Class ccs.ArmatureData


Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

ArmatureData saved the Armature name and BoneData needed for the CCBones in this Armature
When we create a Armature, we need to get each Bone's BoneData as it's init information.

Method Summary

Class Detail


ArmatureData saved the Armature name and BoneData needed for the CCBones in this Armature
When we create a Armature, we need to get each Bone's BoneData as it's init information.
So we can get a BoneData from the Dictionary saved in the ArmatureData.

Field Detail

{Object} boneDataDic
- the bone data dictionary
{Number} dataVersion
- the data version of armature data
{String} name
- the name of armature data

Method Detail

  • addBoneData(boneData)
    Adds bone data to dictionary
    {ccs.BoneData} boneData
  • ctor()
    Construction of ccs.ArmatureData
  • {ccs.BoneData} getBoneData(boneName)
    Gets bone data by bone name
    {String} boneName
  • {Object} getBoneDataDic()
    Gets bone data dictionary
  • {boolean} init()
    Initializes a ccs.ArmatureData