Built-In Namespace _global_
Method Summary
Field Detail
Defined in: CCControlSwitch.js.
Defined in: CCControlSwitch.js.
Defined in: SimpleAudioEngine.js.
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
Defined in: CCAnimation.js.
Defined in: CCUtilMath.js.
Defined in: mat3.js.
Defined in: CCMacro.js.
Defined in: UIButton.js.
Defined in: Sys.js.
Method Detail
apply(view, designedResolution)Function to apply this strategy
Defined in: CCEGLView.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.EGLView} view
- {cc.Size} designedResolution
Defined in: CCApplication.js. -
{cc.Size} cellSizeForTable(table)cell height for a given table.
Defined in: CCTableView.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.TableView} table
- table to hold the instances of Class
- Returns:
- {cc.Size} cell size
{cc.CatmullRomBy} clone()returns a new clone of the action
Defined in: CCActionCatmullRom.js.- Returns:
- {cc.CatmullRomBy}
editBoxEditingDidBegin(sender)This method is called when an edit box gains focus after keyboard is shown.
Defined in: CCEditBox.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.EditBox} sender
editBoxEditingDidEnd(sender)This method is called when an edit box loses focus after keyboard is hidden.
Defined in: CCEditBox.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.EditBox} sender
editBoxReturn(sender)This method is called when the return button was pressed or the outside area of keyboard was touched.
Defined in: CCEditBox.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.EditBox} sender
editBoxTextChanged(sender, text)This method is called when the edit box text was changed.
Defined in: CCEditBox.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.EditBox} sender
- {String} text
Defined in: CCGeometry.js. -
initWithDuration(dt, points)initializes the action with a duration and an array of points
Defined in: CCActionCatmullRom.js.- Parameters:
- dt
- points
initWithMaskSprite(maskSprite, onSprite, offSprite, thumbSprite, onLabel, offLabel)Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states, a thumb sprite and an on/off labels.
Defined in: CCControlSwitch.js.- Parameters:
- maskSprite
- onSprite
- offSprite
- thumbSprite
- onLabel
- offLabel
{Number} numberOfCellsInTableView(table)Returns number of cells in a given table view.
Defined in: CCTableView.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.TableView} table
- table to hold the instances of Class
- Returns:
- {Number} number of cells
{Boolean} onMouseDown(event)
called when the "mouseDown" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} event
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} onMouseDragged(event)
called when the "mouseDragged" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} event
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} onMouseEntered(theEvent)
called when the "mouseEntered" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} theEvent
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} onMouseExited(theEvent)
called when the "mouseExited" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} theEvent
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} onMouseMoved(event)
called when the "mouseMoved" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} event
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} onMouseUp(event)
called when the "mouseUp" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} event
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} onOtherMouseDown(event)
called when the "otherMouseDown" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} event
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} onOtherMouseDragged(event)
called when the "otherMouseDragged" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} event
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} onOtherMouseUp(event)
called when the "otherMouseUp" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} event
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} onRightMouseDown(event)
called when the "rightMouseDown" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} event
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} onRightMouseDragged(event)
called when the "rightMouseDragged" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} event
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} onRightMouseUp(event)
called when the "rightMouseUp" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} event
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} onScrollWheel(event)
called when the "scrollWheel" event is received.
Return YES to avoid propagating the event to other delegates.
Defined in: CCMouseDispatcher.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.Mouse} event
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
postApply(view)Manipulation after applying the strategy
Defined in: CCEGLView.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.EGLView} view
- The target view
preApply(view)Manipulation before applying the strategy
Defined in: CCEGLView.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.EGLView} view
- The target view
Defined in: CCGeometry.js.- Parameters:
- newValue
{cc.TableView} tableCellAtIndex(table, idx)a cell instance at a given index
Defined in: CCTableView.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.TableView} table
- table to hold the instances of Class
- idx
- index to search for a cell
- Returns:
- {cc.TableView} cell found at idx
tableCellHighlight(table, cell)Delegate to respond a table cell press event.
Defined in: CCTableView.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.TableView} table
- table contains the given cell
- {cc.TableViewCell} cell
- cell that is pressed
{cc.Size} tableCellSizeForIndex(table, idx)cell size for a given index
Defined in: CCTableView.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.TableView} table
- table to hold the instances of Class
- {Number} idx
- the index of a cell to get a size
- Returns:
- {cc.Size} size of a cell at given index
tableCellTouched(table, cell)Delegate to respond touch event
Defined in: CCTableView.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.TableView} table
- table contains the given cell
- {cc.TableViewCell} cell
- cell that is touched
tableCellUnhighlight(table, cell)Delegate to respond a table cell release event
Defined in: CCTableView.js.- Parameters:
- {cc.TableView} table
- table contains the given cell
- {cc.TableViewCell} cell
- cell that is pressed
tableCellWillRecycle(table, cell)
Delegate called when the cell is about to be recycled. Immediately
after this call the cell will be removed from the scene graph and
Defined in: CCTableView.js.- Parameters:
- table
- table contains the given cell
- cell
- cell that is pressed