Class cc.MenuItemImage

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
cc.MenuItemImage(normalImage, selectedImage, disabledImage, callback, target)
cc.MenuItemImage accepts images as items.

Method Summary

Class Detail

cc.MenuItemImage(normalImage, selectedImage, disabledImage, callback, target)
cc.MenuItemImage accepts images as items.
The images has 3 different states:
- unselected image
- selected image
- disabled image

For best results try that all images are of the same size
var menuItem = new cc.MenuItemImage(normalImage, selectedImage, three, four, five);
{string|null} normalImage
{string|null} selectedImage
{string|null} disabledImage
{function|string|null} callback
{cc.Node|null} target

Method Detail

  • <static> {cc.MenuItemImage} cc.MenuItemImage.create(normalImage, selectedImage, three, four, five)
    creates a new menu item image
    // Example
    //create a dom menu item with normal and selected state, when clicked it will run the run function from gameScene object
    var item = cc.MenuItemImage.create('normal.png', 'selected.png', 'run', gameScene)
    //same as above, but pass in the actual function and disabled image
    var item = cc.MenuItemImage.create('normal.png', 'selected.png', 'disabled.png',, gameScene)
    {String} normalImage
    file name for normal state
    {String} selectedImage
    image for selected state
    {String|cc.Node} three
    Disabled image OR callback function
    {String|function|Null} four Optional
    callback function, either name in string or pass the whole function OR the target
    {cc.Node|String|function|Null} five Optional
    cc.Node target to run callback when clicked
    since v3.0, please use new cc.MenuItemImage(normalImage, selectedImage, three, four, five) instead.
  • ctor(normalImage, selectedImage, disabledImage, callback, target)
    Constructor of cc.MenuItemImage
    {string|null} normalImage
    {string|null} selectedImage
    {string|null} disabledImage
    {function|string|null} callback
    {cc.Node|null} target
  • {boolean} initWithNormalImage(normalImage, selectedImage, disabledImage, callback, target)
    initializes a cc.MenuItemImage
    {string|null} normalImage
    {string|null} selectedImage
    {string|null} disabledImage
    {function|string|null} callback
    {cc.Node|null} target
  • setDisabledSpriteFrame(frame)
    sets the sprite frame for the disabled image
    {cc.SpriteFrame} frame
  • setNormalSpriteFrame(frame)
    sets the sprite frame for the normal image
    {cc.SpriteFrame} frame
  • setSelectedSpriteFrame(frame)
    sets the sprite frame for the selected image
    {cc.SpriteFrame} frame