Class cc.Menu

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Features and Limitation:
- You can add MenuItem objects in runtime using addChild:
- But the only accepted children are MenuItem objects

Method Summary

Class Detail


Features and Limitation:
- You can add MenuItem objects in runtime using addChild:
- But the only accepted children are MenuItem objects

var layer = new cc.Menu(menuitem1, menuitem2, menuitem3);
{|null} menuItems}

Method Detail

  • addChild(child, zOrder, tag)
    add a child for cc.Menu
    {cc.Node} child
    {Number|Null} zOrder Optional
    zOrder for the child
    {Number|Null} tag Optional
    tag for the child
  • alignItemsHorizontally()
    align items horizontally with default padding
  • alignItemsHorizontallyWithPadding(padding)
    align items horizontally with specified padding
    {Number} padding
  • alignItemsInColumns()
    align items in columns
    // Example
    menu.alignItemsInColumns(3,2,3)// this will create 3 columns, with 3 items for first column, 2 items for second and 3 for third
    menu.alignItemsInColumns(3,3)//this creates 2 columns, each have 3 items
  • alignItemsInRows()
    align menu items in rows
    // Example
    menu.alignItemsInRows(5,3)//this will align items to 2 rows, first row with 5 items, second row with 3
    menu.alignItemsInRows(4,4,4,4)//this creates 4 rows each have 4 items
  • alignItemsVertically()
    align items vertically with default padding
  • alignItemsVerticallyWithPadding(padding)
    align items vertically with specified padding
    {Number} padding
  • <static> {cc.Menu} cc.Menu.create(menuItems)
    create a new menu
    // Example
    //there is no limit on how many menu item you can pass in
    var myMenu = cc.Menu.create(menuitem1, menuitem2, menuitem3);
    {|null} menuItems
    since v3.0, please use new cc.Menu(menuitem1, menuitem2, menuitem3) to create a new menu
  • ctor(menuItems)
    Constructor of cc.Menu override it to extend the construction behavior, remember to call "this._super()" in the extended "ctor" function.
    {|null} menuItems
  • {Boolean} initWithArray(array)
    initializes a cc.Menu with a Array of cc.MenuItem objects
    {Array} array
    Of cc.MenuItem Items
  • {Boolean} initWithItems(args)
    initializes a cc.Menu with it's items
    {Array} args
  • {Boolean} isEnabled()
    return whether or not the menu will receive events
  • {boolean} isOpacityModifyRGB()
    only use for jsbinding
  • onEnter()

    Event callback that is invoked every time when CCMenu enters the 'stage'.
    If the CCMenu enters the 'stage' with a transition, this event is called when the transition starts.
    During onEnter you can't access a "sister/brother" node.
    If you override onEnter, you must call its parent's onEnter function with this._super().

  • onExit()

    callback that is called every time the cc.Menu leaves the 'stage'.
    If the cc.Menu leaves the 'stage' with a transition, this callback is called when the transition finishes.
    During onExit you can't access a sibling node.
    If you override onExit, you shall call its parent's onExit with this._super().

  • removeChild(child, cleanup)
    remove a child from cc.Menu
    {cc.Node} child
    the child you want to remove
    {boolean} cleanup
    whether to cleanup
  • setEnabled(enabled)
    set whether or not the menu will receive events
    {Boolean} enabled
  • setOpacityModifyRGB(value)
    only use for jsbinding