Cocos2d-x  v4
FileUtils Class Referenceabstract

Helper class to handle file operations. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual ~FileUtils ()
 The destructor of FileUtils. More...
virtual void purgeCachedEntries ()
 Purges full path caches.
virtual std::string getStringFromFile (const std::string &filename) const
 Gets string from a file.
virtual void getStringFromFile (const std::string &path, std::function< void(std::string)> callback) const
 Gets string from a file, async off the main cocos thread. More...
virtual Data getDataFromFile (const std::string &filename) const
 Creates binary data from a file. More...
virtual void getDataFromFile (const std::string &filename, std::function< void(Data)> callback) const
 Gets a binary data object from a file, async off the main cocos thread. More...
template<typename T , typename Enable = typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< ResizableBuffer, ResizableBufferAdapter<T> >::value >::type>
Status getContents (const std::string &filename, T *buffer) const
 Gets whole file contents as string from a file. More...
virtual unsigned char * getFileDataFromZip (const std::string &zipFilePath, const std::string &filename, ssize_t *size) const
 Gets resource file data from a zip file. More...
virtual std::string fullPathForFilename (const std::string &filename) const
 Returns the fullpath for a given filename. More...
virtual void loadFilenameLookupDictionaryFromFile (const std::string &filename)
 Loads the filenameLookup dictionary from the contents of a filename. More...
virtual void setFilenameLookupDictionary (const ValueMap &filenameLookupDict)
 Sets the filenameLookup dictionary. More...
virtual std::string fullPathFromRelativeFile (const std::string &filename, const std::string &relativeFile) const
 Gets full path from a file name and the path of the relative file. More...
virtual void setSearchResolutionsOrder (const std::vector< std::string > &searchResolutionsOrder)
 Sets the array that contains the search order of the resources. More...
virtual void addSearchResolutionsOrder (const std::string &order, const bool front=false)
 Append search order of the resources. More...
virtual const std::vector< std::string > getSearchResolutionsOrder () const
 Gets the array that contains the search order of the resources. More...
virtual void setSearchPaths (const std::vector< std::string > &searchPaths)
 Sets the array of search paths. More...
const std::string getDefaultResourceRootPath () const
 Get default resource root path.
void setDefaultResourceRootPath (const std::string &path)
 Set default resource root path.
void addSearchPath (const std::string &path, const bool front=false)
 Add search path. More...
virtual const std::vector< std::string > getSearchPaths () const
 Gets the array of search paths. More...
virtual const std::vector< std::string > getOriginalSearchPaths () const
 Gets the original search path array set by 'setSearchPaths' or 'addSearchPath'. More...
virtual std::string getWritablePath () const =0
 Gets the writable path. More...
virtual void setWritablePath (const std::string &writablePath)
 Sets writable path.
virtual void setPopupNotify (bool notify)
 Sets whether to pop-up a message box when failed to load an image.
virtual bool isPopupNotify () const
 Checks whether to pop up a message box when failed to load an image. More...
virtual ValueMap getValueMapFromFile (const std::string &filename) const
 Converts the contents of a file to a ValueMap. More...
virtual ValueMap getValueMapFromData (const char *filedata, int filesize) const
 Converts the contents of a file to a ValueMap. More...
virtual bool writeToFile (const ValueMap &dict, const std::string &fullPath) const
 write a ValueMap into a plist file More...
virtual bool writeStringToFile (const std::string &dataStr, const std::string &fullPath) const
 write a string into a file More...
virtual void writeStringToFile (std::string dataStr, const std::string &fullPath, std::function< void(bool)> callback) const
 Write a string to a file, done async off the main cocos thread Use this function if you need file access without blocking the main thread. More...
virtual bool writeDataToFile (const Data &data, const std::string &fullPath) const
 write Data into a file More...
virtual void writeDataToFile (Data data, const std::string &fullPath, std::function< void(bool)> callback) const
 Write Data into a file, done async off the main cocos thread. More...
virtual bool writeValueMapToFile (const ValueMap &dict, const std::string &fullPath) const
 write ValueMap into a plist file More...
virtual void writeValueMapToFile (ValueMap dict, const std::string &fullPath, std::function< void(bool)> callback) const
 Write a ValueMap into a file, done async off the main cocos thread. More...
virtual bool writeValueVectorToFile (const ValueVector &vecData, const std::string &fullPath) const
 write ValueVector into a plist file More...
virtual void writeValueVectorToFile (ValueVector vecData, const std::string &fullPath, std::function< void(bool)> callback) const
 Write a ValueVector into a file, done async off the main cocos thread. More...
virtual std::string getSuitableFOpen (const std::string &filenameUtf8) const
 Windows fopen can't support UTF-8 filename Need convert all parameters fopen and other 3rd-party libs. More...
virtual bool isFileExist (const std::string &filename) const
 Checks whether a file exists. More...
virtual void isFileExist (const std::string &filename, std::function< void(bool)> callback) const
 Checks if a file exists, done async off the main cocos thread. More...
virtual std::string getFileExtension (const std::string &filePath) const
 Gets filename extension is a suffix (separated from the base filename by a dot) in lower case. More...
virtual bool isAbsolutePath (const std::string &path) const
 Checks whether the path is an absolute path. More...
virtual bool isDirectoryExist (const std::string &dirPath) const
 Checks whether the path is a directory. More...
virtual void isDirectoryExist (const std::string &fullPath, std::function< void(bool)> callback) const
 Checks whether the absoulate path is a directory, async off of the main cocos thread. More...
virtual bool createDirectory (const std::string &dirPath) const
 Creates a directory. More...
virtual void createDirectory (const std::string &dirPath, std::function< void(bool)> callback) const
 Create a directory, async off the main cocos thread. More...
virtual bool removeDirectory (const std::string &dirPath) const
 Removes a directory. More...
virtual void removeDirectory (const std::string &dirPath, std::function< void(bool)> callback) const
 Removes a directory, async off the main cocos thread. More...
virtual bool removeFile (const std::string &filepath) const
 Removes a file. More...
virtual void removeFile (const std::string &filepath, std::function< void(bool)> callback) const
 Removes a file, async off the main cocos thread. More...
virtual bool renameFile (const std::string &path, const std::string &oldname, const std::string &name) const
 Renames a file under the given directory. More...
virtual void renameFile (const std::string &path, const std::string &oldname, const std::string &name, std::function< void(bool)> callback) const
 Renames a file under the given directory, async off the main cocos thread. More...
virtual bool renameFile (const std::string &oldfullpath, const std::string &newfullpath) const
 Renames a file under the given directory. More...
virtual void renameFile (const std::string &oldfullpath, const std::string &newfullpath, std::function< void(bool)> callback) const
 Renames a file under the given directory, async off the main cocos thread. More...
virtual long getFileSize (const std::string &filepath) const
 Retrieve the file size. More...
virtual void getFileSize (const std::string &filepath, std::function< void(long)> callback) const
 Retrieve the file size, async off the main cocos thread. More...
virtual std::vector< std::string > listFiles (const std::string &dirPath) const
 List all files in a directory. More...
virtual void listFilesAsync (const std::string &dirPath, std::function< void(std::vector< std::string >)> callback) const
 List all files in a directory async, off of the main cocos thread. More...
virtual void listFilesRecursively (const std::string &dirPath, std::vector< std::string > *files) const
 List all files recursively in a directory. More...
virtual void listFilesRecursivelyAsync (const std::string &dirPath, std::function< void(std::vector< std::string >)> callback) const
 List all files recursively in a directory, async off the main cocos thread. More...
const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > getFullPathCache () const
 Returns the full path cache.
virtual std::string getNewFilename (const std::string &filename) const
 Gets the new filename from the filename lookup dictionary. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static FileUtilsgetInstance ()
 Gets the instance of FileUtils.
static void destroyInstance ()
 Destroys the instance of FileUtils.
static void setDelegate (FileUtils *delegate)
 You can inherit from platform dependent implementation of FileUtils, such as FileUtilsAndroid, and use this function to set delegate, then FileUtils will invoke delegate's implementation. More...

Detailed Description

Helper class to handle file operations.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~FileUtils()

virtual ~FileUtils ( )

The destructor of FileUtils.

@js NA @lua NA

Member Function Documentation

◆ setDelegate()

static void setDelegate ( FileUtils delegate)

You can inherit from platform dependent implementation of FileUtils, such as FileUtilsAndroid, and use this function to set delegate, then FileUtils will invoke delegate's implementation.

For example, your resources are encrypted, so you need to decrypt it after reading data from resources, then you can implement all getXXX functions, and engine will invoke your own getXX functions when reading data of resources.

If you don't want to system default implementation after setting delegate, you can just pass nullptr to this function.

It will delete previous delegate @lua NA

◆ getStringFromFile()

virtual void getStringFromFile ( const std::string &  path,
std::function< void(std::string)>  callback 
) const

Gets string from a file, async off the main cocos thread.

pathfilepath for the string to be read. Can be relative or absolute path
callbackFunction that will be called when file is read. Will be called on the main cocos thread.

◆ getDataFromFile() [1/2]

virtual Data getDataFromFile ( const std::string &  filename) const

Creates binary data from a file.

A data object.

◆ getDataFromFile() [2/2]

virtual void getDataFromFile ( const std::string &  filename,
std::function< void(Data)>  callback 
) const

Gets a binary data object from a file, async off the main cocos thread.

filenamefilepath for the data to be read. Can be relative or absolute path
callbackFunction that will be called when file is read. Will be called on the main cocos thread.

◆ getContents()

Status getContents ( const std::string &  filename,
T *  buffer 
) const

Gets whole file contents as string from a file.

Unlike getStringFromFile, these getContents methods:

  • read file in binary mode (does not convert CRLF to LF).
  • does not truncate the string when '\0' is found (returned string of getContents may have '\0' in the middle.).

The template version of can accept cocos2d::Data, std::basic_string and std::vector.

std::string sbuf;
FileUtils::getInstance()->getContents("path/to/file", &sbuf);
std::vector<int> vbuf;
FileUtils::getInstance()->getContents("path/to/file", &vbuf);
Data dbuf;
FileUtils::getInstance()->getContents("path/to/file", &dbuf);

Note: if you read to std::vector<T> and std::basic_string<T> where T is not 8 bit type, you may get 0 ~ sizeof(T)-1 bytes padding.

  • To write a new buffer class works with getContents, just extend ResizableBuffer.
  • To write a adapter for existing class, write a specialized ResizableBufferAdapter for that class, see follow code.
NS_CC_BEGIN // ResizableBufferAdapter needed in cocos2d namespace.
class ResizableBufferAdapter<AlreadyExistsBuffer> : public ResizableBuffer {
ResizableBufferAdapter(AlreadyExistsBuffer* buffer) {
// your code here
virtual void resize(size_t size) override {
// your code here
virtual void* buffer() const override {
// your code here
[in]filenameThe resource file name which contains the path.
[out]bufferThe buffer where the file contents are store to.
  • Status::OK when there is no error, the buffer is filled with the contents of file.
  • Status::NotExists when file not exists, the buffer will not changed.
  • Status::OpenFailed when cannot open file, the buffer will not changed.
  • Status::ReadFailed when read end up before read whole, the buffer will fill with already read bytes.
  • Status::NotInitialized when FileUtils is not initializes, the buffer will not changed.
  • Status::TooLarge when there file to be read is too large (> 2^32-1), the buffer will not changed.
  • Status::ObtainSizeFailed when failed to obtain the file size, the buffer will not changed.

◆ getFileDataFromZip()

virtual unsigned char* getFileDataFromZip ( const std::string &  zipFilePath,
const std::string &  filename,
ssize_t *  size 
) const

Gets resource file data from a zip file.

[in]filenameThe resource file name which contains the relative path of the zip file.
[out]sizeIf the file read operation succeeds, it will be the data size, otherwise 0.
Upon success, a pointer to the data is returned, otherwise nullptr.
Recall: you are responsible for calling free() on any Non-nullptr pointer returned.

◆ fullPathForFilename()

virtual std::string fullPathForFilename ( const std::string &  filename) const

Returns the fullpath for a given filename.

First it will try to get a new filename from the "filenameLookup" dictionary. If a new filename can't be found on the dictionary, it will use the original filename. Then it will try to obtain the full path of the filename using the FileUtils search rules: resolutions, and search paths. The file search is based on the array element order of search paths and resolution directories.

For instance:

We set two elements("/mnt/sdcard/", "internal_dir/") to search paths vector by setSearchPaths,
and set three elements("resources-ipadhd/", "resources-ipad/", "resources-iphonehd")
to resolutions vector by setSearchResolutionsOrder. The "internal_dir" is relative to "Resources/".

If we have a file named 'sprite.png', the mapping in fileLookup dictionary contains key: sprite.png -> value: sprite.pvr.gz. Firstly, it will replace 'sprite.png' with 'sprite.pvr.gz', then searching the file sprite.pvr.gz as follows:

/mnt/sdcard/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz      (if not found, search next)
/mnt/sdcard/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz        (if not found, search next)
/mnt/sdcard/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz    (if not found, search next)
/mnt/sdcard/sprite.pvr.gz                       (if not found, search next)
internal_dir/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz     (if not found, search next)
internal_dir/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz       (if not found, search next)
internal_dir/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz   (if not found, search next)
internal_dir/sprite.pvr.gz                      (if not found, return "sprite.png")

If the filename contains relative path like "gamescene/uilayer/sprite.png", and the mapping in fileLookup dictionary contains key: gamescene/uilayer/sprite.png -> value: gamescene/uilayer/sprite.pvr.gz. The file search order will be:

 /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz      (if not found, search next)
 /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz        (if not found, search next)
 /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz    (if not found, search next)
 /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/sprite.pvr.gz                       (if not found, search next)
 internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz     (if not found, search next)
 internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz       (if not found, search next)
 internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz   (if not found, search next)
 internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/sprite.pvr.gz                      (if not found, return "gamescene/uilayer/sprite.png")

If the new file can't be found on the file system, it will return the parameter filename directly.

This method was added to simplify multiplatform support. Whether you are using cocos2d-js or any cross-compilation toolchain like StellaSDK or Apportable, you might need to load different resources for a given file in the different platforms.


◆ loadFilenameLookupDictionaryFromFile()

virtual void loadFilenameLookupDictionaryFromFile ( const std::string &  filename)

Loads the filenameLookup dictionary from the contents of a filename.

The plist file name should follow the format below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
filenameThe plist file name.
v2.1 @js loadFilenameLookup @lua loadFilenameLookup

◆ setFilenameLookupDictionary()

virtual void setFilenameLookupDictionary ( const ValueMap &  filenameLookupDict)

Sets the filenameLookup dictionary.

filenameLookupDictThe dictionary for replacing filename.

◆ fullPathFromRelativeFile()

virtual std::string fullPathFromRelativeFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  relativeFile 
) const

Gets full path from a file name and the path of the relative file.

filenameThe file name.
relativeFileThe path of the relative file.
The full path. e.g. filename: hello.png, pszRelativeFile: /User/path1/path2/hello.plist Return: /User/path1/path2/hello.pvr (If there a a key(hello.png)-value(hello.pvr) in FilenameLookup dictionary. )

◆ setSearchResolutionsOrder()

virtual void setSearchResolutionsOrder ( const std::vector< std::string > &  searchResolutionsOrder)

Sets the array that contains the search order of the resources.

searchResolutionsOrderThe source array that contains the search order of the resources.
See also
getSearchResolutionsOrder(), fullPathForFilename(const char*).
v2.1 In js:var setSearchResolutionsOrder(var jsval) @lua NA

◆ addSearchResolutionsOrder()

virtual void addSearchResolutionsOrder ( const std::string &  order,
const bool  front = false 

Append search order of the resources.

See also
setSearchResolutionsOrder(), fullPathForFilename().

◆ getSearchResolutionsOrder()

virtual const std::vector<std::string> getSearchResolutionsOrder ( ) const

Gets the array that contains the search order of the resources.

See also
setSearchResolutionsOrder(const std::vector<std::string>&), fullPathForFilename(const char*).
v2.1 @lua NA

◆ setSearchPaths()

virtual void setSearchPaths ( const std::vector< std::string > &  searchPaths)

Sets the array of search paths.

You can use this array to modify the search path of the resources. If you want to use "themes" or search resources in the "cache", you can do it easily by adding new entries in this array.

This method could access relative path and absolute path. If the relative path was passed to the vector, FileUtils will add the default resource directory before the relative path. For instance: On Android, the default resource root path is "assets/". If "/mnt/sdcard/" and "resources-large" were set to the search paths vector, "resources-large" will be converted to "assets/resources-large" since it was a relative path.
searchPathsThe array contains search paths.
See also
fullPathForFilename(const char*)
v2.1 In js:var setSearchPaths(var jsval); @lua NA

◆ addSearchPath()

void addSearchPath ( const std::string &  path,
const bool  front = false 

Add search path.


◆ getSearchPaths()

virtual const std::vector<std::string> getSearchPaths ( ) const

Gets the array of search paths.

The array of search paths which may contain the prefix of default resource root path.
In best practise, getter function should return the value of setter function passes in. But since we should not break the compatibility, we keep using the old logic. Therefore, If you want to get the original search paths, please call 'getOriginalSearchPaths()' instead.
See also
fullPathForFilename(const char*). @lua NA

◆ getOriginalSearchPaths()

virtual const std::vector<std::string> getOriginalSearchPaths ( ) const

Gets the original search path array set by 'setSearchPaths' or 'addSearchPath'.

The array of the original search paths

◆ getWritablePath()

virtual std::string getWritablePath ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the writable path.

The path that can be write/read a file in

◆ isPopupNotify()

virtual bool isPopupNotify ( ) const

Checks whether to pop up a message box when failed to load an image.

True if pop up a message box when failed to load an image, false if not.

◆ getValueMapFromFile()

virtual ValueMap getValueMapFromFile ( const std::string &  filename) const

Converts the contents of a file to a ValueMap.

filenameThe filename of the file to gets content.
ValueMap of the file contents.
This method is used internally.

◆ getValueMapFromData()

virtual ValueMap getValueMapFromData ( const char *  filedata,
int  filesize 
) const

Converts the contents of a file to a ValueMap.

This method is used internally.

◆ writeToFile()

virtual bool writeToFile ( const ValueMap &  dict,
const std::string &  fullPath 
) const

write a ValueMap into a plist file

dictthe ValueMap want to save
fullPathThe full path to the file you want to save a string

◆ writeStringToFile() [1/2]

virtual bool writeStringToFile ( const std::string &  dataStr,
const std::string &  fullPath 
) const

write a string into a file

dataStrthe string want to save
fullPathThe full path to the file you want to save a string
bool True if write success

◆ writeStringToFile() [2/2]

virtual void writeStringToFile ( std::string  dataStr,
const std::string &  fullPath,
std::function< void(bool)>  callback 
) const

Write a string to a file, done async off the main cocos thread Use this function if you need file access without blocking the main thread.

This function takes a std::string by value on purpose, to leverage move sematics. If you want to avoid a copy of your datastr, use std::move/std::forward if appropriate

dataStrthe string want to save
fullPathThe full path to the file you want to save a string
callbackThe function called once the string has been written to a file. This function will be executed on the main cocos thread. It will have on boolean argument signifying if the write was successful.

◆ writeDataToFile() [1/2]

virtual bool writeDataToFile ( const Data &  data,
const std::string &  fullPath 
) const

write Data into a file

datathe data want to save
fullPathThe full path to the file you want to save a string

◆ writeDataToFile() [2/2]

virtual void writeDataToFile ( Data  data,
const std::string &  fullPath,
std::function< void(bool)>  callback 
) const

Write Data into a file, done async off the main cocos thread.

Use this function if you need to write Data while not blocking the main cocos thread.

This function takes Data by value on purpose, to leverage move sematics. If you want to avoid a copy of your data, use std::move/std::forward if appropriate

dataThe data that will be written to disk
fullPathThe absolute file path that the data will be written to
callbackThe function that will be called when data is written to disk. This function will be executed on the main cocos thread. It will have on boolean argument signifying if the write was successful.

◆ writeValueMapToFile() [1/2]

virtual bool writeValueMapToFile ( const ValueMap &  dict,
const std::string &  fullPath 
) const

write ValueMap into a plist file

dictthe ValueMap want to save
fullPathThe full path to the file you want to save a string

◆ writeValueMapToFile() [2/2]

virtual void writeValueMapToFile ( ValueMap  dict,
const std::string &  fullPath,
std::function< void(bool)>  callback 
) const

Write a ValueMap into a file, done async off the main cocos thread.

Use this function if you need to write a ValueMap while not blocking the main cocos thread.

This function takes ValueMap by value on purpose, to leverage move sematics. If you want to avoid a copy of your dict, use std::move/std::forward if appropriate

dictThe ValueMap that will be written to disk
fullPathThe absolute file path that the data will be written to
callbackThe function that will be called when dict is written to disk. This function will be executed on the main cocos thread. It will have on boolean argument signifying if the write was successful.

◆ writeValueVectorToFile() [1/2]

virtual bool writeValueVectorToFile ( const ValueVector &  vecData,
const std::string &  fullPath 
) const

write ValueVector into a plist file

vecDatathe ValueVector want to save
fullPathThe full path to the file you want to save a string

◆ writeValueVectorToFile() [2/2]

virtual void writeValueVectorToFile ( ValueVector  vecData,
const std::string &  fullPath,
std::function< void(bool)>  callback 
) const

Write a ValueVector into a file, done async off the main cocos thread.

Use this function if you need to write a ValueVector while not blocking the main cocos thread.

This function takes ValueVector by value on purpose, to leverage move sematics. If you want to avoid a copy of your dict, use std::move/std::forward if appropriate

vecDataThe ValueVector that will be written to disk
fullPathThe absolute file path that the data will be written to
callbackThe function that will be called when vecData is written to disk. This function will be executed on the main cocos thread. It will have on boolean argument signifying if the write was successful.

◆ getSuitableFOpen()

virtual std::string getSuitableFOpen ( const std::string &  filenameUtf8) const

Windows fopen can't support UTF-8 filename Need convert all parameters fopen and other 3rd-party libs.

filenameUtf8std::string name file for conversion from utf-8
std::string ansi filename in current locale

◆ isFileExist() [1/2]

virtual bool isFileExist ( const std::string &  filename) const

Checks whether a file exists.

If a relative path was passed in, it will be inserted a default root path at the beginning.
filenameThe path of the file, it could be a relative or absolute path.
True if the file exists, false if not.

◆ isFileExist() [2/2]

virtual void isFileExist ( const std::string &  filename,
std::function< void(bool)>  callback 
) const

Checks if a file exists, done async off the main cocos thread.

Use this function if you need to check if a file exists while not blocking the main cocos thread.

If a relative path was passed in, it will be inserted a default root path at the beginning.
filenameThe path of the file, it could be a relative or absolute path.
callbackThe function that will be called when the operation is complete. Will have one boolean argument, true if the file exists, false otherwise.

◆ getFileExtension()

virtual std::string getFileExtension ( const std::string &  filePath) const

Gets filename extension is a suffix (separated from the base filename by a dot) in lower case.

Examples of filename extensions are .png, .jpeg, .exe, .dmg and .txt.

filePathThe path of the file, it could be a relative or absolute path.
suffix for filename in lower case or empty if a dot not found.

◆ isAbsolutePath()

virtual bool isAbsolutePath ( const std::string &  path) const

Checks whether the path is an absolute path.

On Android, if the parameter passed in is relative to "assets/", this method will treat it as an absolute path. Also on Blackberry, path starts with "app/native/Resources/" is treated as an absolute path.
pathThe path that needs to be checked.
True if it's an absolute path, false if not.

◆ isDirectoryExist() [1/2]

virtual bool isDirectoryExist ( const std::string &  dirPath) const

Checks whether the path is a directory.

dirPathThe path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.
True if the directory exists, false if not.

◆ isDirectoryExist() [2/2]

virtual void isDirectoryExist ( const std::string &  fullPath,
std::function< void(bool)>  callback 
) const

Checks whether the absoulate path is a directory, async off of the main cocos thread.

dirPathThe path of the directory, it must be an absolute path
callbackthat will accept a boolean, true if the file exists, false otherwise. Callback will happen on the main cocos thread.

◆ createDirectory() [1/2]

virtual bool createDirectory ( const std::string &  dirPath) const

Creates a directory.

dirPathThe path of the directory, it must be an absolute path.
True if the directory have been created successfully, false if not.

◆ createDirectory() [2/2]

virtual void createDirectory ( const std::string &  dirPath,
std::function< void(bool)>  callback 
) const

Create a directory, async off the main cocos thread.

dirPaththe path of the directory, it must be an absolute path
callbackThe function that will be called when the operation is complete. Will have one boolean argument, true if the directory was successfully, false otherwise.

◆ removeDirectory() [1/2]

virtual bool removeDirectory ( const std::string &  dirPath) const

Removes a directory.

dirPathThe full path of the directory, it must be an absolute path.
True if the directory have been removed successfully, false if not.

◆ removeDirectory() [2/2]

virtual void removeDirectory ( const std::string &  dirPath,
std::function< void(bool)>  callback 
) const

Removes a directory, async off the main cocos thread.

dirPaththe path of the directory, it must be an absolute path
callbackThe function that will be called when the operation is complete. Will have one boolean argument, true if the directory was successfully removed, false otherwise.

◆ removeFile() [1/2]

virtual bool removeFile ( const std::string &  filepath) const

Removes a file.

filepathThe full path of the file, it must be an absolute path.
True if the file have been removed successfully, false if not.

◆ removeFile() [2/2]

virtual void removeFile ( const std::string &  filepath,
std::function< void(bool)>  callback 
) const

Removes a file, async off the main cocos thread.

filepaththe path of the file to remove, it must be an absolute path
callbackThe function that will be called when the operation is complete. Will have one boolean argument, true if the file was successfully removed, false otherwise.

◆ renameFile() [1/4]

virtual bool renameFile ( const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  oldname,
const std::string &  name 
) const

Renames a file under the given directory.

pathThe parent directory path of the file, it must be an absolute path.
oldnameThe current name of the file.
nameThe new name of the file.
True if the file have been renamed successfully, false if not.

◆ renameFile() [2/4]

virtual void renameFile ( const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  oldname,
const std::string &  name,
std::function< void(bool)>  callback 
) const

Renames a file under the given directory, async off the main cocos thread.

pathThe parent directory path of the file, it must be an absolute path.
oldnameThe current name of the file.
nameThe new name of the file.
callbackThe function that will be called when the operation is complete. Will have one boolean argument, true if the file was successfully renamed, false otherwise.

◆ renameFile() [3/4]

virtual bool renameFile ( const std::string &  oldfullpath,
const std::string &  newfullpath 
) const

Renames a file under the given directory.

oldfullpathThe current fullpath of the file. Includes path and name.
newfullpathThe new fullpath of the file. Includes path and name.
True if the file have been renamed successfully, false if not.

◆ renameFile() [4/4]

virtual void renameFile ( const std::string &  oldfullpath,
const std::string &  newfullpath,
std::function< void(bool)>  callback 
) const

Renames a file under the given directory, async off the main cocos thread.

oldfullpathThe current fullpath of the file. Includes path and name.
newfullpathThe new fullpath of the file. Includes path and name.
callbackThe function that will be called when the operation is complete. Will have one boolean argument, true if the file was successfully renamed, false otherwise.

◆ getFileSize() [1/2]

virtual long getFileSize ( const std::string &  filepath) const

Retrieve the file size.

If a relative path was passed in, it will be inserted a default root path at the beginning.
filepathThe path of the file, it could be a relative or absolute path.
The file size.

◆ getFileSize() [2/2]

virtual void getFileSize ( const std::string &  filepath,
std::function< void(long)>  callback 
) const

Retrieve the file size, async off the main cocos thread.

If a relative path was passed in, it will be inserted a default root path at the beginning.
filepathThe path of the file, it could be a relative or absolute path.
callbackThe function that will be called when the operation is complete. Will have one long argument, the file size.

◆ listFiles()

virtual std::vector<std::string> listFiles ( const std::string &  dirPath) const

List all files in a directory.

dirPathThe path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.
File paths in a string vector

◆ listFilesAsync()

virtual void listFilesAsync ( const std::string &  dirPath,
std::function< void(std::vector< std::string >   
) const

List all files in a directory async, off of the main cocos thread.

dirPathThe path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.
callbackThe callback to be called once the list operation is complete. Will be called on the main cocos thread. @js NA @lua NA

◆ listFilesRecursively()

virtual void listFilesRecursively ( const std::string &  dirPath,
std::vector< std::string > *  files 
) const

List all files recursively in a directory.

dirPathThe path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.
File paths in a string vector

◆ listFilesRecursivelyAsync()

virtual void listFilesRecursivelyAsync ( const std::string &  dirPath,
std::function< void(std::vector< std::string >   
) const

List all files recursively in a directory, async off the main cocos thread.

dirPathThe path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.
callbackThe callback to be called once the list operation is complete. Will be called on the main cocos thread. @js NA @lua NA

◆ getNewFilename()

virtual std::string getNewFilename ( const std::string &  filename) const

Gets the new filename from the filename lookup dictionary.

It is possible to have a override names.

filenameThe original filename.
The new filename after searching in the filename lookup dictionary. If the original filename wasn't in the dictionary, it will return the original filename.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
static FileUtils * getInstance()
Gets the instance of FileUtils.
Status getContents(const std::string &filename, T *buffer) const
Gets whole file contents as string from a file.
Definition: CCFileUtils.h:287