Class cc.FadeOutDownTiles
- Defined in: CCActionTiledGrid.js
- Extends cc.FadeOutUpTiles
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
cc.FadeOutDownTiles action.
Method Summary
Class Detail
cc.FadeOutDownTiles action. Fades out the tiles in downwards direction.
Reference the test cases (Effects Test)
Reference the test cases (Effects Test)
Field Detail
Please use cc.fadeOutDownTiles instead.
Creates the action with the grid size and the duration.
Reference the test cases (Effects Test)
Creates the action with the grid size and the duration.
Reference the test cases (Effects Test)
- Deprecated:
since v3.0
Please use cc.fadeOutDownTiles instead.
Method Detail
testFunc(pos, time)Test function
- Parameters:
- {cc.Point} pos
- {Number} time