Class cc.DrawNodeCanvas

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

CCDrawNode for Canvas
Node that draws dots, segments and polygons.

Method Summary

Class Detail


CCDrawNode for Canvas
Node that draws dots, segments and polygons.
Faster than the "drawing primitives" since they it draws everything in one single batch.

Method Detail

  • clear()
    Clear the geometry in the node's buffer.
  • drawDot(pos, radius, color)
    draw a dot at a position, with a given radius and color
    {cc.Point} pos
    {Number} radius
    {cc.Color4F} color
  • drawPoly(verts, fillColor, borderWidth, borderColor)
    draw a polygon with a fill color and line color
    {Array} verts
    {cc.Color4F} fillColor
    {Number} borderWidth
    {cc.Color4F} borderColor
  • drawSegment(from, to, radius, color)
    draw a segment with a radius and color
    {cc.Point} from
    {cc.Point} to
    {Number} radius
    {cc.Color4F} color