Class cc.IMEDelegate
- Defined in: CCIMEDispatcher.js
- Extends cc.Class
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Input method editor delegate.
Method Summary
Class Detail
Input method editor delegate.
Method Detail
{Boolean} attachWithIME()Remove delegate
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} canAttachWithIME()Decide the delegate instance is ready for receive ime message or not.
Called by CCIMEDispatcher.- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} canDetachWithIME()Decide the delegate instance can stop receive ime message or not.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
deleteBackward()Called by CCIMEDispatcher when user clicked the backward key.
{Boolean} detachWithIME()Detach with IME
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
didAttachWithIME()When the delegate detach with IME, this method call by CCIMEDispatcher.
didDetachWithIME()When the delegate detach with IME, this method call by CCIMEDispatcher.
{String} getContentText()Called by CCIMEDispatcher for get text which delegate already has.
- Returns:
- {String}
insertText(text, len)Called by CCIMEDispatcher when some text input from IME.
- Parameters:
- text
- len
removeDelegate()Remove delegate