Cocos2d-x  v4
PhysicsContactPreSolve Class Reference

Presolve value generated when onContactPreSolve called. More...

Public Member Functions

float getRestitution () const
 Get restitution between two bodies.
float getFriction () const
 Get friction between two bodies.
Vec2 getSurfaceVelocity () const
 Get surface velocity between two bodies.
void setRestitution (float restitution)
 Set the restitution.
void setFriction (float friction)
 Set the friction.
void setSurfaceVelocity (const Vec2 &velocity)
 Set the surface velocity.
void ignore ()
 Ignore the rest of the contact presolve and postsolve callbacks.

Detailed Description

Presolve value generated when onContactPreSolve called.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: