Class cc.ProtectedNode
- Defined in: CCProtectedNode.js
- Extends cc.Node
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
A class inhert from cc.Node, use for saving some protected children in other list.
Method Summary
Class Detail
Method Detail
addProtectedChild(child, localZOrder, tag)
Adds a child to the container with z order and tag
If the child is added to a 'running' node, then 'onEnter' and 'onEnterTransitionDidFinish' will be called immediately.
- Parameters:
- {cc.Node} child
- A child node
- {Number} localZOrder Optional
- Z order for drawing priority. Please refer to `setLocalZOrder(int)`
- {Number} tag Optional
- An integer to identify the node easily. Please refer to `setTag(int)`
cleanup()Stops itself and its children and protected children's all running actions and schedulers
<static> cc.ProtectedNode.create()create a cc.ProtectedNode object;
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use new cc.ProtectedNode() instead.
- Returns:
- cc.ProtectedNode
ctor()Constructor function, override it to extend the construction behavior, remember to call "this._super()" in the extended "ctor" function.
{cc.Node} getProtectedChildByTag(tag)Gets a child from the container with its tag
- Parameters:
- {Number} tag
- An identifier to find the child node.
- Returns:
- {cc.Node} a Node object whose tag equals to the input parameter
onEnter()Calls its parent's onEnter and calls its protected children's onEnter
Event callback that is invoked when the Node enters in the 'stage'.
If the Node enters the 'stage' with a transition, this event is called when the transition finishes.
If you override onEnterTransitionDidFinish, you shall call its parent's one, e.g. Node::onEnterTransitionDidFinish() -
onExit()Calls its parent's onExit and calls its protected children's onExit
Event callback that is called every time the Node leaves the 'stage'.
If the Node leaves the 'stage' with a transition, this callback is called when the transition starts. -
removeAllProtectedChildren()Removes all children from the container with a cleanup.
removeAllProtectedChildrenWithCleanup(cleanup)Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} cleanup Optional, Default: true
- true if all running actions on all children nodes should be cleanup, false otherwise.
removeProtectedChild(child, cleanup)Removes a child from the container. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.
- Parameters:
- {cc.Node} child
- The child node which will be removed.
- {Boolean} cleanup Optional, Default: true
- true if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise.
removeProtectedChildByTag(tag, cleanup)Removes a child from the container by tag value.
It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter- Parameters:
- {Number} tag
- {Boolean} cleanup Optional, Default: true
reorderProtectedChild(child, localZOrder)Reorders a child according to a new z value.
- Parameters:
- {cc.Node} child
- An already added child node. It MUST be already added.
- {Number} localZOrder
- Z order for drawing priority. Please refer to setLocalZOrder(int)
Sorts the children array once before drawing, instead of every time when a child is added or reordered.
This approach can improves the performance massively.