Class ccui.CheckBox
- Defined in: UICheckBox.js
- Extends ccui.Widget
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
The CheckBox control of Cocos UI.
Method Summary
Class Detail
The CheckBox control of Cocos UI.
Field Detail
<static> <constant>
The disabled Background renderer's zOrder
<static> <constant>
The normal background renderer's zOrder
<static> <constant>
The selected Background renderer's zOrder
<static> <constant>
The selected state of ccui.CheckBox's event.
<static> <constant>
The unselected state of ccui.CheckBox's event.
<static> <constant>
The disabled front renderer's zOrder
<static> <constant>
The normal front renderer's zOrder
- Indicate whether the check box has been selected
Method Detail
addEventListener(selector, target)add a call back function would called when checkbox is selected or unselected.
- Parameters:
- {Function} selector
- {Object} target Optional
addEventListenerCheckBox(selector, target)add event listener to ccui.CheckBox. it would called when checkbox is selected or unselected.
- Parameters:
- {Function} selector
- {Object} target Optional
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use addEventListener instead.
<static> {ccui.CheckBox} ccui.CheckBox.create(backGround, backGroundSeleted, cross, backGroundDisabled, frontCrossDisabled, texType)allocates and initializes a UICheckBox.
// example var uiCheckBox = new ccui.CheckBox();
- Parameters:
- {string} backGround Optional
- backGround texture.
- {string} backGroundSeleted Optional
- backGround selected state texture.
- {string} cross Optional
- cross texture.
- {string} backGroundDisabled Optional
- cross dark state texture.
- {string} frontCrossDisabled Optional
- cross dark state texture.
- {Number} texType Optional
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use new ccui.CheckBox() instead.
- Returns:
- {ccui.CheckBox}
ctor(backGround, backGroundSelected, cross, backGroundDisabled, frontCrossDisabled, texType)allocates and initializes a UICheckBox. Constructor of ccui.CheckBox, override it to extend the construction behavior, remember to call "this._super()" in the extended "ctor" function.
// example var uiCheckBox = new ccui.CheckBox();
- Parameters:
- {String} backGround
- {String} backGroundSelected
- {String} cross
- {String} backGroundDisabled
- {String} frontCrossDisabled
- {Number} texType Optional, Default: ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE
{string} getDescription()Returns the "class name" of widget.
- Returns:
- {string}
- Deprecated:
- since v3.1, please use isSelected.
{cc.Node} getVirtualRenderer()override "getVirtualRenderer" method of widget.
- Returns:
- {cc.Node} the renderer of ccui.CheckBox.
{cc.Size} getVirtualRendererSize()Returns the content size of Renderer.
- Returns:
- {cc.Size}
{boolean} init(backGround, backGroundSelected, cross, backGroundDisabled, frontCrossDisabled, texType)Initializes a checkBox. please do not call this function by yourself, you should pass the parameters to constructor to initialize it.
- Parameters:
- {String} backGround
- {String} backGroundSelected
- {String} cross
- {String} backGroundDisabled
- {String} frontCrossDisabled
- {Number} texType Optional, Default: ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE
- Returns:
- {boolean}
{boolean} isSelected()Returns the selected state of ccui.CheckBox.
- Returns:
- {boolean}
loadTextureBackGround(backGround, texType)Loads background texture for checkbox.
- Parameters:
- {String} backGround
- background filename
- {ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE|ccui.Widget.PLIST_TEXTURE} texType
loadTextureBackGroundDisabled(backGroundDisabled, texType)Loads disabled state of backGround texture for checkbox.
- Parameters:
- {String} backGroundDisabled
- {ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE|ccui.Widget.PLIST_TEXTURE} texType
loadTextureBackGroundSelected(backGroundSelected, texType)Loads selected state of background texture for checkbox.
- Parameters:
- {String} backGroundSelected
- {ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE|ccui.Widget.PLIST_TEXTURE} texType
loadTextureFrontCross(cross, texType)Loads cross texture for checkbox.
- Parameters:
- {String} cross
- {ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE|ccui.Widget.PLIST_TEXTURE} texType
loadTextureFrontCrossDisabled(frontCrossDisabled, texType)Loads frontCrossDisabled texture for checkbox.
- Parameters:
- {String} frontCrossDisabled
- {ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE|ccui.Widget.PLIST_TEXTURE} texType
loadTextures(backGround, backGroundSelected, cross, backGroundDisabled, frontCrossDisabled, texType)Loads textures for checkbox.
- Parameters:
- {String} backGround
- {String} backGroundSelected
- {String} cross
- {String} backGroundDisabled
- {String} frontCrossDisabled
- {ccui.Widget.LOCAL_TEXTURE|ccui.Widget.PLIST_TEXTURE} texType
setSelected(selected)Sets the selected state to ccui.CheckBox
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} selected
- Parameters:
- selected
- Deprecated:
- since v3.1, please use setSelected.