         if (baseWidget == null)
1030             return;
1032         var previousWidgetPosition = this._getWorldCenterPoint(baseWidget);
1033         var widgetPosition = this._getWorldCenterPoint(this._findFirstNonLayoutWidget());
1034         if (direction === ccui.Widget.LEFT) {
1035             this.onPassFocusToChild = (previousWidgetPosition.x > widgetPosition.x) ? this._findNearestChildWidgetIndex.bind(this)
1036                 : this._findFarthestChildWidgetIndex.bind(this);
1037         } else if (direction === ccui.Widget.RIGHT) {
1038             this.onPassFocusToChild = (previousWidgetPosition.x > widgetPosition.x) ? this._findFarthestChildWidgetIndex.bind(this)
1039                 : this._findNearestChildWidgetIndex.bind(this);
1040         }else if(direction === ccui.Widget.DOWN) {
1041             this.onPassFocusToChild = (previousWidgetPosition.y > widgetPosition.y) ? this._findNearestChildWidgetIndex.bind(this)
1042                 : this._findFarthestChildWidgetIndex.bind(this);
1043         }else if(direction === ccui.Widget.UP) {
1044             this.onPassFocusToChild = (previousWidgetPosition.y < widgetPosition.y) ? this._findNearestChildWidgetIndex.bind(this)
1045                 : this._findFarthestChildWidgetIndex.bind(this);
1046         }else
1047             cc.log("invalid direction!");
1048     },
1050     /**
1051      * find the first non-layout widget in this layout
1052      * @returns {ccui.Widget}
1053      * @private
1054      */
1055     _findFirstNonLayoutWidget:function(){
1056         var locChildren = this._children;
1057         for(var i = 0, len = locChildren.length; i < len; i++) {
1058             var child = locChildren[i];
1059             if (child instanceof ccui.Layout){
1060                 var widget = child._findFirstNonLayoutWidget();
1061                 if(widget)
1062                     return widget;
1063             } else{
1064                 if (child instanceof ccui.Widget)
1065                     return child;
1066             }
1067         }
1068         return null;
1069     },
1071     /**
1072      * find the first focus enabled widget index in the layout, it will recursive searching the child widget
1073      * @returns {number}
1074      * @private
1075      */
1076     _findFirstFocusEnabledWidgetIndex: function(){
1077         var index = 0, locChildren = this.getChildren();
1078         var count = locChildren.length;
1079         while (index < count) {
1080             var w = locChildren[index];
1081             if (w && w instanceof ccui.Widget && w.isFocusEnabled())
1082                 return index;
1083             index++;
1084         }
1085         return 0;
1086     },
1088     /**
1089      * find a focus enabled child Widget in the layout by index
1090      * @param index
1091      * @returns {*}
1092      * @private
1093      */
1094     _findFocusEnabledChildWidgetByIndex: function(index){
1095         var widget = this._getChildWidgetByIndex(index);
1096         if (widget){
1097             if (widget.isFocusEnabled())
1098                 return widget;
1099             index = index + 1;
1100             return this._findFocusEnabledChildWidgetByIndex(index);
1101         }
1102         return null;
1103     },
1105     /**
1106      * get the center point of a widget in world space
1107      * @param {ccui.Widget} widget
1108      * @returns {cc.Point}
1109      * @private
1110      */
1111     _getWorldCenterPoint: function(widget){
1112         //FIXEDME: we don't need to calculate the content size of layout anymore
1113         var widgetSize = widget instanceof ccui.Layout ? widget._getLayoutAccumulatedSize() :  widget.getContentSize();
1114         return widget.convertToWorldSpace(cc.p(widgetSize.width /2, widgetSize.height /2));
1115     },
1117     /**
1118      * this method is called internally by nextFocusedWidget. When the dir is Right/Down, then this method will be called
1119      * @param {Number} direction
1120      * @param {ccui.Widget} current the current focused widget
1121      * @returns {ccui.Widget} the next focused widget
1122      * @private
1123      */
1124     _getNextFocusedWidget: function(direction, current){
1125         var nextWidget = null, locChildren = this._children;
1126         var  previousWidgetPos = locChildren.indexOf(current);
1127         previousWidgetPos = previousWidgetPos + 1;
1128         if (previousWidgetPos < locChildren.length) {
1129             nextWidget = this._getChildWidgetByIndex(previousWidgetPos);
1130             //handle widget
1131             if (nextWidget) {
1132                 if (nextWidget.isFocusEnabled()) {
1133                     if (nextWidget instanceof ccui.Layout) {
1134                         nextWidget._isFocusPassing = true;
1135                         return nextWidget.findNextFocusedWidget(direction, nextWidget);
1136                     } else {
1137                         this.dispatchFocusEvent(current, nextWidget);
1138                         return nextWidget;
1139                     }
1140                 } else
1141                     return this._getNextFocusedWidget(direction, nextWidget);
1142             } else
1143                 return current;
1144         } else {
1145             if (this._loopFocus) {
1146                 if (this._checkFocusEnabledChild()) {
1147                     previousWidgetPos = 0;
1148                     nextWidget = this._getChildWidgetByIndex(previousWidgetPos);
1149                     if (nextWidget.isFocusEnabled()) {
1150                         if (nextWidget instanceof ccui.Layout) {
1151                             nextWidget._isFocusPassing = true;
1152                             return nextWidget.findNextFocusedWidget(direction, nextWidget);
1153                         } else {
1154                             this.dispatchFocusEvent(current, nextWidget);
1155                             return nextWidget;
1156                         }
1157                     } else
1158                         return this._getNextFocusedWidget(direction, nextWidget);
1159                 } else
1160                     return (current instanceof ccui.Layout) ? current : ccui.Widget._focusedWidget;
1161             } else{
1162                 if (this._isLastWidgetInContainer(current, direction)){
1163                     if (this._isWidgetAncestorSupportLoopFocus(this, direction))
1164                         return ccui.Widget.prototype.findNextFocusedWidget.call(this, direction, this);
1165                     return (current instanceof ccui.Layout) ? current : ccui.Widget._focusedWidget;
1166                 } else
1167                     return ccui.Widget.prototype.findNextFocusedWidget.call(this, direction, this);
1168             }
1169         }
1170     },
1172     /**
1173      * this method is called internally by nextFocusedWidget. When the dir is Left/Up, then this method will be called
1174      * @param direction
1175      * @param {ccui.Widget} current the current focused widget
1176      * @returns {ccui.Widget} the next focused widget
1177      * @private
1178      */
1179     _getPreviousFocusedWidget: function(direction, current){
1180         var nextWidget = null, locChildren = this._children;
1181         var previousWidgetPos = locChildren.indexOf(current);
1182         previousWidgetPos = previousWidgetPos - 1;
1183         if (previousWidgetPos >= 0){
1184             nextWidget = this._getChildWidgetByIndex(previousWidgetPos);
1185             if (nextWidget.isFocusEnabled()) {
1186                 if (nextWidget instanceof ccui.Layout){
1187                     nextWidget._isFocusPassing = true;
1188                     return nextWidget.findNextFocusedWidget(direction, nextWidget);
1189                 }
1190                 this.dispatchFocusEvent(current, nextWidget);
1191                 return nextWidget;
1192             } else
1193                 return this._getPreviousFocusedWidget(direction, nextWidget);       //handling the disabled widget, there is no actual focus lose or get, so we don't need any envet
1194         }else {
1195             if (this._loopFocus){
1196                 if (this._checkFocusEnabledChild()) {
1197                     previousWidgetPos = locChildren.length -1;
1198                     nextWidget = this._getChildWidgetByIndex(previousWidgetPos);
1199                     if (nextWidget.isFocusEnabled()){
1200                         if (nextWidget instanceof ccui.Layout){
1201                             nextWidget._isFocusPassing = true;
1202                             return nextWidget.findNextFocusedWidget(direction, nextWidget);
1203                         } else {
1204                             this.dispatchFocusEvent(current, nextWidget);
1205                             return nextWidget;
1206                         }
1207                     } else
1208                         return this._getPreviousFocusedWidget(direction, nextWidget);
1209                 } else
1210                     return (current instanceof ccui.Layout) ? current : ccui.Widget._focusedWidget;
1211             } else {
1212                 if (this._isLastWidgetInContainer(current, direction)) {
1213                     if (this._isWidgetAncestorSupportLoopFocus(this, direction))
1214                         return ccui.Widget.prototype.findNextFocusedWidget.call(this, direction, this);
1215                     return (current instanceof ccui.Layout) ? current : ccui.Widget._focusedWidget;
1216                 } else
1217                     return ccui.Widget.prototype.findNextFocusedWidget.call(this, direction, this);
1218             }
1219         }
1220     },
1222     /**
1223      * find the nth element in the _children array. Only the Widget descendant object will be returned
1224      * @param {Number} index
1225      * @returns {ccui.Widget}
1226      * @private
1227      */
1228     _getChildWidgetByIndex: function (index) {
1229         var locChildren = this._children;
1230         var size = locChildren.length, count = 0, oldIndex = index;
1231         while (index < size) {
1232             var firstChild = locChildren[index];
1233             if (firstChild && firstChild instanceof ccui.Widget)
1234                 return firstChild;
1235             count++;
1236             index++;
1237         }
1239         var begin = 0;
1240         while (begin < oldIndex) {
1241             var child = locChildren[begin];
1242             if (child && child instanceof ccui.Widget)
1243                 return child;
1244             count++;
1245             begin++;
1246         }
1247         return null;
1248     },
1250     /**
1251      * whether it is the last element according to all their parents
1252      * @param {ccui.Widget} widget
1253      * @param {Number} direction
1254      * @returns {Boolean}
1255      * @private
1256      */
1257     _isLastWidgetInContainer:function(widget, direction){
1258         var parent = widget.getParent();
1259         if (parent == null || !(parent instanceof ccui.Layout))
1260             return true;
1262         var container = parent.getChildren();
1263         var index = container.indexOf(widget);
1264         if (parent.getLayoutType() === ccui.Layout.LINEAR_HORIZONTAL) {
1265             if (direction === ccui.Widget.LEFT) {
1266                 if (index === 0)
1267                     return this._isLastWidgetInContainer(parent, direction);
1268                 else
1269                     return false;
1270             }
1271             if (direction === ccui.Widget.RIGHT) {
1272                 if (index === container.length - 1)
1273                     return this._isLastWidgetInContainer(parent, direction);
1274                 else
1275                     return false;
1276             }
1277             if (direction === ccui.Widget.DOWN)
1278                 return this._isLastWidgetInContainer(parent, direction);
1280             if (direction === ccui.Widget.UP)
1281                 return this._isLastWidgetInContainer(parent, direction);
1282         } else if(parent.getLayoutType() === ccui.Layout.LINEAR_VERTICAL){
1283             if (direction === ccui.Widget.UP){
1284                 if (index === 0)
1285                     return this._isLastWidgetInContainer(parent, direction);
1286                 else
1287                     return false;
1288             }
1289             if (direction === ccui.Widget.DOWN) {
1290                 if (index === container.length - 1)
1291                     return this._isLastWidgetInContainer(parent, direction);
1292                 else
1293                     return false;
1294             }
1295             if (direction === ccui.Widget.LEFT)
1296                 return this._isLastWidgetInContainer(parent, direction);
1298             if (direction === ccui.Widget.RIGHT)
1299                 return this._isLastWidgetInContainer(parent, direction);
1300         } else {
1301             cc.log("invalid layout Type");
1302             return false;
1303         }
1304     },
1306     /**
1307      * Lookup any parent widget with a layout type as the direction, if the layout is loop focused, then return true, otherwise it returns false.
1308      * @param {ccui.Widget} widget
1309      * @param {Number} direction
1310      * @returns {Boolean}
1311      * @private
1312      */
1313     _isWidgetAncestorSupportLoopFocus: function(widget, direction){
1314         var parent = widget.getParent();
1315         if (parent == null || !(parent instanceof ccui.Layout))
1316             return false;
1317         if (parent.isLoopFocus()) {
1318             var layoutType = parent.getLayoutType();
1319             if (layoutType === ccui.Layout.LINEAR_HORIZONTAL) {
1320                 if (direction === ccui.Widget.LEFT || direction === ccui.Widget.RIGHT)
1321                     return true;
1322                 else
1323                     return this._isWidgetAncestorSupportLoopFocus(parent, direction);
1324             }
1325             if (layoutType === ccui.Layout.LINEAR_VERTICAL){
1326                 if (direction === ccui.Widget.DOWN || direction === ccui.Widget.UP)
1327                     return true;
1328                 else
1329                     return this._isWidgetAncestorSupportLoopFocus(parent, direction);
1330             } else{
1331                 cc.assert(0, "invalid layout type");
1332                 return false;
1333             }
1334         } else
1335             return this._isWidgetAncestorSupportLoopFocus(parent, direction);
1336     },
1338     /**
1339      * pass the focus to the layout's next focus enabled child
1340      * @param {Number} direction
1341      * @param {ccui.Widget} current
1342      * @returns {ccui.Widget}
1343      * @private
1344      */
1345     _passFocusToChild: function(direction, current){
1346         if (this._checkFocusEnabledChild()) {
1347             var previousWidget = ccui.Widget.getCurrentFocusedWidget();
1348             this._findProperSearchingFunctor(direction, previousWidget);
1349             var index = this.onPassFocusToChild(direction, previousWidget);
1351             var widget = this._getChildWidgetByIndex(index);
1352             if (widget instanceof ccui.Layout) {
1353                 widget._isFocusPassing = true;
1354                 return widget.findNextFocusedWidget(direction, widget);
1355             } else {
1356                 this.dispatchFocusEvent(current, widget);
1357                 return widget;
1358             }
1359         }else
1360             return this;
1361     },
1363     /**
1364      * If there are no focus enabled child in the layout, it will return false, otherwise it returns true
1365      * @returns {boolean}
1366      * @private
1367      */
1368     _checkFocusEnabledChild: function(){
1369         var locChildren = this._children;
1370         for(var i = 0, len = locChildren.length; i < len; i++){
1371             var widget = locChildren[i];
1372             if (widget && widget instanceof ccui.Widget && widget.isFocusEnabled())
1373                 return true;
1374         }
1375         return false;
1376     },
1378     /**
1379      * Returns the "class name" of widget.
1380      * @returns {string}
1381      */
1382     getDescription: function () {
1383         return "Layout";
1384     },
1386     _createCloneInstance: function () {
1387         return new ccui.Layout();
1388     },
1390     _copyClonedWidgetChildren: function (model) {
1391         ccui.Widget.prototype._copyClonedWidgetChildren.call(this, model);
1392     },
1394     _copySpecialProperties: function (layout) {
1395         if(!(layout instanceof  ccui.Layout))
1396             return;
1397         this.setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled(layout._backGroundScale9Enabled);
1398         this.setBackGroundImage(layout._backGroundImageFileName, layout._bgImageTexType);
1399         this.setBackGroundImageCapInsets(layout._backGroundImageCapInsets);
1400         this.setBackGroundColorType(layout._colorType);
1401         this.setBackGroundColor(layout._color);
1402         this.setBackGroundColor(layout._startColor, layout._endColor);
1403         this.setBackGroundColorOpacity(layout._opacity);
1404         this.setBackGroundColorVector(layout._alongVector);
1405         this.setLayoutType(layout._layoutType);
1406         this.setClippingEnabled(layout._clippingEnabled);
1407         this.setClippingType(layout._clippingType);
1408         this._loopFocus = layout._loopFocus;
1409         this.__passFocusToChild = layout.__passFocusToChild;
1410         this._isInterceptTouch = layout._isInterceptTouch;
1411     },
1413     /**
1414      * force refresh widget layout
1415      */
1416     forceDoLayout: function(){
1417         this.requestDoLayout();
1418         this._doLayout();
1419     },
1421     _createRenderCmd: function(){
1422         if(cc._renderType === cc.game.RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL)
1423             return new ccui.Layout.WebGLRenderCmd(this);
1424         else
1425             return new ccui.Layout.CanvasRenderCmd(this);
1426     }
1427 });
1429 var _p = ccui.Layout.prototype;
1431 // Extended properties
1432 /** @expose */
1433 _p.clippingEnabled;
1434 cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "clippingEnabled", _p.isClippingEnabled, _p.setClippingEnabled);
1435 /** @expose */
1436 _p.clippingType;
1437 cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "clippingType", null, _p.setClippingType);
1438 /** @expose */
1439 _p.layoutType;
1440 cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "layoutType", _p.getLayoutType, _p.setLayoutType);
1442 _p = null;
1444 /**
1445  * allocates and initializes a UILayout.
1446  * @deprecated since v3.0, please use new ccui.Layout() instead.
1447  * @return {ccui.Layout}
1448  */
1449 ccui.Layout.create = function () {
1450     return new ccui.Layout();
1451 };
1453 // Constants
1455 //layoutBackGround color type
1456 /**
1457  * The None of ccui.Layout's background color type
1458  * @constant
1459  * @type {number}
1460  */
1461 ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_NONE = 0;
1462 /**
1463  * The solid of ccui.Layout's background color type, it will use a LayerColor to draw the background.
1464  * @constant
1465  * @type {number}
1466  */
1467 ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_SOLID = 1;
1468 /**
1469  * The gradient of ccui.Layout's background color type, it will use a LayerGradient to draw the background.
1470  * @constant
1471  * @type {number}
1472  */
1473 ccui.Layout.BG_COLOR_GRADIENT = 2;
1475 //Layout type
1476 /**
1477  * The absolute of ccui.Layout's layout type.
1478  * @type {number}
1479  * @constant
1480  */
1481 ccui.Layout.ABSOLUTE = 0;
1482 /**
1483  * The vertical of ccui.Layout's layout type.
1484  * @type {number}
1485  * @constant
1486  */
1487 ccui.Layout.LINEAR_VERTICAL = 1;
1488 /**
1489  * The horizontal of ccui.Layout's layout type.
1490  * @type {number}
1491  * @constant
1492  */
1493 ccui.Layout.LINEAR_HORIZONTAL = 2;
1494 /**
1495  * The relative of ccui.Layout's layout type.
1496  * @type {number}
1497  * @constant
1498  */
1499 ccui.Layout.RELATIVE = 3;
1501 //Layout clipping type
1502 /**
1503  * The stencil of ccui.Layout's clipping type.
1504  * @type {number}
1505  * @constant
1506  */
1507 ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_STENCIL = 0;
1508 /**
1509  * The scissor of ccui.Layout's clipping type.
1510  * @type {number}
1511  * @constant
1512  */
1513 ccui.Layout.CLIPPING_SCISSOR = 1;
1515 /**
1516  * The zOrder value of ccui.Layout's image background.
1517  * @type {number}
1518  * @constant
1519  */
1520 ccui.Layout.BACKGROUND_IMAGE_ZORDER = -1;
1521 /**
1522  * The zOrder value of ccui.Layout's color background.
1523  * @type {number}
1524  * @constant
1525  */