Class ccui.ScrollView
- Defined in: UIScrollView.js
- Extends ccui.Layout
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
The ScrollView control of Cocos UI
Method Summary
Class Detail
The ScrollView control of Cocos UI
Field Detail
<static> <constant>
The auto scroll max speed of ccui.ScrollView.
- Indicate whether bounce is enabled
<static> <constant>
The both flag of ccui.ScrollView's direction.
<static> <constant>
The horizontal flag of ccui.ScrollView's direction.
<static> <constant>
The none flag of ccui.ScrollView's direction.
<static> <constant>
The vertical flag of ccui.ScrollView's direction.
{ccui.ScrollView.DIR_NONE | ccui.ScrollView.DIR_VERTICAL | ccui.ScrollView.DIR_HORIZONTAL | ccui.ScrollView.DIR_BOTH}
- Scroll direction of the scroll view
<static> <constant>
The flag bounce bottom of ccui.ScrollView's event.
<static> <constant>
The flag bounce left of ccui.ScrollView's event.
<static> <constant>
The flag bounce right of ccui.ScrollView's event.
<static> <constant>
The flag bounce top of ccui.ScrollView's event.
<static> <constant>
The flag scroll to bottom of ccui.ScrollView's event.
<static> <constant>
The flag scroll to left of ccui.ScrollView's event.
<static> <constant>
The flag scroll to right of ccui.ScrollView's event.
<static> <constant>
The flag scroll to top of ccui.ScrollView's event.
<static> <constant>
The scrolling flag of ccui.ScrollView's event.
- Indicate whether inertiaScroll is enabled
- Inner container height of the scroll view
- Inner container width of the scroll view
Method Detail
{boolean} addChild(widget, zOrder, tag)Add child to ccui.ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {cc.Node} widget
- {Number} zOrder Optional
- {Number|string} tag Optional
- tag or name
- Returns:
- {boolean}
addEventListener(selector, target)Adds callback function called ScrollView event triggered
- Parameters:
- {Function} selector
- {Object} target Optional
addEventListenerScrollView(selector, target)Adds callback function called ScrollView event triggered
- Parameters:
- {Function} selector
- {Object} target Optional
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use addEventListener instead.
addNode(node, zOrder, tag)Add node for scrollView
- Parameters:
- {cc.Node} node
- {Number} zOrder
- {Number} tag
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use addChild instead.
allocates and initializes a UIScrollView.
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use new ccui.ScrollView() instead.
- Returns:
- {ccui.ScrollView}
ctor()Allocates and initializes a UIScrollView. Constructor of ccui.ScrollView. override it to extend the construction behavior, remember to call "this._super()" in the extended "ctor" function.
// example var uiScrollView = new ccui.ScrollView();
{ccui.Widget} findNextFocusedWidget(direction, current)When a widget is in a layout, you could call this method to get the next focused widget within a specified direction.
If the widget is not in a layout, it will return itself- Parameters:
- {Number} direction
- the direction to look for the next focused widget in a layout
- {ccui.Widget} current
- the current focused widget
- Returns:
- {ccui.Widget}
{ccui.Widget} getChildByName(name)Gets a child from the container given its name
- Parameters:
- {String} name
- Returns:
- {ccui.Widget}
{ccui.Widget} getChildByTag(tag)Gets a child from the container given its tag
- Parameters:
- {Number} tag
- Returns:
- {ccui.Widget}
{Array} getChildren()Returns inner container's children
- Returns:
- {Array}
{Number} getChildrenCount()Gets the count of inner container's children
- Returns:
- {Number}
{string} getDescription()Returns the "class name" of ccui.ScrollView.
- Returns:
- {string}
{ccui.ScrollView.DIR_NONE | ccui.ScrollView.DIR_VERTICAL | ccui.ScrollView.DIR_HORIZONTAL | ccui.ScrollView.DIR_BOTH} getDirection()Returns scroll direction of ScrollView.
- Returns:
- {ccui.ScrollView.DIR_NONE | ccui.ScrollView.DIR_VERTICAL | ccui.ScrollView.DIR_HORIZONTAL | ccui.ScrollView.DIR_BOTH}
{ccui.Layout} getInnerContainer()Gets inner container of ScrollView. Inner container is the container of ScrollView's children.
- Returns:
- {ccui.Layout}
{cc.Size} getInnerContainerSize()Returns inner container size of ScrollView.
Inner container size must be larger than or equal ScrollView's size.- Returns:
- {cc.Size} inner container size.
{ccui.Layout.ABSOLUTE|ccui.Layout.LINEAR_VERTICAL|ccui.Layout.LINEAR_HORIZONTAL|ccui.Layout.RELATIVE} getLayoutType()Returns the layout type of ccui.ScrollView.
{cc.Node} getNodeByTag(tag)Returns a node by tag
- Parameters:
- {Number} tag
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use getChildByTag instead.
- Returns:
- {cc.Node}
{Array} getNodes()Returns all nodes of inner container
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use getChildren instead.
- Returns:
- {Array}
{boolean} init()Initializes a ccui.ScrollView. Please do not call this function by yourself, you should pass the parameters to constructor to initialize it.
- Returns:
- {boolean}
interceptTouchEvent(event, sender, touch)Intercept touch event, handle its child's touch event.
- Parameters:
- {number} event
- event type
- {ccui.Widget} sender
- {cc.Touch} touch
{boolean} isBounceEnabled()Returns whether bounce is enabled
- Returns:
- {boolean}
{boolean} isInertiaScrollEnabled()Returns whether inertiaScroll is enabled
- Returns:
- {boolean}
jumpToBottom()Move inner container to bottom boundary of ScrollView.
jumpToBottomLeft()Move inner container to bottom and left boundary of ScrollView.
jumpToBottomRight()Move inner container to bottom and right boundary of ScrollView.
jumpToLeft()Move inner container to left boundary of ScrollView.
jumpToPercentBothDirection(percent)Move inner container to both direction percent position of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {cc.Point} percent
- The destination vertical percent, accept value between 0 - 100
jumpToPercentHorizontal(percent)Move inner container to horizontal percent position of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {Number} percent
- The destination vertical percent, accept value between 0 - 100
jumpToPercentVertical(percent)Move inner container to vertical percent position of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {Number} percent
- The destination vertical percent, accept value between 0 - 100
jumpToRight()Move inner container to right boundary of ScrollView.
jumpToTop()Move inner container to top boundary of ScrollView.
jumpToTopLeft()Move inner container to top and left boundary of ScrollView.
jumpToTopRight()Move inner container to top and right boundary of ScrollView.
onEnter()Calls the parent class' onEnter and schedules update function.
{boolean} onTouchBegan(touch, event)The touch began event callback handler of ccui.ScrollView.
- Returns:
- {boolean}
onTouchCancelled(touch, event)The touch canceled event callback of ccui.ScrollView.
onTouchEnded(touch, event)The touch ended event callback handler of ccui.ScrollView.
onTouchMoved(touch, event)The touch moved event callback handler of ccui.ScrollView.
removeAllChildren()Removes all children.
removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(cleanup)Removes all children.
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} cleanup
removeAllNodes()Remove all node from ccui.ScrollView.
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use removeAllChildren instead.
{boolean} removeChild(child, cleanup)Removes widget child
- Parameters:
- {ccui.Widget} child
- {Boolean} cleanup
- Returns:
- {boolean}
removeNode(node)Removes a node from ccui.ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {cc.Node} node
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use removeChild instead.
removeNodeByTag(tag)Removes a node by tag
- Parameters:
- {Number} tag
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use removeChildByTag instead.
scrollToBottom(time, attenuated)Scroll inner container to bottom boundary of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {Number} time
- {Boolean} attenuated
scrollToBottomLeft(time, attenuated)Scroll inner container to bottom and left boundary of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {Number} time
- {Boolean} attenuated
scrollToBottomRight(time, attenuated)Scroll inner container to bottom and right boundary of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {Number} time
- {Boolean} attenuated
scrollToLeft(time, attenuated)Scroll inner container to left boundary of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {Number} time
- {Boolean} attenuated
scrollToPercentBothDirection(percent, time, attenuated)Scroll inner container to both direction percent position of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {cc.Point} percent
- {Number} time
- {Boolean} attenuated
scrollToPercentHorizontal(percent, time, attenuated)Scroll inner container to horizontal percent position of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {Number} percent
- {Number} time
- {Boolean} attenuated
scrollToPercentVertical(percent, time, attenuated)Scroll inner container to vertical percent position of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {Number} percent
- {Number} time
- {Boolean} attenuated
scrollToRight(time, attenuated)Scroll inner container to right boundary of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {Number} time
- {Boolean} attenuated
scrollToTop(time, attenuated)Scroll inner container to top boundary of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {Number} time
- {Boolean} attenuated
scrollToTopLeft(time, attenuated)Scroll inner container to top and left boundary of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {Number} time
- {Boolean} attenuated
scrollToTopRight(time, attenuated)Scroll inner container to top and right boundary of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {Number} time
- {Boolean} attenuated
setBounceEnabled(enabled)Sets bounce enabled
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} enabled
setDirection(dir)Changes scroll direction of ScrollView.
- Parameters:
- {ccui.ScrollView.DIR_NONE | ccui.ScrollView.DIR_VERTICAL | ccui.ScrollView.DIR_HORIZONTAL | ccui.ScrollView.DIR_BOTH} dir
- Direction::VERTICAL means vertical scroll, Direction::HORIZONTAL means horizontal scroll
setInertiaScrollEnabled(enabled)Sets inertiaScroll enabled
- Parameters:
- {boolean} enabled
setInnerContainerSize(size)Changes inner container size of ScrollView.
Inner container size must be larger than or equal the size of ScrollView.- Parameters:
- {cc.Size} size
- inner container size.
setLayoutType(type)Sets LayoutType of ccui.ScrollView.
update(dt)The update callback handler.
- Parameters:
- {Number} dt