Built-In Namespace _global_

Method Summary

Field Detail

cc.view cc.view is the shared view object.

Defined in: CCBoot.js.
cc.winSize cc.winSize is the alias object for the size of the current game window.

Defined in: CCBoot.js.

Method Detail

  • {cc.CatmullRomBy} clone()
    returns a new clone of the action
    Defined in: CCActionCatmullRom.js.
  • ctor(dt, points)
    Constructor function, override it to extend the construction behavior, remember to call "this._super()" in the extended "ctor" function.
    Creates an action with a Cardinal Spline array of points and tension.
    Defined in: CCActionCatmullRom.js.
    {Number} dt
    {Array} points
  • initWithDuration(dt, points)
    initializes the action with a duration and an array of points
    Defined in: CCActionCatmullRom.js.
    {Number} dt
    {Array} points