Class cc.Image
- Defined in: CCImage.js
- Extends cc.Class
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Method Summary
Class Detail
Method Detail
{Boolean} initWithImageData(data, dataLen, eFmt, width, height, bitsPerComponent)Load image from stream buffer.
- Parameters:
- {Array} data
- stream buffer that hold the image data
- {Number} dataLen
- the length of data(managed in byte)
- {Number} eFmt
- {Number} width
- {Number} height
- {Number} bitsPerComponent
- Returns:
- {Boolean} true if load correctly
{Boolean} initWithImageFile(strPath, imageType)Load the image from the specified path.
- Parameters:
- {String} strPath
- the absolute file path
- {Number} imageType
- the type of image, now only support tow types.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} true if load correctly
{Boolean} initWithImageFileThreadSafe(fullpath, imageType)The same meaning as initWithImageFile, but it is thread safe. It is casued by loadImage() in cc.TextureCache.
- Parameters:
- {String} fullpath
- full path of the file
- {Number} imageType
- the type of image, now only support tow types.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} true if load correctly
{Boolean} initWithString(text, width, height, eAlignMask, fontName, size)Create image with specified string.
- Parameters:
- {String} text
- the text which the image show, nil cause init fail
- {Number} width
- the image width, if 0, the width match the text's width
- {Number} height
- the image height, if 0, the height match the text's height
- {Number} eAlignMask
- the test Alignment
- {String} fontName
- the name of the font which use to draw the text. If nil, use the default system font.
- {Number} size
- the font size, if 0, use the system default size.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} saveToFile(filePath, isToRGB)Save the CCImage data to specified file with specified format.
- Parameters:
- {String} filePath
- the file's absolute path, including file subfix
- {Boolean} isToRGB
- if the image is saved as RGB format
- Returns:
- {Boolean}