Class cc.LabelAtlas
- Defined in: CCLabelAtlas.js
- Extends cc.AtlasNode
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
using image file to print text label on the screen, might be a bit slower than cc.Label, similar to cc.LabelBMFont
Method Summary
Class Detail
Field Detail
Method Detail
addLoadedEventListener(callback, target)add texture loaded event listener
- Parameters:
- {Function} callback
- {Object} target
<static> {cc.LabelAtlas|Null} cc.LabelAtlas.create(strText, charMapFile, itemWidth, itemHeight, startCharMap)
It accepts two groups of parameters:
a) string, fntFile
b) label, textureFilename, width, height, startChar
//Example //creates the cc.LabelAtlas with a string, a char map file(the atlas), the width and height of each element and the starting char of the atlas var myLabel = cc.LabelAtlas.create('Text to display', 'CharMapfile.png', 12, 20, ' ') //creates the cc.LabelAtlas with a string, a fnt file var myLabel = cc.LabelAtlas.create('Text to display', 'CharMapFile.plist‘);
- Parameters:
- {String} strText
- {String} charMapFile
- charMapFile or fntFile
- {Number} itemWidth Optional, Default: 0
- {Number} itemHeight Optional, Default: 0
- {Number} startCharMap Optional, Default: ""
- Returns:
- {cc.LabelAtlas|Null} returns the LabelAtlas object on success
draw(ctx)draw the label
- Parameters:
- ctx
{String} getString()return the text of this label
- Returns:
- {String}
{Boolean} initWithString(strText, charMapFile, itemWidth, itemHeight, startCharMap)
initializes the cc.LabelAtlas with a string, a char map file(the atlas),
the width and height of each element and the starting char of the atlas
It accepts two groups of parameters:
a) string, fntFile
b) label, textureFilename, width, height, startChar
- Parameters:
- {String} strText
- {String|cc.Texture2D} charMapFile
- charMapFile or fntFile or texture file
- {Number} itemWidth Optional, Default: 0
- {Number} itemHeight Optional, Default: 0
- {Number} startCharMap Optional, Default: ""
- Returns:
- {Boolean} returns true on success
- Parameters:
- {cc.Color3B} color3
{boolean} textureLoaded()return texture is loaded
- Returns:
- {boolean}