Class cc.TransitionScene

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
cc.TransitionScene(t, scene)

Method Summary

Class Detail

cc.TransitionScene(t, scene)
var trans = new TransitionScene(time,scene);
{Number} t
time in seconds
{cc.Scene} scene
the scene to transit with

Method Detail

  • cleanup()
    custom cleanup
  • <static> {cc.TransitionScene|Null} cc.TransitionScene.create(t, scene)
    creates a base transition with duration and incoming scene
    {Number} t
    time in seconds
    {cc.Scene} scene
    the scene to transit with
    since v3.0, please use new cc.TransitionScene(t,scene) instead
  • ctor(t, scene)
    creates a base transition with duration and incoming scene Constructor of cc.TransitionScene
    {Number} t
    time in seconds
    {cc.Scene} scene
    the scene to transit with
  • draw()
    stuff gets drawn here
  • finish()
    called after the transition finishes
  • hideOutShowIn()
    set hide the out scene and show in scene
  • {Boolean} initWithDuration(t, scene)
    initializes a transition with duration and incoming scene
    {Number} t
    time in seconds
    {cc.Scene} scene
    a scene to transit to
    {Boolean} return false if error
  • onEnter()

    Event callback that is invoked every time when cc.TransitionScene enters the 'stage'.
    If the TransitionScene enters the 'stage' with a transition, this event is called when the transition starts.
    During onEnter you can't access a "sister/brother" node.
    If you override onEnter, you must call its parent's onEnter function with this._super().

  • onExit()

    callback that is called every time the cc.TransitionScene leaves the 'stage'.
    If the cc.TransitionScene leaves the 'stage' with a transition, this callback is called when the transition finishes.
    During onExit you can't access a sibling node.
    If you override onExit, you shall call its parent's onExit with this._super().