Class cc.LabelBMFont
- Defined in: CCLabelBMFont.js
- Extends cc.SpriteBatchNode
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
cc.LabelBMFont is a subclass of cc.SpriteBatchNode. |
Method Summary
Class Detail
cc.LabelBMFont is a subclass of cc.SpriteBatchNode.
- - Treats each character like a cc.Sprite. This means that each individual character can be:
- - rotated
- - scaled
- - translated
- - tinted
- - chage the opacity
- - It can be used as part of a menu item.
- - anchorPoint can be used to align the "label"
- - Supports AngelCode text format
- All inner characters are using an anchorPoint of (0.5, 0.5) and it is not recommend to change it
because it might affect the rendering
cc.LabelBMFont implements the protocol cc.LabelProtocol, like cc.Label and cc.LabelAtlas.
cc.LabelBMFont has the flexibility of cc.Label, the speed of cc.LabelAtlas and all the features of cc.Sprite.
If in doubt, use cc.LabelBMFont instead of cc.LabelAtlas / cc.Label.
Supported editors: (Commercial, Mac OS X) (Free, Java) (Free, Java) (Free, Windows only)
Method Detail
addLoadedEventListener(callback, target)add texture loaded event listener
- Parameters:
- {Function} callback
- {Object} target
creates a bitmap font atlas with an initial string and the FNT file
// Example 01 var label1 = cc.LabelBMFont.create("Test case", "test.fnt"); // Example 02 var label2 = cc.LabelBMFont.create("test case", "test.fnt", 200, cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT); // Example 03 var label3 = cc.LabelBMFont.create("This is a \n test case", "test.fnt", 200, cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, cc.PointZero());
- Parameters:
- {String} str
- {String} fntFile
- {Number} width
- {Number} alignment
- {cc.Point} imageOffset
- Returns:
- {cc.LabelBMFont|Null}
createFontChars()updates the font chars based on the string to render
- Parameters:
- {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx
{String} getFntFile()
- Returns:
- {String}
{String} getString()get the text of this label
- Returns:
- {String}
init()init LabelBMFont
{Boolean} initWithString(str, fntFile, width, alignment, imageOffset)init a bitmap font altas with an initial string and the FNT file
- Parameters:
- {String} str
- {String} fntFile
- {Number} width
- {Number} alignment
- {cc.Point} imageOffset
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} isOpacityModifyRGB()conforms to cc.RGBAProtocol protocol
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
<static> cc.LabelBMFont.purgeCachedData()Purges the cached .fnt data
setAlignment(alignment)Set text vertical alignment
- Parameters:
- {Number} alignment
setAnchorPoint(point, y)set the AnchorPoint of the labelBMFont
- Parameters:
- {cc.Point|Number} point
- The anchor point of labelBMFont or The anchor point.x of labelBMFont.
- {Number} y Optional
- The anchor point.y of labelBMFont.
setColor(color3)tint this label
- Parameters:
- {cc.Color3B} color3
- Parameters:
- label
setFntFile(fntFile)set fnt file path
- Parameters:
- {String} fntFile
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} breakWithoutSpace
setOpacity(opacity)Override synthesized setOpacity to recurse items
- Parameters:
- {Number} opacity
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} opacityModifyRGB
setScale(scale, scaleY)
- Parameters:
- {Number} scale
- {Number} scaleY Optional, Default: null
- Parameters:
- {Number} scaleX
- Parameters:
- {Number} scaleY
setString(newString, needUpdateLabel)set the text
- Parameters:
- {String} newString
- {Boolean|null} needUpdateLabel
- Parameters:
- {Number} width
{boolean} textureLoaded()return texture is loaded
- Returns:
- {boolean}
updateLabel()update Label
updateString(fromUpdate)update String
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} fromUpdate