Class cc.TargetedAction
- Defined in: CCActionInterval.js
- Extends cc.ActionInterval
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Overrides the target of an action so that it always runs on the target |
Method Summary
Class Detail
Overrides the target of an action so that it always runs on the target
specified at action creation rather than the one specified by runAction.
Method Detail
{cc.TargetedAction} clone()returns a new clone of the action
- Returns:
- {cc.TargetedAction}
<static> cc.TargetedAction.create(target, action)Create an action with the specified action and forced target
- Parameters:
- {cc.Node} target
- {cc.FiniteTimeAction} action
{cc.Node} getForcedTarget()return the target that the action will be forced to run with
- Returns:
- {cc.Node}
{Boolean} initWithTarget(target, action)Init an action with the specified action and forced target
- Parameters:
- {cc.Node} target
- {cc.FiniteTimeAction} action
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
setForcedTarget(forcedTarget)set the target that the action will be forced to run with
- Parameters:
- {cc.Node} forcedTarget