Class ccui.Scale9Sprite
- Defined in: UIScale9Sprite.js
- Extends cc.Node
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
A 9-slice sprite for cocos2d UI. |
Method Summary
Class Detail
A 9-slice sprite for cocos2d UI.
9-slice scaling allows you to specify how scaling is applied
to specific areas of a sprite. With 9-slice scaling (3x3 grid),
you can ensure that the sprite does not become distorted when
- See:
Field Detail
Method Detail
addLoadedEventListener(callback, target)add texture loaded event listener
- Parameters:
- {Function} callback
- {Object} target
- Deprecated:
- since 3.1, please use addEventListener instead
Creates a 9-slice sprite with a texture file, a delimitation zone and with the specified cap insets.
- Parameters:
- {String|cc.SpriteFrame} file
- file name of texture or a cc.Sprite object
- {cc.Rect} rect
- the rect of the texture
- {cc.Rect} capInsets
- the cap insets of ccui.Scale9Sprite
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use new ccui.Scale9Sprite(file, rect, capInsets) instead.
- Returns:
- {ccui.Scale9Sprite}
create a ccui.Scale9Sprite with Sprite frame.
- Parameters:
- {cc.SpriteFrame} spriteFrame
- {cc.Rect} capInsets
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use "new ccui.Scale9Sprite(spriteFrame, capInsets)" instead.
- Returns:
- {ccui.Scale9Sprite}
<static> {Scale9Sprite} ccui.Scale9Sprite.createWithSpriteFrameName(spriteFrameName, capInsets)create a ccui.Scale9Sprite with a Sprite frame name
- Parameters:
- {string} spriteFrameName
- {cc.Rect} capInsets
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use "new ccui.Scale9Sprite(spriteFrameName, capInsets)" instead.
- Returns:
- {Scale9Sprite}
{Scale9Sprite} ctor(file, rect, capInsets)Constructor function. override it to extend the construction behavior, remember to call "this._super()" in the extended "ctor" function.
- Parameters:
- {string|cc.SpriteFrame} file
- file name of texture or a SpriteFrame
- {cc.Rect} rect
- {cc.Rect} capInsets
- Returns:
- {Scale9Sprite}
{number} getInsetBottom()Gets the bottom side inset
- Returns:
- {number}
{number} getInsetLeft()Gets the left side inset
- Returns:
- {number}
{number} getInsetRight()Gets the right side inset
- Returns:
- {number}
{number} getInsetTop()Gets the top side inset
- Returns:
- {number}
getOriginalSize()Original sprite's size.
{boolean} init()Initializes a ccui.Scale9Sprite. please do not call this function by yourself, you should pass the parameters to constructor to initialize it.
- Returns:
- {boolean}
{boolean} initWithBatchNode(batchNode, rect, rotated, capInsets)Initializes a 9-slice sprite with a SpriteBatchNode.
- Parameters:
- {cc.SpriteBatchNode} batchNode
- {cc.Rect} rect
- {boolean|cc.Rect} rotated
- {cc.Rect} capInsets Optional
- Returns:
- {boolean}
initWithFile(file, rect, capInsets)Initializes a 9-slice sprite with a texture file, a delimitation zone and with the specified cap insets. Once the sprite is created, you can then call its "setContentSize:" method to resize the sprite will all it's 9-slice goodness intact. It respects the anchorPoint too.
initWithSpriteFrame(spriteFrame, capInsets)Initializes a 9-slice sprite with an sprite frame and with the specified cap insets. Once the sprite is created, you can then call its "setContentSize:" method to resize the sprite will all it's 9-slice goodness interact. It respects the anchorPoint too.
- Parameters:
- spriteFrame
- The sprite frame object.
- capInsets
- The values to use for the cap insets.
initWithSpriteFrameName(spriteFrameName, capInsets)Initializes a 9-slice sprite with an sprite frame name and with the specified cap insets. Once the sprite is created, you can then call its "setContentSize:" method to resize the sprite will all it's 9-slice goodness interact. It respects the anchorPoint too.
- Parameters:
- spriteFrameName
- The sprite frame name.
- capInsets
- The values to use for the cap insets.
{Boolean} isFlippedX()
Returns the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped horizontally or not.
It only flips the texture of the widget, and not the texture of the widget's children.
Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint.
If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use:
widget->setScaleX(sprite->getScaleX() * -1);
- Since:
- v3.3
- Returns:
- {Boolean} true if the widget is flipped horizontally, false otherwise.
{Boolean} isFlippedY()
Return the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped vertically or not.
It only flips the texture of the widget, and not the texture of the widget's children.
Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint.
If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use:
widget->setScaleY(widget->getScaleY() * -1);
- Since:
- v3.3
- Returns:
- {Boolean} true if the widget is flipped vertically, false otherwise.
isOpacityModifyRGB()returns whether or not the opacity will be applied using glColor(R,G,B,opacity) or glColor(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity);
- Since:
- v0.8
resizableSpriteWithCapInsets(capInsets)Creates and returns a new sprite object with the specified cap insets. You use this method to add cap insets to a sprite or to change the existing cap insets of a sprite. In both cases, you get back a new image and the original sprite remains untouched.
- Parameters:
- {cc.Rect} capInsets
- The values to use for the cap insets.
setColor(color)Color: conforms to CCRGBAProtocol protocol
- Parameters:
- color
setContentSize(size, height)Sets the untransformed size of the Scale9Sprite.
- Parameters:
- {cc.Size|Number} size
- The untransformed size of the Scale9Sprite or The untransformed size's width of the Scale9Sprite.
- {Number} height Optional
- The untransformed size's height of the Scale9Sprite.
setFlippedX(flippedX)Sets whether the widget should be flipped horizontally or not.
- Parameters:
- flippedX
- true if the widget should be flipped horizontally, false otherwise.
- Since:
- v3.3
setFlippedY(flippedY)Sets whether the widget should be flipped vertically or not.
- Parameters:
- flippedY
- true if the widget should be flipped vertically, false otherwise.
- Since:
- v3.3
setInsetBottom(insetBottom)Sets the bottom side inset
- Parameters:
- {number} insetBottom
setInsetLeft(insetLeft)Sets the left side inset
- Parameters:
- {Number} insetLeft
setInsetRight(insetRight)Sets the right side inset
- Parameters:
- {Number} insetRight
setInsetTop(insetTop)Sets the top side inset
- Parameters:
- {Number} insetTop
setOpacity(opacity)Opacity: conforms to CCRGBAProtocol protocol
- Parameters:
- opacity
setOpacityModifyRGB(value)sets the premultipliedAlphaOpacity property. If set to NO then opacity will be applied as: glColor(R,G,B,opacity); If set to YES then opacity will be applied as: glColor(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity ); Textures with premultiplied alpha will have this property by default on YES. Otherwise the default value is NO
- Parameters:
- value
- Since:
- v0.8
setSpriteFrame(spriteFrame)set the sprite frame of ccui.Scale9Sprite
- Parameters:
- {cc.SpriteFrame} spriteFrame
setState(state)Sets ccui.Scale9Sprite's state
- Parameters:
- {Number} state
- Since:
- v3.3
{boolean} textureLoaded()return texture is loaded
- Returns:
- {boolean}
{boolean} updateWithBatchNode(batchNode, originalRect, rotated, capInsets)Update the scale9Sprite with a SpriteBatchNode.
- Parameters:
- {cc.SpriteBatchNode} batchNode
- {cc.Rect} originalRect
- {boolean} rotated
- {cc.Rect} capInsets
- Returns:
- {boolean}