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CCControlSwitch Class Reference

for Cocos2D. More...

#include <CCControlSwitch.h>

Inheritance diagram for CCControlSwitch:
CCControl CCLayerRGBA CCLayer CCRGBAProtocol CCNode CCTouchDelegate CCAccelerometerDelegate CCKeypadDelegate CCObject CCCopying

Public Member Functions

 CCControlSwitch ()
virtual ~CCControlSwitch ()
var ~CCControlSwitch ()
local ~CCControlSwitch ()
bool initWithMaskSprite (CCSprite *maskSprite, CCSprite *onSprite, CCSprite *offSprite, CCSprite *thumbSprite)
 Initializes a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite. More...
var initWithMaskSprite ( var maskSprite, var onSprite, var offSprite, var thumbSprite)
 Initializes a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite. More...
local initWithMaskSprite ( local maskSprite, local onSprite, local offSprite, local thumbSprite)
 Initializes a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite. More...
bool initWithMaskSprite (CCSprite *maskSprite, CCSprite *onSprite, CCSprite *offSprite, CCSprite *thumbSprite, CCLabelTTF *onLabel, CCLabelTTF *offLabel)
 Initializes a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states, a thumb sprite and an on/off labels. More...
void setOn (bool isOn, bool animated)
 Set the state of the switch to On or Off, optionally animating the transition. More...
void setOn (bool isOn)
bool isOn (void)
var isOn ()
local isOn ()
bool hasMoved ()
virtual void setEnabled (bool enabled)
 Tells whether the control is enabled. More...
local setEnabled ( local enabled)
 Tells whether the control is enabled. More...
CCPoint locationFromTouch (CCTouch *touch)
var locationFromTouch ( var touch)
local locationFromTouch ( local touch)
virtual bool ccTouchBegan (CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
local ccTouchBegan ( local pTouch, local pEvent)
virtual void ccTouchMoved (CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
var ccTouchMoved ( var pTouch, var pEvent)
local ccTouchMoved ( local pTouch, local pEvent)
virtual void ccTouchEnded (CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
var ccTouchEnded ( var pTouch, var pEvent)
local ccTouchEnded ( local pTouch, local pEvent)
virtual void ccTouchCancelled (CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CCControl
virtual CCControlState getState (void)
 getState More...
local getState ()
 getState More...
virtual bool isEnabled ()
virtual void setSelected (bool bSelected)
 A Boolean value that determines the control selected state. More...
var setSelected ( var bSelected)
 A Boolean value that determines the control selected state. More...
local setSelected ( local bSelected)
 A Boolean value that determines the control selected state. More...
virtual bool isSelected ()
virtual void setHighlighted (bool bHighlighted)
 A Boolean value that determines whether the control is highlighted. More...
var setHighlighted ( var bHighlighted)
 A Boolean value that determines whether the control is highlighted. More...
local setHighlighted ( local bHighlighted)
 A Boolean value that determines whether the control is highlighted. More...
virtual bool isHighlighted ()
bool hasVisibleParents ()
var hasVisibleParents ()
local hasVisibleParents ()
virtual void needsLayout ()
 Updates the control layout using its current internal state. More...
var needsLayout ()
 Updates the control layout using its current internal state. More...
local needsLayout ()
 Updates the control layout using its current internal state. More...
virtual bool isOpacityModifyRGB ()
 Returns whether or not the opacity will be applied using glColor(R,G,B,opacity) or glColor(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity) More...
local isOpacityModifyRGB ()
 Returns whether or not the opacity will be applied using glColor(R,G,B,opacity) or glColor(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity) More...
virtual void setOpacityModifyRGB (bool bOpacityModifyRGB)
 Changes the OpacityModifyRGB property. More...
local setOpacityModifyRGB ( local bOpacityModifyRGB)
 Changes the OpacityModifyRGB property. More...
 CCControl ()
virtual bool init (void)
 Initializes the instance of CCNode. More...
local init ()
 Initializes the instance of CCNode. More...
virtual ~CCControl ()
virtual void onEnter ()
 Event callback that is invoked every time when CCNode enters the 'stage'. More...
virtual void onExit ()
 Event callback that is invoked every time the CCNode leaves the 'stage'. More...
virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher ()
 If isTouchEnabled, this method is called onEnter. More...
local registerWithTouchDispatcher ()
 If isTouchEnabled, this method is called onEnter. More...
virtual void sendActionsForControlEvents (CCControlEvent controlEvents)
 Sends action messages for the given control events. More...
local sendActionsForControlEvents ( local controlEvents)
 Sends action messages for the given control events. More...
virtual void addTargetWithActionForControlEvents (CCObject *target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvents)
 Adds a target and action for a particular event (or events) to an internal dispatch table. More...
virtual void removeTargetWithActionForControlEvents (CCObject *target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvents)
 Removes a target and action for a particular event (or events) from an internal dispatch table. More...
var removeTargetWithActionForControlEvents ( var target, var action, var controlEvents)
 Removes a target and action for a particular event (or events) from an internal dispatch table. More...
local removeTargetWithActionForControlEvents ( local target, local action, local controlEvents)
 Removes a target and action for a particular event (or events) from an internal dispatch table. More...
virtual CCPoint getTouchLocation (CCTouch *touch)
 Returns a point corresponding to the touh location converted into the control space coordinates. More...
virtual bool isTouchInside (CCTouch *touch)
 Returns a boolean value that indicates whether a touch is inside the bounds of the receiver. More...
void addHandleOfControlEvent (int nFunID, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
local addHandleOfControlEvent ( local nFunID, local controlEvent)
void removeHandleOfControlEvent (CCControlEvent controlEvent)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CCLayerRGBA
 CCLayerRGBA ()
virtual ~CCLayerRGBA ()
virtual GLubyte getOpacity ()
 Returns the opacity. More...
virtual GLubyte getDisplayedOpacity ()
 Returns the displayed opacity. More...
virtual void setOpacity (GLubyte opacity)
 Changes the opacity. More...
virtual void updateDisplayedOpacity (GLubyte parentOpacity)
 recursive method that updates the displayed opacity. More...
virtual bool isCascadeOpacityEnabled ()
 whether or not opacity should be propagated to its children. More...
virtual void setCascadeOpacityEnabled (bool cascadeOpacityEnabled)
virtual const ccColor3BgetColor ()
 Returns color that is currently used. More...
virtual const ccColor3BgetDisplayedColor ()
 Returns the displayed color. More...
virtual void setColor (const ccColor3B &color)
 @ More...
virtual void updateDisplayedColor (const ccColor3B &parentColor)
 recursive method that updates display color More...
virtual bool isCascadeColorEnabled ()
 whether or not color should be propagated to its children. More...
virtual void setCascadeColorEnabled (bool cascadeColorEnabled)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CCLayer
 CCLayer ()
virtual ~CCLayer ()
virtual void onEnterTransitionDidFinish ()
 Event callback that is invoked when the CCNode enters in the 'stage'. More...
virtual void ccTouchesBegan (CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)
virtual void ccTouchesMoved (CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)
local ccTouchesMoved ( local pTouches, local pEvent)
virtual void ccTouchesEnded (CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)
local ccTouchesEnded ( local pTouches, local pEvent)
virtual void ccTouchesCancelled (CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)
local ccTouchesCancelled ( local pTouches, local pEvent)
virtual void didAccelerate (CCAcceleration *pAccelerationValue)
void registerScriptAccelerateHandler (int nHandler)
void unregisterScriptAccelerateHandler (void)
virtual void registerScriptTouchHandler (int nHandler, bool bIsMultiTouches=false, int nPriority=INT_MIN, bool bSwallowsTouches=false)
 Register script touch events handler. More...
local registerScriptTouchHandler ( local nHandler, local false, local INT_MIN, local false)
 Register script touch events handler. More...
virtual void unregisterScriptTouchHandler (void)
 Unregister script touch events handler. More...
virtual bool isTouchEnabled ()
 whether or not it will receive Touch events. More...
virtual void setTouchEnabled (bool value)
local setTouchEnabled ( local value)
virtual void setTouchMode (ccTouchesMode mode)
local setTouchMode ( local mode)
virtual int getTouchMode ()
virtual void setTouchPriority (int priority)
 priority of the touch events. More...
virtual int getTouchPriority ()
virtual bool isAccelerometerEnabled ()
whether or not it will receive Accelerometer events

You can enable / disable accelerometer events with this property. More...

virtual void setAccelerometerEnabled (bool value)
virtual void setAccelerometerInterval (double interval)
virtual bool isKeypadEnabled ()
whether or not it will receive keypad events

You can enable / disable accelerometer events with this property. More...

virtual void setKeypadEnabled (bool value)
void registerScriptKeypadHandler (int nHandler)
 Register keypad events handler. More...
void unregisterScriptKeypadHandler (void)
 Unregister keypad events handler. More...
virtual void keyBackClicked (void)
virtual void keyMenuClicked (void)
local keyMenuClicked ()
CCTouchScriptHandlerEntrygetScriptTouchHandlerEntry ()
local getScriptTouchHandlerEntry ()
CCScriptHandlerEntrygetScriptKeypadHandlerEntry ()
CCScriptHandlerEntrygetScriptAccelerateHandlerEntry ()
var getScriptAccelerateHandlerEntry ()
local getScriptAccelerateHandlerEntry ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CCNode
virtual CCCameragetCamera ()
 Returns a camera object that lets you move the node using a gluLookAt. More...
virtual bool isRunning ()
 Returns whether or not the node accepts event callbacks. More...
virtual void cleanup (void)
 Stops all running actions and schedulers. More...
virtual void draw (void)
 Override this method to draw your own node. More...
virtual void visit (void)
 Visits this node's children and draw them recursively. More...
CCRect boundingBox (void)
 Returns a "local" axis aligned bounding box of the node. More...
virtual void setZOrder (int zOrder)
 Sets the Z order which stands for the drawing order, and reorder this node in its parent's children array. More...
virtual void _setZOrder (int z)
 Sets the z order which stands for the drawing order. More...
virtual int getZOrder ()
 Gets the Z order of this node. More...
virtual void setVertexZ (float vertexZ)
 Sets the real OpenGL Z vertex. More...
virtual float getVertexZ ()
 Gets OpenGL Z vertex of this node. More...
virtual void setScaleX (float fScaleX)
 Changes the scale factor on X axis of this node. More...
virtual float getScaleX ()
 Returns the scale factor on X axis of this node. More...
virtual void setScaleY (float fScaleY)
 Changes the scale factor on Y axis of this node. More...
virtual float getScaleY ()
 Returns the scale factor on Y axis of this node. More...
virtual void setScale (float scale)
 Changes both X and Y scale factor of the node. More...
virtual float getScale ()
 Gets the scale factor of the node, when X and Y have the same scale factor. More...
virtual void setScale (float fScaleX, float fScaleY)
 Changes both X and Y scale factor of the node. More...
virtual void setPosition (const CCPoint &position)
 Changes the position (x,y) of the node in OpenGL coordinates. More...
virtual const CCPointgetPosition ()
 Gets the position (x,y) of the node in OpenGL coordinates. More...
virtual void setPosition (float x, float y)
 Sets position in a more efficient way. More...
virtual void getPosition (float *x, float *y)
 Gets position in a more efficient way, returns two number instead of a CCPoint object. More...
virtual void setPositionX (float x)
 Gets/Sets x or y coordinate individually for position. More...
virtual float getPositionX (void)
virtual void setPositionY (float y)
virtual float getPositionY (void)
virtual void setSkewX (float fSkewX)
 Changes the X skew angle of the node in degrees. More...
virtual float getSkewX ()
 Returns the X skew angle of the node in degrees. More...
virtual void setSkewY (float fSkewY)
 Changes the Y skew angle of the node in degrees. More...
virtual float getSkewY ()
 Returns the Y skew angle of the node in degrees. More...
virtual void setAnchorPoint (const CCPoint &anchorPoint)
 Sets the anchor point in percent. More...
virtual const CCPointgetAnchorPoint ()
 Returns the anchor point in percent. More...
virtual const CCPointgetAnchorPointInPoints ()
 Returns the anchorPoint in absolute pixels. More...
virtual void setContentSize (const CCSize &contentSize)
 Sets the untransformed size of the node. More...
virtual const CCSizegetContentSize () const
 Returns the untransformed size of the node. More...
virtual void setVisible (bool visible)
 Sets whether the node is visible. More...
virtual bool isVisible ()
 Determines if the node is visible. More...
virtual void setRotation (float fRotation)
 Sets the rotation (angle) of the node in degrees. More...
virtual float getRotation ()
 Returns the rotation of the node in degrees. More...
virtual void setRotationX (float fRotaionX)
 Sets the X rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew. More...
virtual float getRotationX ()
 Gets the X rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a horizontal rotation skew. More...
virtual void setRotationY (float fRotationY)
 Sets the Y rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More...
virtual float getRotationY ()
 Gets the Y rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More...
virtual void setOrderOfArrival (unsigned int uOrderOfArrival)
 Sets the arrival order when this node has a same ZOrder with other children. More...
virtual unsigned int getOrderOfArrival ()
 Returns the arrival order, indecates which children is added previously. More...
virtual void setGLServerState (ccGLServerState glServerState)
 Sets the state of OpenGL server side. More...
virtual ccGLServerState getGLServerState ()
 Returns the state of OpenGL server side. More...
virtual void ignoreAnchorPointForPosition (bool ignore)
 Sets whether the anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node. More...
virtual bool isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition ()
 Gets whether the anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node. More...
virtual void addChild (CCNode *child)
 Adds a child to the container with z-order as 0. More...
virtual void addChild (CCNode *child, int zOrder)
 Adds a child to the container with a z-order. More...
virtual void addChild (CCNode *child, int zOrder, int tag)
 Adds a child to the container with z order and tag. More...
CCNodegetChildByTag (int tag)
 Gets a child from the container with its tag. More...
virtual CCArraygetChildren ()
 Return an array of children. More...
unsigned int getChildrenCount (void) const
 Get the amount of children. More...
virtual void setParent (CCNode *parent)
 Sets the parent node. More...
virtual CCNodegetParent ()
 Returns a pointer to the parent node. More...
virtual void removeFromParent ()
 Removes this node itself from its parent node with a cleanup. More...
virtual void removeFromParentAndCleanup (bool cleanup)
 Removes this node itself from its parent node. More...
virtual void removeChild (CCNode *child)
 Removes a child from the container with a cleanup. More...
virtual void removeChild (CCNode *child, bool cleanup)
 Removes a child from the container. More...
virtual void removeChildByTag (int tag)
 Removes a child from the container by tag value with a cleanup. More...
virtual void removeChildByTag (int tag, bool cleanup)
 Removes a child from the container by tag value. More...
virtual void removeAllChildren ()
 Removes all children from the container with a cleanup. More...
virtual void removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (bool cleanup)
 Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter. More...
virtual void reorderChild (CCNode *child, int zOrder)
 Reorders a child according to a new z value. More...
virtual void sortAllChildren ()
 Sorts the children array once before drawing, instead of every time when a child is added or reordered. More...
virtual CCGridBasegetGrid ()
 Returns a grid object that is used when applying effects. More...
virtual void setGrid (CCGridBase *pGrid)
 Changes a grid object that is used when applying effects. More...
virtual int getTag () const
 Returns a tag that is used to identify the node easily. More...
virtual void setTag (int nTag)
 Changes the tag that is used to identify the node easily. More...
virtual void * getUserData ()
 Returns a custom user data pointer. More...
virtual void setUserData (void *pUserData)
 Sets a custom user data pointer. More...
virtual CCObjectgetUserObject ()
 Returns a user assigned CCObject. More...
virtual void setUserObject (CCObject *pUserObject)
 Returns a user assigned CCObject. More...
virtual CCGLProgramgetShaderProgram ()
 Return the shader program currently used for this node. More...
virtual void setShaderProgram (CCGLProgram *pShaderProgram)
 Sets the shader program for this node. More...
virtual void registerScriptHandler (int handler)
 Registers a script function that will be called in onEnter() & onExit() seires functions. More...
virtual void unregisterScriptHandler (void)
 Unregisters a script function that will be called in onEnter() & onExit() series functions. More...
int getScriptHandler ()
 Gets script handler for onEnter/onExit event. More...
void scheduleUpdateWithPriorityLua (int nHandler, int priority)
 Schedules for lua script. More...
virtual void onExitTransitionDidStart ()
 Event callback that is called every time the CCNode leaves the 'stage'. More...
virtual void setActionManager (CCActionManager *actionManager)
 Sets the CCActionManager object that is used by all actions. More...
virtual CCActionManagergetActionManager ()
 Gets the CCActionManager object that is used by all actions. More...
CCActionrunAction (CCAction *action)
 Executes an action, and returns the action that is executed. More...
void stopAllActions (void)
 Stops and removes all actions from the running action list . More...
void stopAction (CCAction *action)
 Stops and removes an action from the running action list. More...
void stopActionByTag (int tag)
 Removes an action from the running action list by its tag. More...
CCActiongetActionByTag (int tag)
 Gets an action from the running action list by its tag. More...
unsigned int numberOfRunningActions (void)
 Returns the numbers of actions that are running plus the ones that are schedule to run (actions in actionsToAdd and actions arrays). More...
virtual void setScheduler (CCScheduler *scheduler)
 Sets a CCScheduler object that is used to schedule all "updates" and timers. More...
virtual CCSchedulergetScheduler ()
 Gets a CCSheduler object. More...
bool isScheduled (SEL_SCHEDULE selector)
 Checks whether a selector is scheduled. More...
void scheduleUpdate (void)
 Schedules the "update" method. More...
void scheduleUpdateWithPriority (int priority)
 Schedules the "update" method with a custom priority. More...
void unscheduleUpdate (void)
void schedule (SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float interval, unsigned int repeat, float delay)
 Schedules a custom selector. More...
void schedule (SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float interval)
 Schedules a custom selector with an interval time in seconds. More...
void scheduleOnce (SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float delay)
 Schedules a selector that runs only once, with a delay of 0 or larger. More...
void schedule (SEL_SCHEDULE selector)
 Schedules a custom selector, the scheduled selector will be ticked every frame. More...
void unschedule (SEL_SCHEDULE selector)
 Unschedules a custom selector. More...
void unscheduleAllSelectors (void)
 Unschedule all scheduled selectors: custom selectors, and the 'update' selector. More...
void resumeSchedulerAndActions (void)
 Resumes all scheduled selectors and actions. More...
void pauseSchedulerAndActions (void)
 Pauses all scheduled selectors and actions. More...
virtual void update (float delta)
void transform (void)
 Performs OpenGL view-matrix transformation based on position, scale, rotation and other attributes. More...
void transformAncestors (void)
 Performs OpenGL view-matrix transformation of it's ancestors. More...
virtual void updateTransform (void)
 Calls children's updateTransform() method recursively. More...
virtual CCAffineTransform nodeToParentTransform (void)
 Returns the matrix that transform the node's (local) space coordinates into the parent's space coordinates. More...
virtual CCAffineTransform parentToNodeTransform (void)
 Returns the matrix that transform parent's space coordinates to the node's (local) space coordinates. More...
virtual CCAffineTransform nodeToWorldTransform (void)
 Returns the world affine transform matrix. More...
virtual CCAffineTransform worldToNodeTransform (void)
 Returns the inverse world affine transform matrix. More...
CCPoint convertToNodeSpace (const CCPoint &worldPoint)
 Converts a Point to node (local) space coordinates. More...
CCPoint convertToWorldSpace (const CCPoint &nodePoint)
 Converts a Point to world space coordinates. More...
CCPoint convertToNodeSpaceAR (const CCPoint &worldPoint)
 Converts a Point to node (local) space coordinates. More...
CCPoint convertToWorldSpaceAR (const CCPoint &nodePoint)
 Converts a local Point to world space coordinates.The result is in Points. More...
CCPoint convertTouchToNodeSpace (CCTouch *touch)
 convenience methods which take a CCTouch instead of CCPoint More...
CCPoint convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR (CCTouch *touch)
 converts a CCTouch (world coordinates) into a local coordinate. More...
void setAdditionalTransform (const CCAffineTransform &additionalTransform)
 Sets the additional transform. More...
CCComponentgetComponent (const char *pName) const
 gets a component by its name More...
virtual bool addComponent (CCComponent *pComponent)
 adds a component More...
virtual bool removeComponent (const char *pName)
 removes a component by its name More...
virtual void removeAllComponents ()
 removes all components More...
 CCNode (void)
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~CCNode (void)
 Default destructor. More...
const char * description (void)
 Gets the description string. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CCObject
 CCObject (void)
virtual ~CCObject (void)
void release (void)
void retain (void)
CCObjectautorelease (void)
CCObjectcopy (void)
bool isSingleReference (void) const
unsigned int retainCount (void) const
virtual bool isEqual (const CCObject *pObject)
virtual void acceptVisitor (CCDataVisitor &visitor)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CCCopying
virtual CCObjectcopyWithZone (CCZone *pZone)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CCTouchDelegate
 CCTouchDelegate ()
virtual ~CCTouchDelegate ()

Static Public Member Functions

static CCControlSwitchcreate (CCSprite *maskSprite, CCSprite *onSprite, CCSprite *offSprite, CCSprite *thumbSprite)
 Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite. More...
local create ( local maskSprite, local onSprite, local offSprite, local thumbSprite)
 Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite. More...
static CCControlSwitchcreate (CCSprite *maskSprite, CCSprite *onSprite, CCSprite *offSprite, CCSprite *thumbSprite, CCLabelTTF *onLabel, CCLabelTTF *offLabel)
 Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states, a thumb sprite and an on/off labels. More...
local create ( local maskSprite, local onSprite, local offSprite, local thumbSprite, local onLabel, local offLabel)
 Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states, a thumb sprite and an on/off labels. More...

Protected Attributes

CCControlSwitchSprite * m_pSwitchSprite
 Sprite which represents the view. More...
float m_fInitialTouchXPosition
bool m_bMoved
bool m_bOn
 A Boolean value that determines the off/on state of the switch. More...
var m_bOn
 A Boolean value that determines the off/on state of the switch. More...
local m_bOn
 A Boolean value that determines the off/on state of the switch. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from CCControl
CCControlState m_eState
 The current control state constant. More...
var m_eState
 The current control state constant. More...
local m_eState
 The current control state constant. More...
bool m_hasVisibleParents
 True if all of the controls parents are visible. More...
bool m_bEnabled
bool m_bSelected
var m_bSelected
local m_bSelected
bool m_bHighlighted
var m_bHighlighted
local m_bHighlighted
 Table of connection between the CCControlEvents and their associated target-actions pairs. More...
var m_pDispatchTable
 Table of connection between the CCControlEvents and their associated target-actions pairs. More...
local m_pDispatchTable
 Table of connection between the CCControlEvents and their associated target-actions pairs. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from CCLayerRGBA
GLubyte _displayedOpacity
GLubyte _realOpacity
ccColor3B _displayedColor
ccColor3B _realColor
bool _cascadeOpacityEnabled
bool _cascadeColorEnabled
- Protected Attributes inherited from CCLayer
bool m_bTouchEnabled
bool m_bAccelerometerEnabled
var m_bAccelerometerEnabled
local m_bAccelerometerEnabled
bool m_bKeypadEnabled
var m_bKeypadEnabled
local m_bKeypadEnabled
- Protected Attributes inherited from CCNode
float m_fRotationX
 rotation angle on x-axis More...
float m_fRotationY
 rotation angle on y-axis More...
float m_fScaleX
 scaling factor on x-axis More...
float m_fScaleY
 scaling factor on y-axis More...
float m_fVertexZ
 OpenGL real Z vertex. More...
CCPoint m_obPosition
 position of the node More...
float m_fSkewX
 skew angle on x-axis More...
float m_fSkewY
 skew angle on y-axis More...
CCPoint m_obAnchorPointInPoints
 anchor point in points More...
CCPoint m_obAnchorPoint
 anchor point normalized (NOT in points) More...
CCSize m_obContentSize
 untransformed size of the node More...
CCAffineTransform m_sAdditionalTransform
 transform More...
CCAffineTransform m_sTransform
 transform More...
CCAffineTransform m_sInverse
 transform More...
 a camera More...
 a grid More...
int m_nZOrder
 z-order value that affects the draw order More...
 array of children nodes More...
 weak reference to parent node More...
int m_nTag
 a tag. Can be any number you assigned just to identify this node More...
void * m_pUserData
 A user assingned void pointer, Can be point to any cpp object. More...
 A user assigned CCObject. More...
 OpenGL shader. More...
ccGLServerState m_eGLServerState
 OpenGL servier side state. More...
unsigned int m_uOrderOfArrival
 used to preserve sequence while sorting children with the same zOrder More...
 scheduler used to schedule timers and updates More...
 a pointer to ActionManager singleton, which is used to handle all the actions More...
bool m_bRunning
 is running More...
bool m_bTransformDirty
 transform dirty flag More...
bool m_bInverseDirty
 transform dirty flag More...
bool m_bAdditionalTransformDirty
 The flag to check whether the additional transform is dirty. More...
bool m_bVisible
 is this node visible More...
bool m_bIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition
 true if the Anchor Point will be (0,0) when you position the CCNode, false otherwise. More...
bool m_bReorderChildDirty
 children order dirty flag More...
int m_nScriptHandler
 script handler for onEnter() & onExit(), used in Javascript binding and Lua binding. More...
int m_nUpdateScriptHandler
 script handler for update() callback per frame, which is invoked from lua & javascript. More...
ccScriptType m_eScriptType
 type of script binding, lua or javascript More...
 Dictionary of components. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from CCObject
unsigned int m_uReference
unsigned int m_uAutoReleaseCount

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from CCObject
unsigned int m_uID
int m_nLuaID
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CCControl
CCInvocationinvocationWithTargetAndActionForControlEvent (CCObject *target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
 Returns an CCInvocation object able to construct messages using a given target-action pair. More...
var invocationWithTargetAndActionForControlEvent ( var target, var action, var controlEvent)
 Returns an CCInvocation object able to construct messages using a given target-action pair. More...
local invocationWithTargetAndActionForControlEvent ( local target, local action, local controlEvent)
 Returns an CCInvocation object able to construct messages using a given target-action pair. More...
CCArraydispatchListforControlEvent (CCControlEvent controlEvent)
 Returns the CCInvocation list for the given control event. More...
void addTargetWithActionForControlEvent (CCObject *target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
 Adds a target and action for a particular event to an internal dispatch table. More...
void removeTargetWithActionForControlEvent (CCObject *target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
 Removes a target and action for a particular event from an internal dispatch table. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from CCControl
static CCControlcreate ()

Detailed Description

for Cocos2D.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

var CCControlSwitch ( )
local CCControlSwitch ( )
virtual ~CCControlSwitch ( )
var ~CCControlSwitch ( )
local ~CCControlSwitch ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool ccTouchBegan ( CCTouch pTouch,
CCEvent pEvent 

Reimplemented from CCLayer.

var ccTouchBegan ( var  pTouch,
var  pEvent 

Reimplemented from CCLayer.

local ccTouchBegan ( local  pTouch,
local  pEvent 

Reimplemented from CCLayer.

virtual void ccTouchCancelled ( CCTouch pTouch,
CCEvent pEvent 

Reimplemented from CCLayer.

var ccTouchCancelled ( var  pTouch,
var  pEvent 

Reimplemented from CCLayer.

local ccTouchCancelled ( local  pTouch,
local  pEvent 

Reimplemented from CCLayer.

virtual void ccTouchEnded ( CCTouch pTouch,
CCEvent pEvent 

Reimplemented from CCLayer.

var ccTouchEnded ( var  pTouch,
var  pEvent 

Reimplemented from CCLayer.

local ccTouchEnded ( local  pTouch,
local  pEvent 

Reimplemented from CCLayer.

virtual void ccTouchMoved ( CCTouch pTouch,
CCEvent pEvent 

Reimplemented from CCLayer.

var ccTouchMoved ( var  pTouch,
var  pEvent 

Reimplemented from CCLayer.

local ccTouchMoved ( local  pTouch,
local  pEvent 

Reimplemented from CCLayer.

static CCControlSwitch* create ( CCSprite maskSprite,
CCSprite onSprite,
CCSprite offSprite,
CCSprite thumbSprite 

Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite.

var create ( var  maskSprite,
var  onSprite,
var  offSprite,
var  thumbSprite 

Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite.

local create ( local  maskSprite,
local  onSprite,
local  offSprite,
local  thumbSprite 

Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite.

static CCControlSwitch* create ( CCSprite maskSprite,
CCSprite onSprite,
CCSprite offSprite,
CCSprite thumbSprite,
CCLabelTTF onLabel,
CCLabelTTF offLabel 

Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states, a thumb sprite and an on/off labels.

var create ( var  maskSprite,
var  onSprite,
var  offSprite,
var  thumbSprite,
var  onLabel,
var  offLabel 

Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states, a thumb sprite and an on/off labels.

local create ( local  maskSprite,
local  onSprite,
local  offSprite,
local  thumbSprite,
local  onLabel,
local  offLabel 

Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states, a thumb sprite and an on/off labels.

bool hasMoved ( )
var hasMoved ( )
local hasMoved ( )
bool initWithMaskSprite ( CCSprite maskSprite,
CCSprite onSprite,
CCSprite offSprite,
CCSprite thumbSprite 

Initializes a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite.

var initWithMaskSprite ( var  maskSprite,
var  onSprite,
var  offSprite,
var  thumbSprite 

Initializes a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite.

local initWithMaskSprite ( local  maskSprite,
local  onSprite,
local  offSprite,
local  thumbSprite 

Initializes a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite.

bool initWithMaskSprite ( CCSprite maskSprite,
CCSprite onSprite,
CCSprite offSprite,
CCSprite thumbSprite,
CCLabelTTF onLabel,
CCLabelTTF offLabel 

Initializes a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states, a thumb sprite and an on/off labels.

var initWithMaskSprite ( var  maskSprite,
var  onSprite,
var  offSprite,
var  thumbSprite,
var  onLabel,
var  offLabel 

Initializes a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states, a thumb sprite and an on/off labels.

local initWithMaskSprite ( local  maskSprite,
local  onSprite,
local  offSprite,
local  thumbSprite,
local  onLabel,
local  offLabel 

Initializes a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states, a thumb sprite and an on/off labels.

bool isOn ( void  )
var isOn (   )
local isOn (   )
CCPoint locationFromTouch ( CCTouch touch)
var locationFromTouch ( var  touch)
local locationFromTouch ( local  touch)
virtual void setEnabled ( bool  bEnabled)

Tells whether the control is enabled.

Reimplemented from CCControl.

var setEnabled ( var  bEnabled)

Tells whether the control is enabled.

Reimplemented from CCControl.

local setEnabled ( local  bEnabled)

Tells whether the control is enabled.

Reimplemented from CCControl.

void setOn ( bool  isOn,
bool  animated 

Set the state of the switch to On or Off, optionally animating the transition.

isOnYES if the switch should be turned to the On position; NO if it should be turned to the Off position. If the switch is already in the designated position, nothing happens.
animatedYES to animate the "flipping" of the switch; otherwise NO.
var setOn ( var  isOn,
var  animated 

Set the state of the switch to On or Off, optionally animating the transition.

isOnYES if the switch should be turned to the On position; NO if it should be turned to the Off position. If the switch is already in the designated position, nothing happens.
animatedYES to animate the "flipping" of the switch; otherwise NO.
local setOn ( local  isOn,
local  animated 

Set the state of the switch to On or Off, optionally animating the transition.

isOnYES if the switch should be turned to the On position; NO if it should be turned to the Off position. If the switch is already in the designated position, nothing happens.
animatedYES to animate the "flipping" of the switch; otherwise NO.
void setOn ( bool  isOn)
var setOn ( var  isOn)
local setOn ( local  isOn)

Member Data Documentation

bool m_bMoved
var m_bMoved
local m_bMoved
bool m_bOn

A Boolean value that determines the off/on state of the switch.

var m_bOn

A Boolean value that determines the off/on state of the switch.

local m_bOn

A Boolean value that determines the off/on state of the switch.

float m_fInitialTouchXPosition
var m_fInitialTouchXPosition
local m_fInitialTouchXPosition

Sprite which represents the view.

var m_pSwitchSprite

Sprite which represents the view.

local m_pSwitchSprite

Sprite which represents the view.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: