Namespace ccs

Method Summary

Field Detail

<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_LOOP_BACK
The animation loop from back
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_LOOP_FRONT
The animation loop from front
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_MAX
The animation max
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_NO_LOOP
The animation isn't loop
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_SINGLE_FRAME
The animation just have one frame
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_TO_LOOP_BACK
The animation to loop from back
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_TO_LOOP_FRONT
The animation to loop from front
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_ADD
The value of the blend type of add
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_ALPHA
The value of the blend type of alpha
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_DARKEN
The value of the blend type of darken
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_DIFFERENCE
The value of the blend type of difference
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_ERASE
The value of the blend type of erase
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_HIGHLIGHT
The value of the blend type of highlight
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_INVERT
The value of the blend type of invert
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_LAYER
The value of the blend type of layer
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_LIGHTEN
The value of the blend type of lighten
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_MULTIPLY
The value of the blend type of multiply
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_NORMAL
The value of the blend type of normal
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_OVERLAY
The value of the blend type of overlay
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_SCREEN
The value of the blend type of screen
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_SUBTRACT
The value of the blend type of subtract
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.cocostudioVersion
CocoStudio version
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.DISPLAY_TYPE_ARMATURE
The Armature flag of display render type.
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.DISPLAY_TYPE_PARTICLE
The Particle flag of display render type.
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.DISPLAY_TYPE_SPRITE
The Sprite flag of display render type.
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> ccs.DisplayManager
The display manager for CocoStudio Armature bone.
Defined in: CCDisplayManager.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.FRAME_TYPE_FADE
The flag fade action type of Cocostudio frame.
Defined in: CCActionFrame.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.FRAME_TYPE_MAX
The max flag of Cocostudio frame.
Defined in: CCActionFrame.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.FRAME_TYPE_MOVE
The flag move action type of Cocostudio frame.
Defined in: CCActionFrame.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.FRAME_TYPE_ROTATE
The flag rotate action type of Cocostudio frame.
Defined in: CCActionFrame.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.FRAME_TYPE_SCALE
The flag scale action type of Cocostudio frame.
Defined in: CCActionFrame.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.FRAME_TYPE_TINT
The flag tint action type of Cocostudio frame.
Defined in: CCActionFrame.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.FrameEaseType
The ease type of Cocostudio frame.
Defined in: CCActionFrame.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.MovementEventType
movement event type enum
Defined in: CCArmatureAnimation.js.
<static> {Object} ccs.TweenType
Defined in: CCTweenFunction.js.
<static> ccs.uiReader
************************************************************************* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. **************************************************************************
Defined in: compatible.js.

Method Detail

  • <static> {string} ccs.armatureVersion()
    Returns the version of Armature.
    Defined in: CCArmatureDefine.js.
  • <static> {{node: cc.Node|action: cc.Action}} ccs.load(file)
    Analysis of studio JSON file The incoming file name, parse out the corresponding object Temporary support file list: ui 1.* node 1.* - 2.* action 1.* - 2.* scene 0.* - 1.*
    Defined in: load.js.
    {String} file
    {{node: cc.Node|action: cc.Action}}
  • <static> ccs.registerTriggerClass(className, func)
    Registers a trigger class to objectFactory type map.
    Defined in: TriggerBase.js.
    {String} className
    {function} func
  • <static> ccs.sendEvent(event)
    Sends event by trigger manager.
    Defined in: TriggerBase.js.
    {Number} event