Class cc.GLProgram
- Defined in: CCGLProgram.js
- Extends cc.Class
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Class that implements a WebGL program
Method Summary
Class Detail
Class that implements a WebGL program
Method Detail
addAttribute(attributeName, index)It will add a new attribute to the shader
- Parameters:
- {String} attributeName
- {Number} index
Create a cc.GLProgram object
- Parameters:
- {String} vShaderFileName
- {String} fShaderFileName
- Deprecated:
- since v3.0, please use new cc.GLProgram(vShaderFileName, fShaderFileName) instead
- Returns:
- {cc.GLProgram}
{cc.GLProgram} ctor(vShaderFileName, fShaderFileName, glContext)Create a cc.GLProgram object
- Parameters:
- {String} vShaderFileName
- {String} fShaderFileName
- glContext
- Returns:
- {cc.GLProgram}
destroyProgram()destroy program
{String} fragmentShaderLog()returns the fragmentShader error log
- Returns:
- {String}
{String} getFragmentShaderLog()returns the fragmentShader error log
- Returns:
- {String}
{WebGLProgram} getProgram()get WebGLProgram object
- Returns:
- {WebGLProgram}
{String} getProgramLog()returns the program error log
- Returns:
- {String}
{Number} getUniformLocationForName(name)calls retrieves the named uniform location for this shader program.
- Parameters:
- {String} name
- Returns:
- {Number}
{WebGLUniformLocation} getUniformMVPMatrix()get uniform MVP matrix
- Returns:
- {WebGLUniformLocation}
{WebGLUniformLocation} getUniformSampler()get uniform sampler
- Returns:
- {WebGLUniformLocation}
{String} getVertexShaderLog()returns the vertexShader error log
- Returns:
- {String}
{Boolean} init(vShaderFilename, fShaderFileName)Initializes the CCGLProgram with a vertex and fragment with contents of filenames
- Parameters:
- {String} vShaderFilename
- {String} fShaderFileName
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} initWithString(vertShaderStr, fragShaderStr)Initializes the cc.GLProgram with a vertex and fragment with string
- Parameters:
- {String} vertShaderStr
- {String} fragShaderStr
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} initWithVertexShaderByteArray(vertShaderStr, fragShaderStr)Initializes the cc.GLProgram with a vertex and fragment with string
- Parameters:
- {String} vertShaderStr
- {String} fragShaderStr
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} initWithVertexShaderFilename(vShaderFilename, fShaderFileName)Initializes the CCGLProgram with a vertex and fragment with contents of filenames
- Parameters:
- {String} vShaderFilename
- {String} fShaderFileName
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} link()links the glProgram
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{String} programLog()returns the program error log
- Returns:
- {String}
reset()reload all shaders, this function is designed for android
when opengl context lost, so don't call it. -
retain()Currently JavaScript Bindings (JSB), in some cases, needs to use retain and release. This is a bug in JSB, and the ugly workaround is to use retain/release. So, these 2 methods were added to be compatible with JSB. This is a hack, and should be removed once JSB fixes the retain/release bug
setUniformForModelViewProjectionMatrix()will update the MVP matrix on the MVP uniform if it is different than the previous call for this same shader program.
setUniformLocationI32(location, i1)calls glUniform1i only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Number} i1
setUniformLocationWith1f(location, f1)calls glUniform1f only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Number} f1
setUniformLocationWith1i(location, i1)calls glUniform1i only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Number} i1
setUniformLocationWith2f(location, f1, f2)calls glUniform2f only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Number} f1
- {Number} f2
setUniformLocationWith2fv(location, floatArray, numberOfArrays)calls glUniform2fv only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Float32Array} floatArray
- {Number} numberOfArrays
setUniformLocationWith2i(location, i1, i2)calls glUniform2i only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Number} i1
- {Number} i2
setUniformLocationWith2iv(location, intArray, numberOfArrays)calls glUniform2iv only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Int32Array} intArray
- {Number} numberOfArrays
setUniformLocationWith3f(location, f1, f2, f3)calls glUniform3f only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Number} f1
- {Number} f2
- {Number} f3
setUniformLocationWith3fv(location, floatArray, numberOfArrays)calls glUniform3fv only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Float32Array} floatArray
- {Number} numberOfArrays
setUniformLocationWith3i(location, i1, i2, i3)calls glUniform3i only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Number} i1
- {Number} i2
- {Number} i3
setUniformLocationWith3iv(location, intArray, numberOfArrays)calls glUniform3iv only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Int32Array} intArray
- {Number} numberOfArrays
setUniformLocationWith4f(location, f1, f2, f3, f4)calls glUniform4f only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Number} f1
- {Number} f2
- {Number} f3
- {Number} f4
setUniformLocationWith4fv(location, floatArray, numberOfArrays)calls glUniform4fv only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Float32Array} floatArray
- {Number} numberOfArrays
setUniformLocationWith4i(location, i1, i2, i3, i4)calls glUniform4i only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Number} i1
- {Number} i2
- {Number} i3
- {Number} i4
setUniformLocationWith4iv(location, intArray, numberOfArrays)calls glUniform4iv only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Int32Array} intArray
- {Number} numberOfArrays
setUniformLocationWithMatrix4fv(location, matrixArray, numberOfMatrices)calls glUniformMatrix4fv only if the values are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
- Parameters:
- {WebGLUniformLocation} location
- {Float32Array} matrixArray
- {Number} numberOfMatrices
setUniformsForBuiltins()will update the builtin uniforms if they are different than the previous call for this same shader program.
use()it will call glUseProgram()
{String} vertexShaderLog()returns the vertexShader error log
- Returns:
- {String}