Class cc.EventListener

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

The base class of event listener.

Method Summary

Class Detail


The base class of event listener.
If you need custom listener which with different callback, you need to inherit this class.
For instance, you could refer to EventListenerAcceleration, EventListenerKeyboard,
EventListenerTouchOneByOne, EventListenerCustom.

Field Detail

<static> <constant> cc.EventListener.ACCELERATION
The type code of acceleration event listener.
<static> <constant> cc.EventListener.CUSTOM
The type code of custom event listener.
<static> <constant> cc.EventListener.KEYBOARD
The type code of keyboard event listener.
<static> <constant> cc.EventListener.MOUSE
The type code of mouse event listener.
<static> <constant> cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE
The type code of all at once touch event listener.
<static> <constant> cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE
The type code of one by one touch event listener.
<static> <constant> cc.EventListener.UNKNOWN
The type code of unknown event listener.

Method Detail

  • {boolean} checkAvailable()
    Checks whether the listener is available.
  • {cc.EventListener} clone()
    Clones the listener, its subclasses have to override this method.
  • <static> {cc.EventListener} cc.EventListener.create(argObj)
    Create a EventListener object by json object
          event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE,
          swallowTouches: true,
          onTouchBegan: function (touch, event) {
              //do something
              return true;
    {object} argObj
    a json object
    {cc.EventListener} todo: It should be the direct use new
  • ctor(type, listenerID, callback)
    Initializes event with type and callback function
    {number} type
    {string} listenerID
    {function} callback
  • {boolean} isEnabled()
    Checks whether the listener is enabled
  • release()

    Currently JavaScript Bindings (JSB), in some cases, needs to use retain and release. This is a bug in JSB, and the ugly workaround is to use retain/release. So, these 2 methods were added to be compatible with JSB. This is a hack, and should be removed once JSB fixes the retain/release bug
    You will need to retain an object if you created a listener and haven't added it any target node during the same frame.
    Otherwise, JSB's native autorelease pool will consider this object a useless one and release it directly,
    when you want to use it later, a "Invalid Native Object" error will be raised.
    The retain function can increase a reference count for the native object to avoid it being released,
    you need to manually invoke release function when you think this object is no longer needed, otherwise, there will be memory learks.
    retain and release function call should be paired in developer's game code.

  • retain()

    Currently JavaScript Bindings (JSB), in some cases, needs to use retain and release. This is a bug in JSB, and the ugly workaround is to use retain/release. So, these 2 methods were added to be compatible with JSB. This is a hack, and should be removed once JSB fixes the retain/release bug
    You will need to retain an object if you created a listener and haven't added it any target node during the same frame.
    Otherwise, JSB's native autorelease pool will consider this object a useless one and release it directly,
    when you want to use it later, a "Invalid Native Object" error will be raised.
    The retain function can increase a reference count for the native object to avoid it being released,
    you need to manually invoke release function when you think this object is no longer needed, otherwise, there will be memory learks.
    retain and release function call should be paired in developer's game code.

  • setEnabled(enabled)
    Enables or disables the listener
    {boolean} enabled